Has been a long time

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What were your ancestors that migrated here? All doctors? Mine were poor day workers who didn’t know the language. But their grandchildren went to college and became very successful. Their children are all very successful as well. Not every immigrant needs to be highly educated to contribute.
He gone. So you won’t get an answer. But to piggyback on what you were saying, one set of my grandparents came from Belfast to Toronto as indentured servants. After a couple of years they bounced and went to Philadelphia and then NYC. My grandfather was an elevator operator and my grandmother a housekeeper. The history is there for those that care to pay attention. This country has been built on the “ants” that come to this country and do the jobs that the blue bloods thumb their noses at. And the future generations benefit from that sacrifice.
I believe Bandit is actually to the left of me politically only because he has gone so far to the right he's almost completed the circle. Of course, in his "centrist" mind, he doesn't recognize that and will surely react to this post with a laughing emoji.
haha, I actually have/had that situation in my family. Billy Martin Young was a John Bircher, had a machine shop on his property in TN where he and his militia buddies converted semi-automatic weapons to automatics, and he handed out pamphlets to the family. His wife, Faith, was so far to the left that they actually were aligned, both being uber anti government. Billy always complained that he had to bail Faith out of jail for her protesting against stuff like the power plant on the Cumberland river. She did get rid of that plant, though.

I would never mention their names, except they are both now deceased, and it's OK.
What were your ancestors that migrated here? All doctors? Mine were poor day workers who didn’t know the language. But their grandchildren went to college and became very successful. Their children are all very successful as well. Not every immigrant needs to be highly educated to contribute.
A portion of my family were French Huguenot. Some escaped the wars of religion and fled to Switzerland Holland, and England. From there, many Huguenots tried to find a place where they could live. Some ended up in Ireland, Some attempted to go to Brazil, (and that is a really funny story about them and the Portuguese), and many got to the US eventually. My branch is the Manikintowne Huguenots, near Richmond. They nearly starved their first year, but the locals helped feed them. Two boats with 200 immigrants. The king of England had agreed to let them live in the colony of Virginia. So they got an abandoned Indian village across the James River from Richmond.

Many of the Huguenots were merchants and tradesmen in France. They were not nobles, they were the lacemakers, farmers, blacksmiths, etc.

For one generation, they lived near the water in Holland, waiting for a country to allow them in. From Holland they went to England, and that's how a lot of them came here.

Peter Minuit was not Dutch. He and all of his crew were French Huguenots. They went to NY. William of Orange was an Huguenot.

I think most of the rest of my family that got here came as indentured servants from Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

There are a lot of interesting stories. A lot of Southerners come from this group of people. The law of primogeniture prevented younger sons from inheriting in England, so the only thing for them to do was to immigrate to the colonies.

Contrary to popular belief that many were wealthy, they weren't, but if someone could pay someone else's passage, they got 50 acres for each person they transported. That's how King Carter got his land. There are others, but I mention him, because he learned how to work the system, and that land in the colonies was what was going to make him rich.

A good many others in my ancestry immigrated for religious reasons. The Calverts went to MD. MD was a Catholic colony. Many of my ancestors from England ran away because of Cromwell.

My lowland Scots were transplanted to Northern Ireland for free rent. When that got changed, they got on a boat for the colonies.

Contrary to popular belief, the Irish didn't show up in the US just because of the potato famine, there was a huge immigration as a result of the "plantations" in Northern Ireland, and those were not from Ireland originally, they were from Scotland. That was a good 50 years before the famine.

So, until you research the whole thing, you don't know *s*. Look around and see all of the white bums and derelicts that are technically WASPS. Their families immigrated with everyone else's families, and some made something of their lives and others did not. I've got some relatives that are total TPT, and contribute nothing to this country at all. And, I've got governors of the states of AL and GA, plenty of lawyers and doctors, etc. And, OMG, I have met two of my cousins here in Tallahassee. One is a super human, and I won't even mention the other.

But, that is this country. If you want to know what immigration has done in other countries, you can research it or ask.

Anyway, after my little history lesson here, sorry guys. (I truly wish I was still working for AOL in the genealogy forum), we are all a product of our past experiences. Our ancestors came here for a better life. The vast majority of new immigrants are doing the same thing.

My cleaning lady from Peru came with her family because of the government. She and her eldest daughter were teachers. They cleaned houses to survive and make a life here. They became citizens and paid taxes.

People are people, some will work hard, others will not, and I don't care what century it is, people don't come here to rob us, they come here for an opportunity. Does anyone seriously think that they risk climbing a wall and crossing a river with their children to steal from you? If you think that, you need serious therapy.
What were your ancestors that migrated here? All doctors? Mine were poor day workers who didn’t know the language. But their grandchildren went to college and became very successful. Their children are all very successful as well. Not every immigrant needs to be highly educated to contribute.
The unknown masses pouring across the southern border are not “immigrants.” They are criminals, curiously ignored by the current administration. Interesting to me that the under-$400k crowd views the invasion as good or defensible or maybe even a non-issue. Just shuffle along and some one else can deal with it later. LOL.
The unknown masses pouring across the southern border are not “immigrants.” They are criminals, curiously ignored by the current administration. Interesting to me that the under-$400k crowd views the invasion as good or defensible or maybe even a non-issue. Just shuffle along and some one else can deal with it later. LOL.
Thank you so much Mr Creosote for weighing in yet again with your wafer thin mints of wisdom for the unwashed masses.
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Nope, I've checked, since I've noticed that more than just rarely you've neutered what I already responded to.
I edit as well... but only immediately after I post if I see a typo or whatever, not AFTER people have already responded and certainly not to change what they're responding to, or to delete it altogether. The fact that this even needs explaining is whack.
No wonder others chime in as if I'm the bad guy... I can understand that it could look much more like that when what I'm responding to has been neutered or disappeared.
You didn't check carefully. though I've now deleted my posts here, you can see in your quoted responses to me that there are no insults of you, (e.g., the doofus line). You didn't read what you quoted.
But to be fair, you'd also argue that there's really nothing worthy of discussion that differentiates any number of things that are actually provably factually super different, whenever it's most convenient for your trolling.
You do you.
(That Nazis bit though... WTF, way off the range.)
Wasn't calling him a nazi. merely stating far left and far right are =. They should be viewed equally derisively. Despite bcherod's protestations, communism in action, by political scientists (if not historians) is commonly viewed as totalitarian. Admittedly, the definitions of these words vary. Historians have a different view, likely the source of bcherod's disposition on the issue. In practice, there is a lot of death and misery associated with the far left and I find the distinction between far right (eg nazi-ism) and far left (eg communism) as largely of little relevance to distinguishing these two ideologies. I think it is a bit revisionist, historically, to place nazi-ism on the right. In one sense I get it, classical liberalism (john stuart mill style) is by definition not totalitarian and fascism is opposing that. But, we aren't talking about classical liberalism, or really modern liberalism at all, because the current progressive left is not liberal. Internationally, there is quite a bit of variability to what is on "right" and what is on the "left."

The most critical component in these destructive systems is a loss of freedom and the need for control to achieve harmonized thought/action in society (hence all of the death and misery). I find Friedrich Hayek's work, Road to Serfdom, on this issue in the WW2 era enlightening. He dedicates the book to the socialists on the left and the right. He's an economist, not an historian or political scientist. But, economics are at the heart of this issue. When I describe a far left viewpoint as economically illiterate, this is part of what I mean. They're advocating for, in my opinion, a path to death and destruction whether they want it or not. This is worthy of ridicule. Far right and far left ideologies are both populist approaches based on fear and hostility to others. The far left is not liberal. So, we are really talking about two sides of the same coin here. Hitler sold his nazism with the same socialist rhetoric that far left types now use. This is just fact. They are not super different in any way that would matter to an everyday citizen. You're still going to be poor and lots of people are going to die unjustly.

Cue laughing emojis from our resident Dems.

(Amazon product ASIN 0226320618)
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Wasn't calling him a nazi. merely stating far left and far right are =. They should be viewed equally derisively. Despite bcherod's protestations, communism in action, by political scientists (if not historians) is commonly viewed as totalitarian. Admittedly, the definitions of these words vary. Historians have a different view, likely the source of bcherod's disposition on the issue. In practice, there is a lot of death and misery associated with the far left and I find the distinction between far right (eg nazi-ism) and far left (eg communism) as largely of little relevance to distinguishing these two ideologies. I think it is a bit revisionist, historically, to place nazi-ism on the right. In one sense I get it, classical liberalism (john stuart mill style) is by definition not totalitarian and fascism is opposing that. But, we aren't talking about classical liberalism, or really modern liberalism at all, because the current progressive left is not liberal. Internationally, there is quite a bit of variability to what is on "right" and what is on the "left."

The most critical component in these destructive systems is a loss of freedom and the need for control to achieve harmonized thought/action in society (hence all of the death and misery). I find Friedrich Hayek's work, Road to Serfdom, on this issue in the WW2 era enlightening. He dedicates the book to the socialists on the left and the right. He's an economist, not an historian or political scientist. But, economics are at the heart of this issue. When I describe a far left viewpoint as economically illiterate, this is part of what I mean. They're advocating for, in my opinion, a path to death and destruction whether they want it or not. This is worthy of ridicule. Far right and far left ideologies are both populist approaches based on fear and hostility to others. The far left is not liberal. So, we are really talking about two sides of the same coin here. Hitler sold his nazism with the same socialist rhetoric that far left types now use. This is just fact. They are not super different in any way that would matter to an everyday citizen. You're still going to be poor and lots of people are going to die unjustly.

Cue laughing emojis from our resident Dems.

( )

Before I get to the meat of your statement, here is a great read about the World Cup in 1978, and how it was influenced by World Politics.

I'll return with my rebuttal to your post, however, I am not a Democrat, and yet you identify me as one. That's very interesting. You have identified me as a "dem", but, by your statement, you have also identified yourself as well.

You might be a centrist next to MTG, but you are no more a centrist than she is. Liz Cheney is far more of a centrist than you, as are Jim Himes, Chris Murphy, and Adam Kinzinger.

And, it's OK, to think the way that you do, just as it is OK for the rest of us to think the way we do.
Before I get to the meat of your statement, here is a great read about the World Cup in 1978, and how it was influenced by World Politics.

I'll return with my rebuttal to your post, however, I am not a Democrat, and yet you identify me as one. That's very interesting. You have identified me as a "dem", but, by your statement, you have also identified yourself as well.

You might be a centrist next to MTG, but you are no more a centrist than she is. Liz Cheney is far more of a centrist than you, as are Jim Himes, Chris Murphy, and Adam Kinzinger.

And, it's OK, to think the way that you do, just as it is OK for the rest of us to think the way we do.
I didn’t identify you as a dem. You don’t laugh at my posts. I don’t know your political perspective. Also, relative to the scale from left to right, I have nothing in common with mtg. I like Liz Cheney though she is far to the right of my views on many issues. So, i think whatever scale you are using has little to do with normal views of the left to right continuum and perhaps a lot to do with, for example, my viewpoints I articulated on the violence of Jan 6 versus the violence of the summer. Relative to classical liberalism, I already explained how that viewpoint reconciles. It’s not a right wing viewpoint. You can define me however you want. My ideology is solidly classical liberal. So put me wherever you think that goes on your scale.

I concur that it is ok to think however you want. I’m a big free speech fan. Incidentally, the new development of democrats wanting to censor speech to “save democracy” seems internally inconsistent to me. Certainly, that isn’t a conventionally liberal position. That’s another feature of the modern Democratic Party that I find illiberal.

For the record, I feel almost completely unrepresented by our current two party system. I am not a Republican.
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You didn't check carefully. though I've now deleted my posts here, you can see in your quoted responses to me that there are no insults of you, (e.g., the doofus line). You didn't read what you quoted.
Lol. Try again. Yes, I checked, before your weird deletions. And the comments of yours I’ve quoted, often before you’ve done further edits and deleted, represent only a portion of your posts. No need to respond. You’ve already clearly admitted you’re trolling for responses and that we can never know which of your comments represent your actual views vs pure trolling.
No idea why you do that but why expect people to invest the time & energy to respond, as I regret wasting my time to do. No more. Troll someone else.
Lol. Try again. Yes, I checked, before your weird deletions. And the comments of yours I’ve quoted, often before you’ve done further edits and deleted, represent only a portion of your posts. No need to respond. You’ve already clearly admitted you’re trolling for responses and that we can never know which of your comments represent your actual views vs pure trolling.
No idea why you do that but why expect people to invest the time & energy to respond, as I regret wasting my time to do. No more. Troll someone else.
What i said was I explore arguments, someone else defined that as trolling. It’s a common debating tactic I often take what is the hardest position to defend and argue that (eg Jan 6)… for fun. In my environment, the prog left viewpoint is most prevalent. No fun to just have everyone agree with you. That’s not trolling. But that’s fine, my time here is almost at an end. I just wanted to explain an earlier comment and I did.

Ps, and yes. There was sometimes elaboration on my posts after you responded. That’s because you were typing at the same time as me, likely. I edited the insults out. Saved. You quoted (none of the insults made it into your quotes). I then continued editing and then we both hit post.
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Both of these articles are solid. I think what these miss is the American right has always been reactive. In my opinion, the illiberal left drives response from the illiberal right. The summer, the four years of legal system use, the hysterics in the media set the milieu for Jan 6. I agree with The NY Times authors. The illiberal right is incredibly dangerous. I thought when trump was elected it would end the gop. And, they better get their stuff together and expunge the maga crowd. Where I diverge from the times article is I think the illiberal left is as big a problem. And, it’s ignored largely or worse, coddled. .
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The unknown masses pouring across the southern border are not “immigrants.” They are criminals, curiously ignored by the current administration. Interesting to me that the under-$400k crowd views the invasion as good or defensible or maybe even a non-issue. Just shuffle along and some one else can deal with it later. LOL.
illegally crossing the border is likely most often born of desperation and hope. I agree that we need to control entry to vet who is coming across. But, the individuals coming across are making a rational decision.
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Wow. Just wow. I don’t usually feel bad for you but right now I certainly do. You need help fella. Seriously.
That really bothered me because it shows ignorance. Not you, but the post you are replying to.

Survivor is calling friends of mine "criminals". Teachers, psychologists, musicians, artists, etc.

The Mariel boatlift had a number of criminals and crazy people because Castro had dumped them into the mix, but there were plenty of Marielitos that were not criminals nor insane. But, Survivor insists on classifying all as criminals, and that is simply not the case.

Venezuelans and Cubans have been coming in through Mexico for a long time because they cannot come in directly. Perhaps one should take a look at the Venezuelans that are coming in, hardly low life criminals, but a blanket statement is being made.

All in all, it shows prejudice, and the lack of ability to research the situation, instead of becoming a member of the sheeple, anti-immigration, nationalistic group.
That really bothered me because it shows ignorance. Not you, but the post you are replying to.

Survivor is calling friends of mine "criminals". Teachers, psychologists, musicians, artists, etc.

The Mariel boatlift had a number of criminals and crazy people because Castro had dumped them into the mix, but there were plenty of Marielitos that were not criminals nor insane. But, Survivor insists on classifying all as criminals, and that is simply not the case.

Venezuelans and Cubans have been coming in through Mexico for a long time because they cannot come in directly. Perhaps one should take a look at the Venezuelans that are coming in, hardly low life criminals, but a blanket statement is being made.

All in all, it shows prejudice, and the lack of ability to research the situation, instead of becoming a member of the sheeple, anti-immigration, nationalistic group.
There are various paths to come to this country. I cited my family’s in a previous post. My incredible grandparents were hardly “criminals”. They were honest, faithful, hard working people. Sad that kind of bigotry the poster above shows exists and is so openly floated.
That really bothered me because it shows ignorance. Not you, but the post you are replying to.

Survivor is calling friends of mine "criminals". Teachers, psychologists, musicians, artists, etc.

The Mariel boatlift had a number of criminals and crazy people because Castro had dumped them into the mix, but there were plenty of Marielitos that were not criminals nor insane. But, Survivor insists on classifying all as criminals, and that is simply not the case.

Venezuelans and Cubans have been coming in through Mexico for a long time because they cannot come in directly. Perhaps one should take a look at the Venezuelans that are coming in, hardly low life criminals, but a blanket statement is being made.

All in all, it shows prejudice, and the lack of ability to research the situation, instead of becoming a member of the sheeple, anti-immigration, nationalistic group.
He’s gotten so unabashedly and proudly ALL CAPS xenophobic in every immigrant-related post, divorced from any legit concerns that are merely about sane but fair immigration policy, that I hear Tucker’s nightly screechy hyperbolic “they’re coming to drug, rape, kill and replace you” rants whenever he posts.
He’s gotten so unabashedly and proudly ALL CAPS xenophobic in every immigrant-related post, divorced from any legit concerns that are merely about sane but fair immigration policy, that I hear Tucker’s nightly screechy hyperbolic “they’re coming to drug, rape, kill and replace you” rants whenever he posts.
Xenophobia, misogyny, racism, and nationalism are strong in some people.
here is a great read about the World Cup in 1978, and how it was influenced by World Politics.

Interesting article. The intersection of sports and politics has loudly come to dramatic focus many times (eg Jessie Owens, and 6 years prior to the 1978 World Cup, the Munich summer Olympics).

Here’s one below about Venezuela. I believe someone brought up Venezuela earlier relative to immigration. The why, of course, is the same reason as Cuba, far leftists running the country. As a Miami native, I have many friends who are Cuban. Very aware of that history. I think people aren’t learning the lessons of history.

Relative to trump, one must consider the context of the rise of trump/maga. This isn’t happening in a vacuum. There are opposing extremes driving this. We can see it in the increased polarization. I can see the Hitler analogies relative to aspects of trump, though initially I did not. I saw him, and still do, as largely a clown. But so did many of the German people, Hitler, in his early days. I don’t think trump can be Hitler. He’s too old. But, the current division is frightening. Economics, ultimately, are core and I think hayek had it mostly right relative to the rise of Nazi-ism and the role of socialist ideas in selling it. And, indeed, in his first run trump shared many ideas with Bernie Sanders.

To make it clear that our social Democrat friends are indeed on the path.

Take a gander at Chomsky, social Democrat thought leader, and his views of Venezuela pre blow up.
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  • Haha
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There are various paths to come to this country. I cited my family’s in a previous post. My incredible grandparents were hardly “criminals”. They were honest, faithful, hard working people. Sad that kind of bigotry the poster above shows exists and is so openly floated.
Classic timing. With an even greater influx of more "undocumented foreigners" (is that OK??) likely to hit the U.S. on Wednesday -- maybe up to 14,000 per day -- the Mayor of New York (Adams) today publicly begs for "additional resources to meet the needs of illegal immigrants who are expected to flood into the City once Title 42 is lifted." (Emphasis his). NY and other left-leaning havens are already overflowing with existing illegals, and now here come more.

This is going to get very interesting. I just hope everyone who apparently loves these completely-unknown and non-credentialed foreign invaders gets LOTS OF THEM in their immediate communities. You will likely find that these folks are not as wondrous in real-life as you depict them in the abstract. Maybe SCOTUS scales down the crisis with some emergency decree....but wouldn't it be ironic to see a full-blown fiasco that further underscores the complete insanity of the current "thinking" and leadership?? :D
Classic timing. With an even greater influx of more "undocumented foreigners" (is that OK??) likely to hit the U.S. on Wednesday -- maybe up to 14,000 per day -- the Mayor of New York (Adams) today publicly begs for "additional resources to meet the needs of illegal immigrants who are expected to flood into the City once Title 42 is lifted." (Emphasis his). NY and other left-leaning havens are already overflowing with existing illegals, and now here come more.

This is going to get very interesting. I just hope everyone who apparently loves these completely-unknown and non-credentialed foreign invaders gets LOTS OF THEM in their immediate communities. You will likely find that these folks are not as wondrous in real-life as you depict them in the abstract. Maybe SCOTUS scales down the crisis with some emergency decree....but wouldn't it be ironic to see a full-blown fiasco that further underscores the complete insanity of the current "thinking" and leadership?? :D
Is there just not enough left over after boat costs and demands of that “wifey” you’re always whining about for you and your “over $400k crowd” to build and escape into swank white-collar-professionals-only bunkers to escape all the invading ants?
I’m guessing you could still get all your favorite Fox entertainment down there.
The unknown masses pouring across the southern border are not “immigrants.” They are criminals, curiously ignored by the current administration. Interesting to me that the under-$400k crowd views the invasion as good or defensible or maybe even a non-issue. Just shuffle along and some one else can deal with it later. LOL.
They're the very definition of immigrants. Just because you don't like them doesn't make it true. Unless you're 100% native american we all come from the 'unknown masses'.

We're in the top 3-4% of income in my household. That doesn't automatically make me hate the less fortunate. Makes me wish that enough on the right had the balls to tackle immigration reform for real.

But congrats on the flex I guess.
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They're the very definition of immigrants. Just because you don't like them doesn't make it true. Unless you're 100% native american we all come from the 'unknown masses'.

We're in the top 3-4% of income in my household. That doesn't automatically make me hate the less fortunate. Makes me wish that enough on the right had the balls to tackle immigration reform for real.

But congrats on the flex I guess.
We now have enough illegals in the country to equal the population of the 7 smallest U.S. states. The influx continues at a break-neck pace, and these folks will make rabbits jealous in terms of their ability to procreate.

Seems like a great trend. The immigration cheerleaders should be proud. 😀
The unknown masses pouring across the southern border are not “immigrants.” They are criminals, curiously ignored by the current administration. Interesting to me that the under-$400k crowd views the invasion as good or defensible or maybe even a non-issue. Just shuffle along and some one else can deal with it later. LOL.
Wow. There sure are a lot of 9 year old criminals coming in then. Under 400K crowd? But of course let them eat cake. Here’s the deal. We actually need more workers in this country, not less. And I’m not talking about doctors (got a million of those), or lawyers (got 1.3 million of those, as Shakespeare smiles). Don’t believe we need more workers? How often do we see help wanted signs in shop windows? We’re still having supply chain issues after COVID. Couple that with extremely high employment and what do you get? Inflation, that’s what! Lots of money in the system and not enough goodies to buy.
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