Anyone else already tired of the holidays?

Not me. Beach was beautiful. Sunny, warm 70 degree blue sky. Cool breeze, low tide with the reef exposed, glassy dark blue waves. Pelicans and Ospreys dive bombing bait fish and little kids and grandparents out surfing, glassy little peelers.
Watched 3 college kids shovel a 10x10 area for a big assed sandcastle and slam a beer when they were done digging. Saw a guy pull in some nice whiting and a black drum and then hook into something big that made his drag sing and run out his line. Wrapped the final presents and picked up a Michters Toasted and Wild Turkey Rare Breed. Great day so far. Keep em comin'
No way. I love the holidays. Best time of the year.

That said, I understand it’s a very difficult time for many people. If you’re one of those people (OP or anyone else) then it’s okay to find someone to talk to and ask for help.
I feel you OP. Family obligations. Thousands of dollars spent. I struggle with food, and we have ridiculously excessive amounts of food around the house. It can definitely cause stress.
We had 23 of my wife’s fam over yesterday for eats. Wifey was stressed early on, but she got in the zone and it was a great time. There were young uns that I took outside for tree climbing, leaf wallering, porch swinging, and dog chasing. It was a blast acting the fool and cutting loose. Having both of our kids in town was the best part.
Egg casseroles, bacon, sausage, awesome gravy and homemade biscuits, fruit, cream cheese croissants, pots of coffee, bourbon, etc...
Not thinking about a bad football team was cathartic as well. Looking forward to more basketball as the ACC games loom...
Tough part was thinking about those no longer in the room with us. This thread has me raising my glass in memory and thanks for the path they blazed for us.
Cheers, y’all and I hope you get through the season in good spirits!!
The holidays specifically, no. A lot of crap going on at the moment, yes.

My 11-year old had strep last week, and now has the flu. So, the past 24-48 hours have been extra stressful as she is dealing with that.

Trying to get around with the extra traffic & people acting extra stupid is very annoying. It seems like people are taking advantage of the holidays to be morons and thinking they have an excuse to do what they want. I wish people wouldn't forget common sense and common courtesy.
What are you tired of, specifically, if you don't mind me asking?
I think it’s the hassle of it all. We are definitely over scheduled this year (our fault, for sure). It is not relaxing and my wife and I are talking about a family trip next year instead.

Anyway, hope you all have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny freaking Kaye!
I think it’s the hassle of it all. We are definitely over scheduled this year (our fault, for sure). It is not relaxing and my wife and I are talking about a family trip next year instead.

Anyway, hope you all have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny freaking Kaye!
Ah, so that's it. The OP didn't get that big end of year bonus he had been counting on, and now he's in it up to here!
I have a friend that turned his built in hot tub into this beautiful koi pond. Brilliant!

Sure but did he ever invent "A non-nutritive cereal varnish that's semi-permiable. It's not osmotic. What it does is it coats and seals the flake, prevents the milk from penetrating it."
nah, both my girls are home for the first time since TG, going to see my sisters this weekend. cooking, eating, drinking and otherwise loafing around. gonna play a little tennis. I'll take more, please
-No bowl game
-Everyone sround is seems to be sick
-father has been very sick, like in and out of hospital sick
-seems to be extraordinarily rainy this year
-Hurricane Michael is still affecting our family as a whole (my family lives in PC)
- wife is back in school getting her masters, so she had “finals” going on. Because of this we did our Xmas shopping on the 22 and 23, which is not like us.
-because the above I hung about half of our Christmas lights outside.

So yeah, It’s been a wonky holiday season for us, I’ll say that for sure.

However, it stil beats the alternative and it’s not even close.

Going back to work is going to suck much more, so I don’t want it to end...not even a little bit.