Serious Question About "Hitting a Girl"

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I don't think hitting women is a PC issue. Frankly, from a woman's point of view, you should avoid it because it makes you look like a p*s*y (except in extreme circumstances as stated above). Like someone who tries to makes himself look good by picking on the weak. You should just punch a kid while you are at it. Just saying . . .
$350k for ocean front property? Is it the Arctic Ocean?

I just moved near the ocean and $350k wouldn't even buy you a quarter of an acre lot. I think a decent lot starts at $750k and that's raw and undeveloped. I saw a few foreclosures for $1.8 million and those were bottom tier houses (needed some work and older).
1. This is a good discussion, but it should have stayed on the board where I posted it. DJ was suspended indefinitely for "hitting a girl," not for hitting someone. The university decided, and most posters agreed, that "hitting a girl" was grounds for immediate suspension, and removal from the football team unless extenuating or mitigating circumstances became known. So the question about "hitting a girl" was germane and timely to a breaking news story.

2. Despite the good discussion, few posters have actually answered the question I posed. If we agree that "hitting a girl" is wrong, or almost always wrong, because she is a girl, is it wrong, or almost always wrong, for us to approve of putting a woman in a combat role, where she is likely be much more significantly harmed, or even killed? So how many of you support both men hitting women, and women in combat and special forces units? How many of you are against men hitting women, but support women in combat and special forces units? If you support women in combat, but not hitting women, why is that not a direct contradiction?
I'm going to make a very unscientific guess (much like the sampling questions) and go with the concept of a female Navy SEAL, Green Beret or Army Ranger or enlisted gal in combat cutting in line for a drink be it soda or alcohol. My guess suggests young Mr DJ would never have the opportunity to connect a punch or shove but would instead have found himself confused and disoriented in the back of an ambulance. His punishment would be the training table and bottled water for the rest of his collegiate career
I'm going to make a very unscientific guess (much like the sampling questions) and go with the concept of a female Navy SEAL, Green Beret or Army Ranger or enlisted gal in combat cutting in line for a drink be it soda or alcohol. My guess suggests young Mr DJ would never have the opportunity to connect a punch or shove but would instead have found himself confused and disoriented in the back of an ambulance. His punishment would be the training table and bottled water for the rest of his collegiate career
So this is a vote in favor of "hitting a girl" in a bar being treated the same as "hitting a guy" in a bar? Because some women can definitely defend themselves, just as some men can defend themselves?
Our military is all volunteer; a woman in a combat role is solely by choice. So if you are attacked by a woman and have to defend yourself, of course, hit her.

Otherwise, never.
Props to the "real men" on the board who believe it is never right to hit a woman.
What horse shit. These supposed "real men"'are ok "restraining a woman" to keep from getting attacked, but no offense, you just knock that bitch out if she's wigging out on you
I would need to have a clear understanding of what is a girl....but generally spanking should be encouraged!
It's a great question. But YOU don't like it. Why don't you like it? Does it offend you? Confuse you? Make you think too hard? Afraid to answer it?

You seem a little angry. It's not a terrible topic/question, but it's not great. in your defense, you didn't start it in this forum.

I don't think people should hit other people regardless of sex, but there are times when it might be necessary. If it means preventing violence and harm to yourself and others, it might be called for.
I watched this video of some nasty beiotch starting a fight on the subway in New York. She just started crap with this guy for no reason, insulting him, spitting on him and calling him very nasty names. Of course the crowd gathered around to film it, not 1 bothered to help him out, they just said the usual "don't hit a girl dude". That just encouraged her more and she attacked him. After hitting him twice he warned her, she attacked the third time and down she went. A couple dudes attacked him and down they went too. Apparently this "wimp" was a damn good fighter, the others didn't get involved. Police came and he got arrested. She got arrested too, but he faced harsher charged.
I saw this psycho dude start crap with a small guy. He was about 6'5 250 and the guy sitting at the table was about 5'7 150. The psycho dude apparently has a reputation for doing this, he finds small easy to beat guys that just got their food, goes over to them acting like an animal then sits down and eats their food. If the smaller guys try to do anything he beats the crap out of them. This one time it turned out really bad for the big guy because little guy wasn't stupid. He took his wine bottle and smashed it over his head. Before he could gain his thoughts little man used the bar stool to make him look like a bloody speck. HE got arrested for using an object. WHY is it acceptable for a much bigger man to attack a smaller man calling it a "fight"??
I generally don't think people should hit each other, either. I'm just really curious about how people handle contradictions. Some, of course, don't notice contradictions. Others don't care about contradictions - they are perfectly content to believe two things that can't BOTH be true. For the rest of us . . .

"Is it okay to protect girls from being struck by a man, anywhere and for any reason, but NOT okay to protect them from being struck by a man - or shot and killed! - in a combat unit or special forces unit?"

Wouldn't it make more sense to say they deserve special protections in both places, or special protection in no places?'

After all, assault and battery in a bar is illegal whether the victim is a guy or a girl. But if DJ hit a guy in a bar, he would not be immediately suspended, would he? And we have numerous posters here who want to permanently kick him off the team because he "hit a girl." Wouldn't those same posters say, "Are you crazy? Why would we put women in Marine combat units or try to make them SEALS or Rangers?"
It's not a contradiction if you view them as soldiers. I haven't served, but I would imagine you do your best to help and protect all your fellow soldiers, so I really don't see the issue. In addition, as I and others have previously said, if women are on the front lines (at least until if/when there's a draft) they have volunteered to be in harm's way, and are paid for it. Getting punched in the face in a bar is clearly not the same thing.

As to your hypothetical, we don't know if he would be suspended for hitting a guy in a bar, but my guess is he would. Perhaps not with the speed and what looks to be finality of this suspension, so I would agree there is a different handling of this incident based on gender, and I for one am glad of that.
We're raising bastards and bitches and that's just the facts. Don't believe me? Just watch one of the MANY thug videos where so bigger man or women attacks a smaller man or women and beats them down. Watch the other kids that stand around cheering it and filming it. Notice the smile on their faces watching a kid or adult getting assaulted and beaten down for no reason. These are the same people that can watch an animal getting tortured and laugh or be in a mob and think nothing about being a thug on someone they never met for no reason at all..
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