If you could be granted any 3 wishes, what would they be?


Jan 27, 2023
Near Washington D.C.
There would be no side effects or tricks to your wishes, if that makes sense.

My 3 wishes:

1.) World peace

2.) An end to mental illness

3.) $1 trillion dollars in my bank account

There would be no side effects or tricks to your wishes, if that makes sense.

My 3 wishes:

1.) World peace

2.) An end to mental illness

3.) $1 trillion dollars in my bank account


One day two of those will come true, only not due to your wishes! It’s already in motion!

#3- good luck with that
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Kindness in general. Not the stupid kind that's fake but true kindness that you can see from everyone. (Me included)

More civility in the world, people stop being such asshats.

If we get there everything else will fall into place.
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I know, but it would be great if everyone would accept it!!!
Not really necessary for people to accept anything. That's the problem today, everyone wants people to accept a train of thought. If people could just be courteous and civil it would be a start.
Not really necessary for people to accept anything. That's the problem today, everyone wants people to accept a train of thought. If people could just be courteous and civil it would be a start.

It would be nice if people could be civil towards each other

However, I think it will get worse a lot worse!

The gift is of Salvation, and it comes from God! Unlike humans God keeps his Word, is on time, his time , all the time

I know, I know there goes itch again preaching doom and gloom, but actually I speak from a point of Hope!
1. Fluency in every language.

2. The time traveling ability from About Time.

3. Good health for everyone I care about.
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