Lochte a disgrace to the USA!!!

I would love to have seen the other three guys faces when Lochte went off script with his "Yeah, man. And then they pulled out guns and told us to all get on the ground. The other three skirts, got all on the ground and stuff, and were crying, but I was all like, no way dude. I aint getting on the ground I told them. What have we done wrong, dudes? And then the one guy pulled out a big six shooter and held it to my forehead and cocked back the hammer and was all like ready to shoot me and stuff"

That was a definite triple face palm moment for the other three and could not possibly have been part of their original concocted story they came up with (unless they are somehow all as dumb as Lochte). Actually, looking back on it, they may be dumber because that was the moment the should have high tailed it out of Brazil...and he did!
An innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
between a rock and a hard place
And I'm down on my luck
Yes, I'm down on my luck
Well, I'm down on my luck

I'm hiding in Rio - I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns, and money
The shit has hit the fan
I can't work up any indignation about this. Ryan Lochte and his green and silver hair just don't get me upset in the least.

We were shaken down in Acapulco many years ago for absolutely no legitimate reason, and our sense of safety in any other part of the Americas is long gone.
people get mugged all over the world, including here at home. that shouldn't induce paranoia as much as it should common sense behavior - like not fighting with a convenient store security guard while wandering around blackout drunk at 2am.

whatever happened to these four overchlorinated dumbasses reflects poorly on them and us as a nation, not so much on brazil. if anything it's a wonderful opportunity for them to say "things aren't as bad as people say, many reports are fabricated" and frankly good for them because i'd agree that the media has drastically sensationalized the very real security issues they have.
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I'm willing to bet Lochte made this up and the guys they pulled off the plane will rat him out.
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I'm willing to bet Lochte made this up and the guys they pulled off the plane will rat him out.
Yup! These two guys didn't make any reports to police, so they can't be charged with filing a false statement. If they know something we don't, they'll sing under intimidation!
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This is a hard one as it involves 4 inherently untrustworthy and non-likeable participants: (a) a gator, (b) the corrupt Olympic machine, (c) a banana-Republic country desperate to prop up tourism; and (d) the media.

There is much logic behind Sawyer55's post above, and my natural instinct to "follow the money" suggests that his post is probably correct. But until proven otherwise, I'll assume the gator is the culpable party.

well said.
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What a shame any athlete representing this country would fabricate such a story .... Gator or not he is a disgrace if he made this all up and his teammates that was with him
When I first read his account of what happened and he said they pointed a gun in his face and he was like "whatever" I knew he was full of you know what. I had a really close friend that knew him when he was in gville... He said he was a punk with a huge cocain habit
So, I go back to the house, and send Ricardo to the station. He comes back and says, "that cost 100cz more than it should have, and btw, the police told me to tell you not to argue with them."

cruzerio? wow, that was a long time ago.
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Can't fathom why he would just conjure up a story like that.
You know what happened right? He told his mom the story probably thinking that would be the end of it but journalists talk to his mom and I am thinking she mentioned the story in passing. Then the media reached out to him and his publicist and then he just felt he had to go with it. What a dumba$$! Couldn't happen to a bigger putz.
JEEAAAH!!! As he so often liked to say.
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There were too many holes in the story from the get go, and they returned to the Athletes Village with their watches.

At first I thought they may have ventured into the favelas looking for some powder, as this is a frequent story, but the thing that struck me is that Brazilian thieves do not attack 4 grown men on a route from where Club France is to the location of the Athletes Village. It also happened apparently in the Barra, and it is pretty tame over there.
You know what happened right? He told his mom the story probably thinking that would be the end of it but journalists talk to his mom and I am thinking she mentioned the story in passing. Then the media reached out to him and his publicist and then he just felt he had to go with it. What a dumba$$! Couldn't happen to a bigger putz.
JEEAAAH!!! As he so often liked to say.

Well, he did have to explain to his mom how he lost his allowance money.. guess he didn't want to tell her he got drunk, broke in a gas station bathroom door and used all his allowance to pay for the door

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