"Do you want your change back?"

Formerly Rockymtnole

Ultimate Seminole Insider
Feb 9, 2013
Ever hear this from the person at the counter or the drive thru?

I can kind of see it if it's a penny or two, but I had a lady at the drive thru ask me that and my change was 28 cents. It's not about the money, just a bit presumptuous in my opinion.
I also hate when servers ask "do you need change". I can't imagine someone in a non-tipping position like a drive thru asking me.
Yes, I want my Fargin change back. No, I don't want to donate a dollar to xyz charity. How about this McDonalds, you give me a free coffee which would otherwise cost me a dollar and give the dollar to charity? A dollar still goes to the charity they want to support and I'm still drinking coffee - win/win.