Game of thrones season finale spoilers

There will be some meeting between Arya and Melisandre. Khaleesi lands in the Iron Islands. Theon convinces Khaleesi to meet with Jon Snow. The Hound is about to be killed by The Mountain when Arya steps in and chops his head off. The White Walkers kill some of the Watch. Gilly gets preggers by Sam.
Will be interesting to see how the story of Dorne unfolds. Either will take a bigger part in the show or be pretty pointless for being included.
Well since I just read that next season will be delayed because they literally have to wait on winter to come, I expect a lot of the North.

I think Jaime will try and reason with Cersei, but will fail.

Dorne seems like good place to land since Varys has brokered an alliance.

I kinda see that as well for Jaime. Even though his conversation with Brienne in the bath a couple seasons ago he said he would do it again even if it was someone that he loved killing innocent people of Kings Landing. I can see him trying to reason with her, but not succeeding. I think it will come down to a face to face with Cersei and Tyrion. Cersei tries to kill Tyrion and Jaime kills her to save his brother. I just keep seeing the look on her face as she realizes that she was wrong about which brother would take her life.
I kinda see that as well for Jaime. Even though his conversation with Brienne in the bath a couple seasons ago he said he would do it again even if it was someone that he loved killing innocent people of Kings Landing. I can see him trying to reason with her, but not succeeding. I think it will come down to a face to face with Cersei and Tyrion. Cersei tries to kill Tyrion and Jaime kills her to save his brother. I just keep seeing the look on her face as she realizes that she was wrong about which brother would take her life.

I think Jamie gets killed in battle when Danerys invades Kings Landing. He is a very poor fighter now with one hand and really shouldn't' stand a chance.
I think Cersei is going to con her way to victory over Highgarden and Dorne, absorbing the armies in the process. Why? To build her military might up for the impending clash against Daenerys. Meanwhile, Jon will have the white walker threat to deal with in the north, and at the moment of impending doom Daenerys will arrive after having defeated Cersei, and Bran will link the two along with Tyrion.

Other notables:
I think the Hound will kill the Mountain with help from Arya.
Sam will become the new Maester of the Royal family.
Daenerys will defeat Euron and give the Iron Islands to Theon and his sister.
Sansa will kill Littlefinger and lead the Vale, after he tries to usurp Jon for the north.
Jamie will deliver the deathblow to Cersei and lead the new King's guard.
Castle Black will get ravaged by the White Walkers
Mormont will be cured and find his way back to Bear Island.

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