Richt at Miami

it won't go any better than it did at Georgia...which is to say he won't win or play for a NC, and he won't win his conference except for an occassional fluke, here or there.
back a long time ago, when we couldn't beat miami, many thought he was the reason why
We only need to keep up ugrading our facilities to keep swaying recruits just like bama

you make that sound so simple, i'm surprised Golden didn't think of it. building a stadium from scratch on campus when you have no land and wealthy neighbors who will not allow it is a little more than an upgrade.
you make that sound so simple, i'm surprised Golden didn't think of it. building a stadium from scratch on campus when you have no land and wealthy neighbors who will not allow it is a little more than an upgrade.

I'm talking about us. Hopefully recruits will desire to be here more than playing for Richt . They can go to hades
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I think he's going to do pretty well there. Not saying they're going to be back to where they were in the 80's and 90's, but I think they'll be challenging for ACC titles eventually. Having a good Miami team sucks for us, but is very good for the conference.
I can never forgive him for Orange Bowl 2001. Hope he sucks buttocks for 5 years and shows the same performance as the used car salesman before him

That loss was more on the head man. Neither are innocent but most new coaches will not coach the bowl game of their former team (just like Kirby Smart this year). Mark had other responsibilities as the new man at UGA and told BB so. Bowden convinced him otherwise. This is on Bobby.
it won't go any better than it did at Georgia...which is to say he won't win or play for a NC, and he won't win his conference except for an occassional fluke, here or there.

This was my thought as well. He'll do better than what Miami has done in the past few years but he'll never win the conference or sniff an MNC.
I heard a rumor that they might be bringing in Randy Shannon as the DC and I really hope that happens! Jimbo always put up a lot of points on his defenses when he was at LSU and at FSU as well.
I second that Randy Shannon idea. Even Jimbo's worst lost decade offenses have put up a bunch of points on Shannon defenses.
Scott Frost to UCF is also concerning...he'll pull some recruits with his offense.
I think he will do fine, my great just average which is an upgrade from Golden.

And no way Shannon goes back as DC, guy was vilified and run out of town.
I always thought Richt was a Bowden clone. Minus the personality and success.
He's going to do a great job. Big time upgrade for them.

Our facilities will give us an edge, but we they will get better recruits now.

I don't think we would have Dalvin nor would Bama had gotten Amari Cooper if Richt were there then.

Just my opinion

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