Jameis being investigated for groping Uber driver NEW: Jameis Responds

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Sorry, but you are way out of line on your last sentence!! So because someone disagrees with you, you attack, demean or disparage them?? I expect that out of a turd fan (or a certain political perception I know).

Do I think the girl may have an agenda or really has no clue who groped her, yeah. Do I feel some people are all jumping on the "Me too" bandwagon, when some maybe have no right to (or maybe they just want to be in the spotlight as well), yes again. None of my skepticism takes away from the fact that sexual assault or harassment is in fact a real issue and should not only be dealt with in strong terms, but never tolerated. I am pretty cynical since so many people seem to be lying these days, still that does not mean every instance should be carefully looked at.

I actually doubt the accusation is legit (as clearly indicated by my previous posts), having said that just because I am suspicious, I do not ridicule another (in this case AllNoles) for taking the position he has taken.

AllNoles certainly does not need me to come to his defense, but from reading his posts over the years, he is certainly reasonable, levelheaded, and civil. His legal .02 always seems to be sound, supported and well backed up.

When I disagreed with him earlier I just took a different view. I do not share his last post about people doubting women either.

So how about you just say you disagree and leave it at that!!
You’re right. I don’t need backup but I appreciate the words. Seriously. You’re right that we should be able to disagree without attacking people.

That said I think the post to which you respond is really instructive. If you wonder why women don’t come forward, read some of the stuff on here. It’s amazing. The girl reported it immediately. If she’d gone to the police with that complaint people would have said it was overkill to go to the law. There’s literally nothing she could have done that people would even give her the initial benefit of the doubt.

Funny thing is I’m not saying he did it. I don’t know. But there are plenty already saying he didn’t, and they don’t know. That’s a little sad.
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You really do not understand issues relating to sexual assault if you feel the way you responded. There are many reasons women do not call the police immediately and they are not all liars if they don't. What are they gaining from this "attention". From your response, ridicule, doubt and suspicion. I don't think that's the kind of attention they are craving.

Who is ridiculing her? From my view she is being viewed as a hero and one of great courage.90% of this thread already have Winston hung even those that supported him in the past. The whole issue from my perspective from what I have read is full of holes just like the Kinsman issue.

I say the Gal has already been financially compensated and is enjoying her moment in the sun. We shall see how much more fame she seeks.
The court of public opinion resembles the Salem Witch trials more than ever today. Personally, I think such a trend is not praise worthy. I have just about lost all trust in the media today.... and the humanity that believes it completely.

How many are represented by this video in the thread?

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