Old school pickup lines


Seminole Insider
Nov 26, 2008
What pickup lines did you old farts have back in the day?

Here’s a couple I remember

“ hey baby do fries go with that shake”?
“ that swing would sure look good on my front porch!

Gold mom and fan2u would have jumped at those old classics!!

What ya got old timers, give me something that will get them seasoned ladies all worked up at the villages!
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I had a buddy who I traveled with for work. He would put on a reflective vest and hard hat before going in a dive bar. Told them he painted lines on the road. Worked half the time. Batting .500 in that game is pretty good. Keep in mind his standards were not exactly high.
What pickup lines did you old farts have back in the day?

Here’s a couple I remember

“ hey baby do fries go with that shake”?
“ that swing would sure look good on my front porch!

Gold mom and fan2u would have jumped at those old classics!!

What ya got old timers, give me something that will get them seasoned ladies all worked up at the villages!
Umm no. Just no.
Had dinner in dunnelon tonight at a little mom n pop place

So I threw some of my old fart lines at the waitress

She loved them!

Specially when I said “ keep the cooter warm”!

If I would have said ol John don’t need no blue pill, it would have pushed her over the top!
Had dinner in dunnelon tonight at a little mom n pop place

So I threw some of my old fart lines at the waitress

She loved them!

Specially when I said “ keep the cooter warm”!

If I would have said ol John don’t need no blue pill, it would have pushed her over the top!
It’s 2023, not the Flintstones meets Animal House. Please tell me you’re joking.
Please be more specific, which part are you speaking of?

This old dumbassasaurus is a little slow ya know

Have you ever been to dunnelon Florida?
If you have you would know that it’s probably the one place where stupid old lines would get a positive response!
Please be more specific, which part are you speaking of?

This old dumbassasaurus is a little slow ya know

Have you ever been to dunnelon Florida?
If you have you would know that it’s probably the one place where stupid old lines would get a positive response!
Unless you’re dining at a whorehouse, there is no place in 2023 in America or any other developed country I’ve visited where talking to a restaurant server about her c…. is something acceptable to do, let alone proudly post about.
Geez franciss
A guy plays around on a message board and you act like it’s all real

I was led to understand that as long as the rules of the board have not been broken all is fair game
Geez franciss
A guy plays around on a message board and you act like it’s all real

I was led to understand that as long as the rules of the board have not been broken all is fair game
Lol so now you did not say that nonsense to the server despite posting that you did and then trying to justify why it was ok?
Cool. Sounds legit.
And btw, whether I said that or not, I’d never post it on a message board, especially one that Nole females participate on. But I’m not feral, so I guess to each their own.
Lol so now you did not say that nonsense to the server despite posting that you did and then trying to justify why it was ok?
Cool. Sounds legit.
And btw, whether I said that or not, I’d never post it on a message board, especially one that Nole females participate on. But I’m not feral, so I guess to each their own.
Lighten up.
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If I insulted any female posters by saying keep your cooter warm , I apologize

I did say it to a very friendly lil country waitress in dunnelon tonight, and she thought it was funny

Btw I will say what I want and when I want in this life

Obviously I’m not here to please you
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If I insulted any female posters by saying keep your cooter warm , I apologize

I did say it to a very friendly lil country waitress in dunnelon tonight, and she thought it was funny

Btw I will say what I want and when I want in this life

Obviously I’m not here to please you
I’m so very urbanish, I thought you were talking about a turtle.
Number One - I don’t believe the calendar has moved forward all that much regarding this issue
Number Two - you and BV are being pranked.
Number Three - if you’re not then Mr. Itch needs to be scratched.
OP has already been super clear in his proud clarification that it’s none of your options other than #3. And apparently anything goes on here, no matter how crass and Nole-embarrassing.
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and how did this lead to rape? Or forced sex?

There used to be a post username “ UCLA”,
He would write about what he would do to his Asian girlfriend sexually

Of course that was the locker room

I don’t remember seeing you post in response to his graphic description