The ultimate self defense move (graphic)


May 23, 2015
I live near the D.C. quadruple murders; they were so hideous. We live in a sick, sick world. I've ordered from that Domino's pizza at least 50 times. It reminded of the ultimate self defense move. In that D.C. case, there were multiple criminals but this move works in a life or death situation.

If you are being attacked, grab the criminal by the ears and bury your thumbs in his eye sockets. Or turn your hand into a claw and eye gouge him. Most people don't expect their eyes to be attacked, and it's extremely effective. Once you eye gouge a psycho, he's going to stop what he's doing and grab his eye. Guaranteed. Then you run away.

The eye gouge is great for women as self defense, too. If a criminal is attempting rape and is on top of the woman, she should try to dig her nails into his eye balls. The harder the better.

If you can use a set of keys or a pen to eye gouge, even better.

Most fights end up grappling, so if you're attacked, go for the eye gouge immediately and run. Of course, if the attacker has a gun and just wants money, give it to him.

Be safe out there.
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Interested to hear the rest of the details on what went down in that house. Sounds like there were multiple people holding the family…eye gouging may work on one person but difficult to eye gouge the entire room, grab your wife & kid, and get out of the house.

Hope the scumbag rots in prison and gets a daily ass kicking for torturing a 10 year old kid.
I think the "graphic" warning only applies if there are pictures involved. Are people that sensitive to a description?

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That's the same stragity that the "experts" say to use against a shark attack. The "grab the nuts" works fine, as long as the women (or man) doesn't have mercey and let go. If you let go and the attacker gets you it's a torturing you will get..