So I got dunned by the school nurse today


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Dec 17, 2002
from my older boy's school. Apparently he is not fat enough, as his BMI is below normal limits, registering in the lowest percentile. He eats plenty (and more healthy food than most kids I know); he's also - like I was - quite active, playing and excelling in whatever sport is in season. He hops from football to soccer to baseball to roller hockey to basketball, with very little break between seasons.

I think I'll call the nurse & ask if it's ok if I start having him drink a couple of pints of Guinness a day to try to put on some weight.
Oh, and I'm absolutely stunned that I have not yet heard from the school nurse for my younger son; compared to his older brother the little one looks like Starvin Marvin.

If I'm not around here for awhile, you can assume that DCF has locked me up for abusing my kids by not fattening them up to the proper norms in our country.
Guinness Draught is fairly low in calories, will want to go with a Guinness Extra Stout for full bulking abilities
Tell her if Michelle Obama would keep her nose out of the school lunch programs, he might not be so skinny!

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