Anybody else have some crazy relatives?


Veteran Seminole Insider
Aug 6, 2002
Indian Rocks Beach
My Dad's first cousin is a crazy redneck truck driver. He drinks homemade moonshine type drinks he has come up with. He has a lot of guns and ammo and has shot himself more than once and has almost shot his brother. He lives in a little shack on a few acres that his mom left him and lives off the land when not trucking. He refuses to file taxes or obey the law. He hates anything to do with government and says we should just kill em all. He says eff em all and said he will shoot anyone who comes on his land uninvited. An IRS guy once showed up and left a notice on his door. Fortunately he was not home at the time. Dude is out there, but he is always nice to me. It's a culture clash, but he is always quick to hand me some moonshine and grill up a deer steak when I visit.

Anyone else have crazy relatives?
I have heard a few people say that I resemble that remark. Cray cray and all.
You visit?

LOL, I visit my grandmother and uncle in the same small town. He invites me over to the lil shack for some deer steak/burgers/chili and some drinks. I always have a good time, just sometimes worry that the Feds or state police are going to swarm in.
I should hang with your Dad's cousin.

My family is full of crazies, that's why I avoid them most of the time.
I should hang with your Dad's cousin.

My family is full of crazies, that's why I avoid them most of the time.

If Armageddon happens, I know I have a place to go. He lives off the land 4 months a year and has an arsenal that would make an army battalion jealous. I mentioned I was worried about the Feds or state police swarming. Now that I think about it, I only have to worry about the Feds. The locals know him well and would never mess with him. The state knows him and probably wouldn't mess with him (ironically his son is a state trooper and extremely normal and straightlaced - doesn't drink, by the book, etc.).
My Dad's first cousin is a crazy redneck truck driver. He drinks homemade moonshine type drinks he has come up with. He has a lot of guns and ammo and has shot himself more than once and has almost shot his brother. He lives in a little shack on a few acres that his mom left him and lives off the land when not trucking. He refuses to file taxes or obey the law. He hates anything to do with government and says we should just kill em all. He says eff em all and said he will shoot anyone who comes on his land uninvited. An IRS guy once showed up and left a notice on his door. Fortunately he was not home at the time. Dude is out there, but he is always nice to me. It's a culture clash, but he is always quick to hand me some moonshine and grill up a deer steak when I visit.

Anyone else have crazy relatives?
This is your definition of crazy? Sounds like a good dude in a lot of ways.

Anyways, for my story... My Dad is a South African immigrant that became a self made multi millionaire but his older brother is literally homeless and doesn't want any help. It's pretty nuts to see two people with the exact same upbringing turn out so different.
My Dad's first cousin is a crazy redneck truck driver. He drinks homemade moonshine type drinks he has come up with. He has a lot of guns and ammo and has shot himself more than once and has almost shot his brother. He lives in a little shack on a few acres that his mom left him and lives off the land when not trucking. He refuses to file taxes or obey the law. He hates anything to do with government and says we should just kill em all. He says eff em all and said he will shoot anyone who comes on his land uninvited. An IRS guy once showed up and left a notice on his door. Fortunately he was not home at the time. Dude is out there, but he is always nice to me. It's a culture clash, but he is always quick to hand me some moonshine and grill up a deer steak when I visit.

Anyone else have crazy relatives?

Not really, the "black sheep" in my family became nurses and teachers while the rest of us are doctors and lawyers. The closest would be that one of my male cousins was married to a relatively young (21 yo) much younger (10-12 years) chick and they had two kids and a few months after the second kid she literally just ran off. Abandoned her two kids (one an infant another a one year old toddler) and ran away. Even her parents had no clue where she went, it even got to the point they were starting to say murder when she finally called her parents a month or so later. The %*%* just ran off to Michigan where she was living in squalor with some druggie high school friends. Even to this day 6-8 years later she has no contact with her kids and is basically some low level unemployed druggie drifter as opposed to the rich wife of a physician. Oh well, she basically just flipped.

Which is not too rare I suppose (other than totally abandoning her kids to be a druggie), I have a friend who was married for a long time to a woman and had three kids who were teens and a tween. No problem whatsoever, then his wife gets on benzos because primary docs give them out like candy even though in my expert opinion they are far more dangerous than opiates by themselves (Patton Oswalt's wife died of them along with an undetected heart defect and of course they are incredibly deadly when mixed with opiates). The benzos led her down a path where she literally started to have auditory and visual hallucinations. She started "seeing" him sleep with a neighbor. She broke into a house because she thought it was parents who lived states away. She started waving guns around at made up burglars. Etc... So she went crazy completely out of the blue with a little help from the benzos. She never had any issues until the last four months and now she's unsafe to be around her own kids and husband.
Family wise we are pretty normal. Now friends wise I have more crazy friends; but crazy in a good way than I can count. I literally could call tons of dudes that would show up at my house ready to lay waste to the world within 24 hours no questions asked.
Two of my siblings have mental illness and neither works. One is on government welfare (which is a good thing) and the other won't leave the house ever and she needs help. There are five of us and the other three turned out normal (have families, contributing member of society). Mental illness is the worst thing anyone can ever have IMO...

So yeah crazy runs deep in the family
I have a 15-year old, yes.

I have a 15-year old, yes.

Lol...I remember those days with my step-daughter. So many battles. I used to tell my wife that the Brits were right, ship them off to boarding school. My aunt is bi-polar. She's been through every treatment, including shock therapy. Pretty tough
Which is not too rare I suppose (other than totally abandoning her kids to be a druggie), I have a friend who was married for a long time to a woman and had three kids who were teens and a tween. No problem whatsoever, then his wife gets on benzos because primary docs give them out like candy even though in my expert opinion they are far more dangerous than opiates by themselves (Patton Oswalt's wife died of them along with an undetected heart defect and of course they are incredibly deadly when mixed with opiates). The benzos led her down a path where she literally started to have auditory and visual hallucinations. She started "seeing" him sleep with a neighbor. She broke into a house because she thought it was parents who lived states away. She started waving guns around at made up burglars. Etc... So she went crazy completely out of the blue with a little help from the benzos. She never had any issues until the last four months and now she's unsafe to be around her own kids and husband.

I don't know if it's clinically proven, but I have known several people that went from perfectly functioning normal folks to severe mental illness/schizophrenia after a drug experience. I think it's pretty well established that a drug trip doesn't cause someone to become mentally ill, but it's very odd to know 4-5 people where you can point to an exact weekend where they went on a drug bender and draw a line not crazy/crazy. And all but one of those had very bad ultimate endings.

Maybe that was mental illness that was always going to manifest at some point, but it sure as hell seems like it got unlocked by a single drug incident.
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Have the normal alcoholics and crackheads in the family but one stands out. Cousin who is probably 62 by now and not allowed around my house. He's a son of two university professors and could never figure out how to socially evolve. From NJ but went to college at University of Alabama. Don't know if he finished or got kicked out but ended up with the worst NJ-Alabama accent; if you could even imagine.

Hadn't seen him in many years and he shows up at our apartment in Tally while in school. Have no idea how he found me or where I lived. Said he dreamed of blowing up bridges. Sent him packing and didn't hear much about him for years and them bam, was told he'd joined the army and was kicked out for stealing a bazooka and a ton of blasting caps.
My FIL lives in a world filled with conspiracy and paranoia. He is an intelligent and successful man but crazy as a sprayed cock roach at times too. He one time called me and asked where and how he could get some sheet lead. I told him the only place I could think of that he could possibly find that was a plumbing supply store since sheet lead is sometimes still used to form shower pans. When I asked why he wanted some he told me it was because satellites can't see through lead. He was sure the government was spying on him via satellites and he wanted to bury some stuff in his back yard. He was completely serious. Before the world was supposed to end on Y2K, he bought a welder's generator to power his house, thousands of dollars of non perishable foods, more ammo than most small countries and night vision goggles so he could see his attackers before they saw him. He was seriously disappointed when the world kept on normally on January 1, 2000.
I don't know if it's clinically proven, but I have known several people that went from perfectly functioning normal folks to severe mental illness/schizophrenia after a drug experience. I think it's pretty well established that a drug trip doesn't cause someone to become mentally ill, but it's very odd to know 4-5 people where you can point to an exact weekend where they went on a drug bender and draw a line not crazy/crazy. And all but one of those had very bad ultimate endings.

Maybe that was mental illness that was always going to manifest at some point, but it sure as hell seems like it got unlocked by a single drug incident.

My brother, the one I mentioned above, did heavy drug use as late teen/ early 20's.

From what I assume drug use makes mental illness worse.
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My FIL lives in a world filled with conspiracy and paranoia. He is an intelligent and successful man but crazy as a sprayed cock roach at times too. He one time called me and asked where and how he could get some sheet lead. I told him the only place I could think of that he could possibly find that was a plumbing supply store since sheet lead is sometimes still used to form shower pans. When I asked why he wanted some he told me it was because satellites can't see through lead. He was sure the government was spying on him via satellites and he wanted to bury some stuff in his back yard. He was completely serious. Before the world was supposed to end on Y2K, he bought a welder's generator to power his house, thousands of dollars of non perishable foods, more ammo than most small countries and night vision goggles so he could see his attackers before they saw him. He was seriously disappointed when the world kept on normally on January 1, 2000.

Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you.
He was seriously disappointed when the world kept on normally on January 1, 2000.

I knew a crazy like that. Not related, he used to come into the bookstore and tell me about how Clinton wouldn't relinquish power and that he and a few friends and their families were going to ride it out at some compound they had in Alabama.
He told me about the expected heliborne gas attacks that would be waged on the cities. The FEMA camps, etc. I moved the summer of '99, but always regretted never catching Chuck's explanation for how things worked out.
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None on my side of the family, but I don't know many extended beyond my first cousins. Problem with most of both sides of the family living 100s + miles away.

I do know a number of them who have perpetually made bad life decisions, but not necessarily "crazy"
Depends on what you mean by "crazy". I have a second cousin who's white trashedness is the only reason I stay friends with her on Facebook. She's completely devoid of any kind of self-awareness - she'll say anything on there, regardless of how embarrassed it should make her. For example, here are some real life facebook posts of hers (keep in mind that she's* around 30yo, not a kid):

In response to a comment left by another cousin:

Another Cousin: Selling and doing drugs is illegal. Obey the law and you wont have any problems

WT Cousin: No selling and possessing drugs is illegal, or using a motor vehicle while under the influence.. doing drugs is not illegal, i smoke [F-ing] weed, I'm not out selling my children for a bump, or snorting cocaine in front of them, or in that fact smoking in front of them.... I have anxiety issues from being raped, beaten, abused, and neglected as a child and I would much rather smoke weed than be [F-ed] up on pills like my mother was while I was being raped in the next room! [Unable to verify whether any of this happened]


WT Cousin: I feel like a criminal and I hate it.... ugh

Another Cousin: What the hell does that mean?

WT Cousin: I got a [BS] possession of marijuana charge, it's a misdemeanor and my first charge ever, yet I still have to do a substance abuse evaluation, do what they recommend, plus 3 months on paper plus fines and costs even though my doctor tells me to smoke for my anxiety.... guess Oklahoma just wants everyone on Pharma drugs so they can kill us legally


WT Cousin: Anyone wanna loan me 20-30 bucks for gas until tomorrow or Tuesday??

Followed by:

WT Cousin: Looks like [WT Husband] isn't going to work tomorrow and my kids aren't going to school.... great

Another Cousin: Oh no, what's going on

WT Cousin: Don't have gas to get them there

Followed later by...

WT Cousin: There is light at the end of the tunnel even if that light is selling everything again....

WT Cousin: had to sell [WT Husband's] s10 for gas money girl [WT Husband] has missed two days of work and the kids missed a day of school


Hey, nothing at all wrong with being poor if that's the best you can do, but a) she went to school to be a diesel mechanic, then moved to a small town where those jobs don't exist, and b) you don't need to put your business out there for everyone to see.

Other points of interest:

Yes, her baby daddy has a neck tattoo.

Yes, her current WT Husband also has a neck tattoo.

Yes, I think they got married before his divorce from his first wife was official.

She also claims to have PTSD from her time as a stripper* (and hooker? maybe)

*No pictures. You wouldn't want them anyway. They're like the "after" meth addict photos. Seriously. Probably because of all the meth.
My FIL lives in a world filled with conspiracy and paranoia. He is an intelligent and successful man but crazy as a sprayed cock roach at times too. He one time called me and asked where and how he could get some sheet lead. I told him the only place I could think of that he could possibly find that was a plumbing supply store since sheet lead is sometimes still used to form shower pans. When I asked why he wanted some he told me it was because satellites can't see through lead. He was sure the government was spying on him via satellites and he wanted to bury some stuff in his back yard. He was completely serious. Before the world was supposed to end on Y2K, he bought a welder's generator to power his house, thousands of dollars of non perishable foods, more ammo than most small countries and night vision goggles so he could see his attackers before they saw him. He was seriously disappointed when the world kept on normally on January 1, 2000.

Wait a second, back up. You mean to tell me the world didn't end on Y2K. Have I been in this basement for 17 years for no reason??? If you tell me that FSU has beaten the canes/gates 4 times in a row each and we have a really good bball team this year I am just going to lose it.
Wait a second, back up. You mean to tell me the world didn't end on Y2K. Have I been in this basement for 17 years for no reason??? If you tell me that FSU has beaten the canes/gates 4 times in a row each and we have a really good bball team this year I am just going to lose it.
Pssst.... We've beaten the Canes 7 times in a row....
I knew a crazy like that. Not related, he used to come into the bookstore and tell me about how Clinton wouldn't relinquish power and that he and a few friends and their families were going to ride it out at some compound they had in Alabama.
He told me about the expected heliborne gas attacks that would be waged on the cities. The FEMA camps, etc. I moved the summer of '99, but always regretted never catching Chuck's explanation for how things worked out.

I worked at a law firm that had a Y2K specialist on the payroll. She wouldn't handle regular cases because she was getting ready for the flood of cases that were going to come in. I know her salary was pretty good and all she did was come in at 11 because, claim to be working on some presentation and leave at 2. I think they waited until January 3rd to put her crap in a banker's box and leave it at the receptionist desk.
My brother, the one I mentioned above, did heavy drug use as late teen/ early 20's.

From what I assume drug use makes mental illness worse.

Well in my friend's wife case, she had no prior issues according to her husband/my friend. Literally almost two decades of living together with zero issues. No real depression or anything. Then after one annual exam her primary care doc allegedly gave her a bunch of benzos because she had "anxiety". Within a month or two of being on them, she was totally whackadoo, seeing things, threatening to murder her husband and kids, becoming suicidal etc... She went from perfectly normal mom to off the rails dangerously crazy in about a month and a half with nothing traumatic intervening. My first thought is that she must have a brain tumour as most people do not flip from sane to crazy that quickly without some type of severe trauma. But apparently the Benzos just altered her brain chemistry to send her deep over the edge as they can't find anything physically wrong with her.

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