Handle Name


Veteran Seminole Insider
Aug 29, 2003
we do this every now and then; but tell me again why you chose your handle name and and how it's pronounced. Last time we did this SeaPA blew me away, was reading it wrong for years.


Danc78 > Dan-C-78
Not "Dance"

Mine is my first name, first initial of last name, year born.

A really really terrible idea for a handle name. Would have done different if I had known just how often this account was going to be used. Created back in 2000ish when in college.
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I definitely read your handle as Dance for quite awhile. Think maybe it came up a few pages into your deck-building thread that you were DanC, not Dance.

For those who haven't figured mine out, I brought my handle with me from another board I used to frequent, that was dedicated to Scuba Diving. I make my living as a CPA, and I'd rather be out on the boat headed to a dive site than sitting at my desk. Hence, SeaPA.
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About the time I made my account I was working as a GA and getting my Masters at West Liberty University, nicknamed the Hilltoppers
Once upon a time ago I was prone to saying off the wall things that would pop in my head. Think Mitch Hedberg but less funny. People told me I would, "Say the most random things."
John is my first name. So Random_John
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In the Marine Corps, I was in 1st Battalion, 8th Marines. At that time we were known as the Foul Weather Warriors because we could bring the end of a drought to seemingly anywhere on the globe. The Foul Weather Warrior nickname is no more, though. 1/8 was recently renamed to the Beirut Battalion, due to the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut on October 23rd, 1983 - which they occupied at the time.
I thought it was Dank for the longest time until I found out your last name
SeaPA even though I know, everytime I still think of an old salt harpooning whales


C Initial of first name
Nole Nole fan
Man in the middle ties the two together so it sounds like Seminole Cmanole

Also my friends in Gainesville call me Semenhole so it's a play on that as well...

Majority on her now refer to me as C-Man but some still say CMA. Either or, don't really care...
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I thought it was Dank for the longest time until I found out your last name
SeaPA even though I know, everytime I still think of an old salt harpooning whales


C Initial of first name
Nole Nole fan
Man in the middle ties the two together so it sounds like Seminole Cmanole

Also my friends in Gainesville call me Semenhole so it's a play on that as well...

Majority on her now refer to me as C-Man but some still say CMA. Either or, don't really care...

OMG dude....I never put that together lol
C-Man-Nole :Face with Tears of Joy:Face with Tears of Joy

LOL...that's freaking awesome!

DanK is so much cooler, keep thinking that.

And yes, it will always be pronounced Sae-Paw in my head, not CPA.
I definitely read your handle as Dance for quite awhile. Think maybe it came up a few pages into your deck-building thread that you were DanC, not Dance.

For those who haven't figured mine out, I brought my handle with me from another board I used to frequent, that was dedicated to Scuba Diving. I make my living as a CPA, and I'd rather be out on the boat headed to a dive site than sitting at my desk. Hence, SeaPA.

Yeah man...not that many folks are still around from that thread. I had to call Yahoo at the time to have them capitalize the "c" in my name.
Back many years ago, my now brother-in-law worked at AOL during it's somewhat beginnings. He was setting me up an account one day and asked what I wanted my handle to be. One of my favorite movies was "The Three Amigos" and there is a scene where El Guapo asks his main henchman before his birthday party, "Would you say I have a plethora of gifts?" Well, needless to say spelling wasn't my forte and I spelled it wrong. I just stuck with it because I can almost always guarantee it's available whenever a handle is necessary and for consistency but is always a humbling reminder of a mistake I made 20 years ago.
Back many years ago, my now brother-in-law worked at AOL during it's somewhat beginnings. He was setting me up an account one day and asked what I wanted my handle to be. One of my favorite movies was "The Three Amigos" and there is a scene where El Guapo asks his main henchman before his birthday party, "Would you say I have a plethora of gifts?" Well, needless to say spelling wasn't my forte and I spelled it wrong. I just stuck with it because I can almost always guarantee it's available whenever a handle is necessary and for consistency but is always a humbling reminder of a mistake I made 20 years ago.

Feel you bro!
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When I signed up for this site I had a Corvette with an LT4 engine. My plate was LT4PLY, So LT4 Play. Or read it whoever else ya want to ;)
I thought it was Dank for the longest time until I found out your last name
SeaPA even though I know, everytime I still think of an old salt harpooning whales


C Initial of first name
Nole Nole fan
Man in the middle ties the two together so it sounds like Seminole Cmanole

Also my friends in Gainesville call me Semenhole so it's a play on that as well...

Majority on her now refer to me as C-Man but some still say CMA. Either or, don't really care...
I always thought you were a Certified Management Accountant. :oops:
oh I forgot to do mine. I've been using bartdog as an email since probably the early 90's when I had a black and tan mini dachshund named Bart. he was a mean little sob and just about untrainable. So he wasn't just Bart, he was the bartdog. My friends and I started calling each other "{your name}-dog" as a way to identify with him I guess or as a show of friendship and mock respect, kind of the way "dog" became a general way to refer to your boys.
In the Marine Corps, I was in 1st Battalion, 8th Marines. At that time we were known as the Foul Weather Warriors because we could bring the end of a drought to seemingly anywhere on the globe. The Foul Weather Warrior nickname is no more, though. 1/8 was recently renamed to the Beirut Battalion, due to the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut on October 23rd, 1983 - which they occupied at the time.

Not that it has anything to do with handles but my father in-law was a helicopter pilot for the Marines in Beirut. He doesn't talk a lot about that time in the service.
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DQ was the nickname I had since youth sports. My initials are DM but I guess DM sounds dumb. My last name sounds like it should have a Q in it so DQ it is.
I couldn't think of a name when I was trying to create a handle for a sport bike forum. I looked around the room and this was on. My name is Jon.

My favorite part is about a minute in. It makes me laugh, its so stupid.
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DQ was the nickname I had since youth sports. My initials are DM but I guess DM sounds dumb. My last name sounds like it should have a Q in it so DQ it is.

That's a nice story, but it's okay to admit that you work at Dairy Queen. The Blizzards rock!

I got my handle becauze i ain't so good at spellin or capitolization
I definitely read your handle as Dance for quite awhile. Think maybe it came up a few pages into your deck-building thread that you were DanC, not Dance.

For those who haven't figured mine out, I brought my handle with me from another board I used to frequent, that was dedicated to Scuba Diving. I make my living as a CPA, and I'd rather be out on the boat headed to a dive site than sitting at my desk. Hence, SeaPA.

U serious? You aren't a boat captain from Pennsylvania??? Man, I can't believe that I let you take my boat out, but I do feel a little bad about laughing at you when you asked if you could help with my taxes.
U serious? You aren't a boat captain from Pennsylvania??? Man, I can't believe that I let you take my boat out, but I do feel a little bad about laughing at you when you asked if you could help with my taxes.

Heh, I think I've mentioned this in the past. One of the other regulars on the scuba board wasa urologist from Vancouver. On April Fools Day one year, one of the mods changed his handle to See Pee, Eh :D