Kyrie Irving is a Flat-earther.

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Sorry to whomever the moderator was that fixed my language. I have a tendency of cursing when I become exasperated with another person.

I thought the rules on cursing were a little more lax in the locker room? We are allowing trolling but not cursing?
Come on man. I'm not saying it "looks curved". I'm not an idiot, I realize the horizon always looks perfectly straight and flat (unless you are very high elevation).

What I have seen 2,500 times in my life is the top of the tallest building on the coast first, then some shorter buildings as I get closer, and finally the tree tops once I finally get a few miles away. This proves what I am looking at is curved.

That's why lighthouses are tall.

hey man, there are reasons why you see those buildings the way that you do, the ocean goes up and the sky goes down in

haven't you ever seen pictures of long hallways, its about the vanishing point. Horizons always come up to eye level, there is always a bulge up in the ocean of 20-40 feet so it gives the illusion of curve...there are long long explanations all over youtube, but that would require you to buy into youtube like many have to CNN and FOX, notice i said "many" because i do not know if you have.
I used the calculator you posted. Plug the numbers in for yourself.

I have a formula 8 inches times miles times miles on a sphere with a circumference of 25k miles. you are the engineer, do you have a formula? This is exactly what i am talking about i give formula you give links...i am tiring of this
hey man, there are reasons why you see those buildings the way that you do, the ocean goes up and the sky goes down in

haven't you ever seen pictures of long hallways, its about the vanishing point. Horizons always come up to eye level, there is always a bulge up in the ocean of 20-40 feet so it gives the illusion of curve...there are long long explanations all over youtube, but that would require you to buy into youtube like many have to can and fix, notice i said "many" because i do not know if you have.

No, the ocean doesn't "buldge". If you are referring to waves, your understanding of hydrodynamics is as lacking as your application of logic and reason.

I have done what I aimed to do. I took the ONLY concrete example you were willing to provide and disproved it beyond any debate, and you even admitted you were wrong.

Case closed.

If you care to provide me with some other concrete example, I will show you with facts and evidence that it is also wrong.

And yes, you are able to see the vast majority of the island you are talking about because the entire western coast line is a 1,000 foot tall cliff.

Here it is ladies and gentlemen:

I have a formula 8 inches times miles times miles on a sphere with a circumference of 25k miles. you are the engineer, do you have a formula? This is exactly what i am talking about i give formula you give links...i am tiring of this

I didn't provide any links. I used the link YOU provided.

Thanks for clearing up the fact that you are clearly just trolling now and don't believe what you are typing. For whomever the mod is that edited my post for cursing, should also enforce the board rules of "no trolling". Can't pick and choose which rules to enforce.
Where is (are) the edge(s) of the Earth?

there is lots of debate about this, what many do not debate is that antarctica is maybe a ring around the continents, beyond the ring is whats debated, some say we are in a dome like the truman show, others say we are on an endless plane with other puddles like ours. This is why many want to pay for explorers to venture beyond.

see the United Nations flag, it is the actual FE map, like my warchant emblem
This thread should be over. The conspiracy theorist was just proven wrong with his only concrete example using his own formula and his own links.

He is continuing on just to piss people off now. Regrettably he accomplished that goal with me now.

Do you have a grainy cell phone shot that explains how the duck ocean tides work? Let me know how our flat world oceans magically rise and lower up to 20' in some locations. Is there a magic dragon that lives under the ocean that drinks up all the water and then pees it back out 8 hours later?
Met an old lady in Carlsbad
Who got bit on the ankle by a spider
It swelled on up to about the size of her knee
She was carrying clothes in a plastic bag and breathing kinda heavy
Havin' a hard day was plain to see
She said "somebody stole my shopping cart
It's sittin' out side the door
I don't understand, who could be so cruel?"
She said "Karma is a serious thing and a force to be reckoned with
And well the whippersnapper that took it is a fool"
And now I'm walkin' with an old lady
Down to the corner bus stop
Talkin' about Jesus and how her heart he won
Talkin' with an old lady down at the corner bus stop
She said expect you a miracle before the day be done.
(I'll make a silly post just so I can receive alerts to notify me when there is a new post made in this very entertaining thread!)

Speaking of math, explain to me how you can say touch a wall (or anything else) when mathematically you can always divide a distance by half.
No, the ocean doesn't "buldge". If you are referring to waves, your understanding of hydrodynamics is as lacking as your application of logic and reason.

I have done what I aimed to do. I took the ONLY concrete example you were willing to provide and disproved it beyond any debate, and you even admitted you were wrong.

Case closed.

If you care to provide me with some other concrete example, I will show you with facts and evidence that it is also wrong.

And yes, you are able to see the vast majority of the island you are talking about because the entire western coast line is a 1,000 foot tall cliff.

Here it is ladies and gentlemen:


not looking to close any case, maybe you closed the case for you, but i am of the belief i opened some minds that read this post and maybe they are now off of this stupid post and exploring now in the internet, that was my intention. Sounds like you need more to force you to consider. You just can't get around my example because it has some flaws but i can still see the island with my own two eyes. There are no mountains in florida so it is hard for you be reminded daily of it like i am here on the west coast.

stop fighting me and go on youtube and do some research. Every video on warchant is youtube type technology, so it all must be lies according to you. For example you probably do not believe Cam Akers signed with fsu because you saw it on warchant but it must be a lie because i watched it on the internet.,or i guess that mixon punch was a lie too,
Based on satellite imagery, the water line fluctuates about 10ft between low and high tides (another phenominan that is impossible with a flat earth, but we will leave that alone for now).

Uh, when I play in the bath tub with my rubber ducky, it splashes at my feet and head back and forth. Tides explained. And my tub is flat, just put a ruler next to it for confirmation.

update, I even took a picture of it and put the ruler next to the picture on my computer. Still flat.
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Is this guy for real?

If the standard model is fake then why does it explain everything so well? How do we know when the eclipses will happen and when comets will be visible?
How do I get new satellite imagery at work all the time if satellites are fake?
As a geology student, explain to me why p-waves and s-waves from earthquakes arrive at different times? If the current model of earth is wrong why don't s-waves transmit from earthquakes on the other side of the earth but p-waves do?
Answer those and I'll get you some more.

I noticed you still left all these unanswered. Was there no YouTube video to tell you what nonsense to reply with?
not looking to close any case, maybe you closed the case for you, but i am of the belief i opened some minds that read this post and maybe they are now off of this stupid post and exploring now in the internet, that was my intention. Sounds like you need more to force you to consider. You just can't get around my example because it has some flaws but i can still see the island with my own two eyes. There are no mountains in florida so it is hard for you be reminded daily of it like i am here on the west coast.

stop fighting me and go on youtube and do some research. Every video on warchant is youtube type technology, so it all must be lies according to you. For example you probably do not believe Cam Akers signed with fsu because you saw it on warchant but it must be a lie because i watched it on the internet.,or i guess that mixon punch was a lie too,

Case closed. You were wrong, and admitted so.

I'm done being trolled. You are a sad individual that this is how you get your kicks.
The YouTube is hogwash is a psychological operation by the powers that be to get people to not go on the Internet and search for the truth, they want you watching preselected shows with their programming. There is trash on YouTube but there is very good insightful stuff too .

What I'm curious about is where you have learned this, and why do you believe it?
take a picture next time, go home on your computer then take a ruler to your curve on the screen, it will be a straight line, our eyes are curved so we start out seeing things in a curved fashion. Its all perspective.

No! no, no, no, no, no. You did not just attempt to use 3 dimensional logic on a 2 dimensional object, did you?

DFS go ahead and lock this thing up. Please don't make me post something political in it....
Wonderful. So you didn't answer the other part about your approximate location on the beach so I will assume somwhere around the mid-point of the beach between the lifeguard stand and the water line.

Based on satellite imagery, the water line fluctuates about 10ft between low and high tides (another phenominan that is impossible with a flat earth, but we will leave that alone for now). I have reviewed the last 30 days of tide chards, average fluctuation is about 5 1/2 feet.

So, where you are standing is about 10' above sea level. Your height adds another 6' to your vantage point, for a total of 16'.

At 43 miles away, and an eye height of 16', using your calculator tool of "ballers" math, that means the island you are seeing with your naked eye would need to be 968' above sea level to view.

As you said, simple math. So if the highest point of San Clemtine Island was below 968' of elevation, you sir would be correct. Your crazy assertions would all be validated, and everyone in this thread would be blind sheep for not believing you.

Problem is that Island you are looking at has a high point of 1,965' and the center of the land mass is at 1,106' of elevation. So you would still be able to see Mt. Thirst (tallest point in Island) from your vantage point, or the vast majority of the landmass that is all over 968'.

So there you go. If you limit yourself to one topic, or one example, I can disprove every single claim you make with science and reason. If you jump around to 10 different points in each post, that's difficult to do.

So even if you were standing in the water, so your vantage point is only 6' tall, you could be over 57 miles away and still see this Island using "baller" math.

What is your explanation for this? Because this 500' foot tall number you came up with is not accurate.

not looking to close any case, maybe you closed the case for you, but i am of the belief i opened some minds that read this post and maybe they are now off of this stupid post and exploring now in the internet, that was my intention. Sounds like you need more to force you to consider. You just can't get around my example because it has some flaws but i can still see the island with my own two eyes. There are no mountains in florida so it is hard for you be reminded daily of it like i am here on the west coast.

stop fighting me and go on youtube and do some research. Every video on warchant is youtube type technology, so it all must be lies according to you. For example you probably do not believe Cam Akers signed with fsu because you saw it on warchant but it must be a lie because i watched it on the internet.,or i guess that mixon punch was a lie too,

Can it really be considered a fight if its a UFC fighter (Red Wolfe) vs a Special Olympian?
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This is a Polar view of the Globe, any similarities to your Avatar end there when you put an "Antarctic Ice ring" around it.
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This is a Polar view of the Globe, any similarities to your Avatar end there when you put an "Antarctic Ice ring" around it.

That is the United Nations flag, and those in to freemasonry and numerology, then count the number of blocks plus the middle, it sums up to no other than 33
Some of you need to chill out and not get so worked up about this. Whether or not Carlsbad is trolling or seriously believes the flat earth theory; you're not going to convince him on a message board.

So let's move on and learn a little together.

Carlsbad, how long have you believed in the flat earth theory and what brought you to this awareness? Is this tied to a particular religious belief? If we are in a dome, what is outside of this dome and who is controlling it?
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Some of you need to chill out and not get so worked up about this. Whether or not Carlsbad is trolling or seriously believes the flat earth theory; you're not going to convince him on a message board.

So let's move on and learn a little together.

Carlsbad, how long have you believed in the flat earth theory and what brought you to this awareness? Is this tied to a particular religious belief? If we are in a dome, what is outside of this dome and who is controlling it?

Very simple, like most i heard the theory and had the same reaction many of you had, "wow thats idiocy to believe in that". Anyway, i am an analyst at heart so went on a quest to disprove the most ridiculous idea i had ever heard.

I could not disprove it, some can with ease disprove it like "i saw the buildings behind the curve" but there are very sound explanations as to why that happens and it has nothing to do with curvature of the earth.

Once you cross over there is no coming back, never to be a baller again. It has made me way more spiritual and connected to people and mother earth, its been very positive, not negative at all. Its put a lot of questions as to why the world is the way that it is into perspective, in a good way, no anger issues about it. So i have outed myself on warchant, so what, i still love the Noles and cannot wait to see Cam and crew crush Bama.
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Some of you need to chill out and not get so worked up about this. Whether or not Carlsbad is trolling or seriously believes the flat earth theory; you're not going to convince him on a message board.

So let's move on and learn a little together.

Why are people mad at Carlsbad. Who cares if he believes in a flat earth, how does that affect you? I understand debating it with him but dont understand why people get angry.
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Very simple, like most i heard the theory and had the same reaction many of you had, "wow thats idiocy to believe in that". Anyway, i am an analyst at heart so went on a quest to disprove the most ridiculous idea i had ever heard.

I could not disprove it, some can with ease disprove it like "i saw the buildings behind the curve" but there are very sound explanations as to why that happens and it has nothing to do with curvature of the earth.

Once you cross over there is no coming back, never to be a baller again. It has made me way more spiritual and connected to people and mother earth, its been very positive, not negative at all. Its put a lot of questions as to why the world is the way that it is into perspective, in a good way, no anger issues about it. So i have outed myself on warchant, so what, i still love the notes and cannot wait to see Cam and crew rill Bama.

Do you have a belief on what is beyond the dome? I'm assuming you believe we're in a dome. If not, can you explain your position on what's beyond anatartica.
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