Did you get vaccinated yet?

Feeling fine the day after second shot. Arm is more sore than the first time for some reason, but no fever, chills, headaches or any of that. Maybe a little more tired than usual. Still taking the day off because...why the hell not? Wife seems back to normal two days removed from her second dose.
I truly believe your first sentence in this post was/is the mic drop moment. Iā€™m vaccinated, youā€™re not, we both made very personal decisions, and it ends there. I choose to drink beer with the absolute knowledge that over time, it is bad for me, but itā€™s my choice. Some people choose to do drugs (some legal, some not) , overeat, smoke, binge drink....all of which are their personal choices, and I have no business trying to alter their decision making. As long as what they choose to do doesnā€™t impact my life, I donā€™t give a šŸ’© that they are playing with and let live, do no harm.
Itā€™s a shame this isnā€™t the majority thinking.
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Looks like there will be at least annual boosters associated with the vaccine according to Pfizer, with moderna hoping to put flu/covid into a single shot annually.
Second shot this past Tuesday. Pfizer. Pretty much knocked me out for 24 hours. Tired. Achy. Slept really good though. And after the 24 hours I got out of bed and drove 1200 miles in 28 hours to start our family road trip.
So if possible, take the day after off to rest.
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Second shot this past Tuesday. Pfizer. Pretty much knocked me out for 24 hours. Tired. Achy. Slept really good though. And after the 24 hours I got out of bed and drove 1200 miles in 28 hours to start our family road trip.
So if possible, take the day after off to rest.

Have a great trip...
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