Question for Left Lane Drivers


Seminole Insider
Oct 20, 2002
Why, for the love of all that is pure and holy, do you insist on driving 60MPH in the left lane (when the posted limit is 70MPH), then feel obligated to speed up when I attempt to pass you only to slow back down once you're parallel to a vehicle in the right lane....then set your cruise-control permanently to the speed of the car you're adjacent to? Why....why do you do this!?!?

Is it intentional? Does this make you feel empowered? Do you feel a sense of camaraderie when you join up with another slow driver? Is this per-coordinated? Why? WHY!? WHY!!?? If you enjoy driving TEN miles per hour under the limit, I am fine and dandy with it...just do it in the designated lane AND don't go out of your way to prevent me (and the 2-mile long line of drivers accumulating behind me) from at least driving up and to the posted limit.

At least I now know how I will leave this will be from a prison shank after I kill one you. :mad:






ME 95% of my day:

ME after being behind one of "You People":
If I'm going 80 in a 70 and that's too slow for you then too freakin' bad. I'll get over when I feel like it. Those pricks are just as bad as those driving under the posted speed limit.
If I'm going 80 in a 70 and that's too slow for you then too freakin' bad. I'll get over when I feel like it. Those pricks are just as bad as those driving under the posted speed limit.

This is exactly that shitehead attitude that causes problems. I guess everyone else's time is less important than your time. We all appreciate you letting the rest of society drive on your roads.
If I'm going 80 in a 70 and that's too slow for you then too freakin' bad. I'll get over when I feel like it. Those pricks are just as bad as those driving under the posted speed limit.

So you combat law-breaking by....breaking the law yourself. Interesting dichotomy.
If I'm going 80 in a 70 and that's too slow for you then too freakin' bad. I'll get over when I feel like it. Those pricks are just as bad as those driving under the posted speed limit.
If you're going 80 and someone wants to go faster isn't that a good thing for you? That way they hit speed traps before you do and get pulled, right?

Plus, why add the stress of someone riding your bumper? Never understood people feeling satisfaction for blocking others on the road. I have enough stress in my daily life to add more unnecessarily.
I'm not talking about speeders or those who feel compelled to govern speeders (that's the typical left-lane discussion in the LR). I'm talking about folks driving below the speed-limit (or even equaling it) who when be passed speed up until they can purposefully block a driver from passing them. I don't understand this behavior. Why do folks enjoy causing major traffic jams?

This morning I just wanted to get TO the speed limit...wasn't even thinking about violating it.
Just because the speed limit is 70 it doesn't mean I have to do 70 ... it means i'm not to do faster than 70.
Just because the speed limit is 70 it doesn't mean I have to do 70 ... it means i'm not to do faster than 70.
All the more reason to not be in the left lane. On top of that it isn't legal to sit there anyway as you're supposed to move over for faster traffic. Just because you can be a jerk doesn't mean you have to be one.
Does driving 80 on the interstate seem fast to y'all? That's the low number I'll set my cruise control to.
I go 7-9 mph over the speed limit on the interstate. This seems (knock on wood) to be too slow for the highway patrol to bother with, so 80 (in a 70) seems a TINY BIT high to me, in terms of speeding ticket risk.

But it's not "fast" in the absolute sense. I fully expect to get regularly overtaken and passed going 77-79 mph, by those going 80+.
I go 7-9 mph over the speed limit on the interstate. This seems (knock on wood) to be too slow for the highway patrol to bother with, so 80 (in a 70) seems a TINY BIT high to me, in terms of speeding ticket risk.

But it's not "fast" in the absolute sense. I fully expect to get regularly overtaken and passed going 77-79 mph, by those going 80+.
Same here. I only use the left lane for passing though and I will often accelerate to pass so I dont end up hanging out in the left lane.
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If I'm going 80 in a 70 and that's too slow for you then too freakin' bad. I'll get over when I feel like it. Those pricks are just as bad as those driving under the posted speed limit.

For your sake, I hope you've forgotten to insert the sarcasm emoticon. The speed limit is a secondary issue when it becomes obvious that regardless of the limit, if you're not keeping up with the flow of traffic, you do NOT belong in the left lane.
How about the a**hole that cuts you off to turn onto your road in front of you, then drive 5 mph under the speed limit. This of course usually happens when their is nobody behind you and the driver turning onto your road could have waited.

If you are going to cut me off to get on the road, at least speed up and let me continue at my speed.
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:mad:We went on a cruise departing out of Port Canaveral. The LLC's ( left lane cruisers ) were freakin everywhere when we drove from PCB to Canaveral. By the the time we got there I was ready to kill someone. If you're not passing someone, keep your butt in the right lane. Is that so difficult?:mad:
I go 7-9 mph over the speed limit on the interstate. This seems (knock on wood) to be too slow for the highway patrol to bother with, so 80 (in a 70) seems a TINY BIT high to me, in terms of speeding ticket risk.

But it's not "fast" in the absolute sense. I fully expect to get regularly overtaken and passed going 77-79 mph, by those going 80+.
In my case I'm usually going 80-84 trying to keep below 15 over the limit. I'll be passing a few cars that are doing 75ish and some guy comes up wanting to go closer to 90. That's where the gray area hits. Should I have to get in the right lane, hit the brakes and slow down so this guy can go as fast as he wants or can i pass the next couple of cars until I have some room to work with in the right lane? Because I just LOVE it when this guy starts tailgating me/flashing lights.
I have had the same thing happen to me on JTB here in Jax. I'll be doing 80-82 in the left lane, trying to pass slower traffic in the middle lane. I am going to get back over into the middle lane as soon as I've passed the slower vehicles, but these jerks come up and get right on my behind and act like they're going to run right over me.
You know what? These mental midgets have not been watching everything going on ahead of them and figuring out what the traffic flow is.
They're male, in their 30's and they are most likely jerks.
Alaskanseminole, you need a faster car. This way you gun it around those aholes and when they speed up they still are not fast enough. Then when you are in front of them, it is a good time to give your windshield a good cleaning with lots of fluid. The backspray is like spitting on their windshield.
If I'm going 80 in a 70 and that's too slow for you then too freakin' bad. I'll get over when I feel like it. Those pricks are just as bad as those driving under the posted speed limit.

George Carlin, is that you? Anybody driving slower than you is an idiot. Anyone driving faster than you is a maniac.
Alaskanseminole, you need a faster car. This way you gun it around those aholes and when they speed up they still are not fast enough. Then when you are in front of them, it is a good time to give your windshield a good cleaning with lots of fluid. The backspray is like spitting on their windshield.

He drives a Camaro. If it's not fast enough, he can just pass on the median. That always works out well.
Three days ago I saw a thread on about a fellow's travel in Europe:
Among the pictures and comments was something that jived with my experience from 30 years ago:

"Drivers in the US have no idea how bad we have it. I was shocked at how quickly and reliably the drivers in Europe moved to the right when you approached to let you pass on the freeway. They were so aggressive about getting back over to the right that I watched multiple cars get cut off by drivers anxious to change lanes but it made for a very pleasant freeway driving experience. Kudos to Europe for that!"
How about the a**hole that cuts you off to turn onto your road in front of you, then drive 5 mph under the speed limit. This of course usually happens when their is nobody behind you and the driver turning onto your road could have waited.

If you are going to cut me off to get on the road, at least speed up and let me continue at my speed.

It's like you are in my head. My morning commute is like this, probably 2-3 days a week. Miccosukee Rd coming into town from the 90/I-10 area has a ton of driveways and sideroads that lead to this.
It's like you are in my head. My morning commute is like this, probably 2-3 days a week. Miccosukee Rd coming into town from the 90/I-10 area has a ton of driveways and sideroads that lead to this.

I like driving down Miccosukee because it is such a beautiful road, but I don't do it much after coming back to work from lunch one day and a guy on a crotch rocket came over the hill towards me. He decided to pop a wheelie, but had the handle bars off center when he set it down. Did the 'wobbly goblin' thing for a second and my only thought was, 'don't you dare slide into my lane...' Fortunately he caught it and no one had to die.
That's a tight road - there is nowhere to go.
Actually, you do if you're in the left lane, unless you think you'll be passing folks by driving under the limit. The left lane is for passing only. Period.

You shouldn't be speeding, so someone doing 70 in the left lane shouldn't be a problem as they shouldn't be passed.
You shouldn't be speeding, so someone doing 70 in the left lane shouldn't be a problem as they shouldn't be passed.

You shouldn't be lingering in the left lane when you are going slower than traffic. It's illegal to do that. You probably have greater odds of getting a ticket for left lane driving than others do for going 71-78 in a 70 mph zone.
You shouldn't be lingering in the left lane when you are going slower than traffic. It's illegal to do that. You probably have greater odds of getting a ticket for left lane driving than others do for going 71-78 in a 70 mph zone.

At 70 mph on the interstate, you shouldn't be driving slower than traffic. It's illegal to go faster.
At 70 mph on the interstate, you shouldn't be driving slower than traffic. It's illegal to go faster.

Perhaps your speedometer is poorly calibrated.
There is no State that provides exceptions for driving in the left lane by trying to match the speed limit.
The speed limit itself is immaterial as to whether or not you should be in the left lane.
See map above for clarification about when the law directs you to move from the left lane - note that there isn't a caveat for reaching the speed limit.