Spock has finally gone to where no man had gone before

The Wrath of Khan and The Search for Spock are 2 of the greatest movies ever made. If you didn't choke up when Spock died you weren't human.

"We are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. And yet it should be noted that in the midst of our sorrow, this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world; a world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel this sacrifice a vain or empty one, and we will not debate his profound wisdom at these proceedings. Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human."

"I have been, and always shall be, your friend."
Originally posted by goldmom:

Only liked the original TV series. Didn't do the movie thing.

I Grok Me Some Spok!

The series was great....... Don't blame you on the movies, but as a dedicated Trekkie, I can only describe them as Abysmal Fun. I still watched most of them and at the time actually enjoyed getting to see the cast again. It got awfully hokie though.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few....or the one."

This one hurts, RIP Leonard, got a lump in my throat when I heard.
He was one of my favorite TV characters. Not going to sit here and say I am sad because I didn't know the guy though.
Leonard is regularly mentioned on Big Bang Theory. I hope they do some sort of tribute to him.
Originally posted by Lemon Thrower:
he did not live long and prosper.
Didn't live long enough for me,
but he certainly prospered. He was an accomplished poet, photographer, dabbled in music, oh and he had an acting/directing career, too.
When I saw Wrath of Khan as a kid, the death scene with Spock was my first experience with death and loss. It showed me that even the great Captain Kirk could get emotional. I don't particularly care for William Shatner as a person or an actor, but I think he did a great job with the death scene and his eulogy. This movie has had a profound effect on me (I still get teary eyed when I hear Amazing Grace) and I'm sorry to hear that this time it's for real with Mr. Nimoy. LLAP

This post was edited on 2/27 2:52 PM by ChislerNole
Originally posted by Bartdog:

Didn't live long enough for me,
but he certainly prospered. He was an accomplished poet, photographer, dabbled in music, oh and he had an acting/directing career, too.
He played a mean Harp in the episode with the Space Hippies.

And in that Haunted House / Halloween- like episode, he sure as hec was able to tell the captain that they had just heard bad poetry out of the floating witches

This post was edited on 2/27 3:10 PM by Spearchucker87
Originally posted by More Kirk Less Spock:

anyone who didn't cry when those bagpipes cranked up, well, you're probably a bad person.

I read that Aaron Hernandez didn't cry...
Originally posted by ChislerNole:
I don't particularly care for William Shatner an actor, but I think he did a great job with the death scene and his eulogy. This movie has had a profound effect on me (I still get teary eyed when I hear Amazing Grace) and I'm sorry to hear that this time it's for real with Mr. Nimoy. LLAP

Maybe he suffered from poor direction. I thought he did pretty well with most of the original series episodes.

But I sill laugh about the "KAHNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!" yelling scene in the 2nd motion picture.

I love the way he was able to laugh about and spoof some of his unintended funnier acting scenes as he's gotten older. His band was a least when I saw him perform on letterman way back.

Both Nimoy and Shatner were born in March of 1931....guess which one subsists on the blood of virgins?

Kirk: I wouldn't presume to argue with you."

Spock: "That is wise".

Great line. I've seen ST2 maybe 50 times, can't get enough of it.
I am not a Star Trek fan by any stretch of the imagination, but ST2 is one of my favorites. The scene with the worms in the ears always freaked me out as a kid
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The idea behind the screen name was that Kirk often found a way to win where there was no reasonable expectation that he could. When I first signed on, during the down years, it seemed to me that we needed a team that would play with their hearts. To me that was more important than making the correct read at the LOS.
Originally posted by Spearchucker87:

Originally posted by goldmom:

Only liked the original TV series. Didn't do the movie thing.

I Grok Me Some Spok!

The series was great....... Don't blame you on the movies, but as a dedicated Trekkie, I can only describe them as Abysmal Fun. I still watched most of them and at the time actually enjoyed getting to see the cast again. It got awfully hokie though.
This is confusing. "Grok" I think is from Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, not Star Trek. I doubt Valentine Michael Smith and Spock ever met.
Originally posted by Bartdog:

This is confusing. "Grok" I think is from Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, not Star Trek. I doubt Valentine Michael Smith and Spock ever met.
What I know of the "I Grok Spock" pun comes mostly from a childhood paperback, Gene Roddenberry's "The making of Star Trek". He talked a little bit about the pop culture phenomena that had grown up around star trek. He mentioned the "I Grok Spock" buttons and T-shirts that had sprouted up, and so far as I ever knew, they were just intending a simple pun : Playing up the Hippies interpretation of the word Grok versus the Vulcan race's supposedly deeply intellectual and spiritual nature.

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