NFL - games don’t get canceled

What percent of NFL games have been cancelled or postponed compared to college? A lot more college games and there is certainly a different dynamic in college kids vs pro athletes.
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They can also bring up players on practice squad, sign free agents, etc. Easier to replace players in the NFL

This is a big piece of it. FSU's instance with Wake Forest could have been solved by calling available talent to come play at a moment's notice. The NFL is also supplying a hell of a lot more support than the schools can provide on their own.
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NFL rosters are smaller so less potential exposure on average.

College campuses are densely packed.

nfl players are getting paid a lot of money and are likely better able to exist in a bubble. Not to mention, their bubble is likely substantially nicer to stay within than college students.

A little run of covid in a team can be hard to stamp out.
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They can also bring up players on practice squad, sign free agents, etc. Easier to replace players in the NFL

NFL teams picking up free agents are still subject to those new players sitting out....they can’t play immediately. Covid protocols. You are correct with practice squad players....
Maybe not cancelled but the rescheduling in the NFL has been immense. Before this year, have you ever watched an NFL game on a Wednesday afternoon?
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The Warchant Wahhhmbulance is apparently on call 24/7

I wonder if the people complaining about the cancellations would also complain if the games went forward, but did not come out as desired? I will say there seems to be a sizable constituency that is going to complain no matter what.

Personally, I am glad the season is over and we can focus on getting better. That’s where everyone’s energy needs to be directed.
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