Survivor: Game Changers

So Troyzan has 1 idol. Tai has 2 idols. Sarah has legacy advantage. Didn't Sarah pick up another advantage, the one Michaela missed. Doesn't someone have a steal a vote advantage? Or was that Debbie?

All these advantages (placed by producers mind you) can really work over people with good game play. Expect the unexpected though.

Tai will be in finals, has the idols and no one is scared to go up against him.

Debbie had the "extra vote" and I think Sarah has "steal a vote."
That was another insane tribal. I guess Sarah thought Michaela was the one that poisoned Cirie?

Next week will be nuts as well as it we're down to 6 and this 6 castaway vote this year is Advantage-geddon. I believe this is the last vote idols can be used AND the legacy advantage can be used on this vote as well.

Tai's 2 idols, Troy'a idol, and Sarah's legacy (which is essentially another idol).

Should be crazy
That was another insane tribal. I guess Sarah thought Michaela was the one that poisoned Cirie?

Next week will be nuts as well as it we're down to 6 and this 6 castaway vote this year is Advantage-geddon. I believe this is the last vote idols can be used AND the legacy advantage can be used on this vote as well.

Tai's 2 idols, Troy'a idol, and Sarah's legacy (which is essentially another idol).

Should be crazy

If Tai gives one idol to someone (Culpepper? Aubrey?) and Troyzan has an idol and Sarah has the advantage, plus whoever wins immunity (let's say it's one of the 3 unprotected currently...but even if a protected person wins it they hand over the immunity and/or advantage to the unprotected), then there's literally only one person that can be voted off, right?

Also, why would Sarah take out Michaela? Seems of the remaining people, she'd be the #1 person to take with you to the end because there's zero chance she gets votes from the jury.
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Tai had to have known there was no way he was going home to not use at least 1 idol last night. I'm sure there was some stuff the producers left out.

But when Sarah stole his vote, no matter what he knew, he should have used one.
When Jeff confirmed that the advantage was non-transferable the look on Cirie's face was "Oh, sh**".

I was surprised that Cirie didn't get voted out after she tried that stunt.
When Jeff confirmed that the advantage was non-transferable the look on Cirie's face was "Oh, sh**".

I was surprised that Cirie didn't get voted out after she tried that stunt.

Cirie is apparently more manipulative than Sandra.
Not a fan of Cirie. I wasn't a fan of Michaela either. Hopefully Cirie is next to go....

I want Brad, Sarah, Aubrey or Tai to win.... in that order.
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I guess Sarah was worried about Michaela in challenges going forward. Haven't listened to this week's exit interviews yet... but Michaela's will be interesting for sure.
When Jeff confirmed that the advantage was non-transferable the look on Cirie's face was "Oh, sh**".

I was surprised that Cirie didn't get voted out after she tried that stunt.

Yeah, was very surprised she didn't try to vote her out after that.
Good for Sarah. It seemed to me that Culpepper was shocked that final Tribal wasn't a love fest dedicated to him. By the time it was over he seemed deflated, but I do believe Tai probably trashed him at the Ponderosa just enough to knock him off his pedestal. Sarah never talked down to anyone, although she did do some fibbing on a world class scale, especially to Sierra.

Notice Culpepper's orange and blue tie at the finale? Matched up with that short sleeve Charley Pell shirt he was wearing. I think we've seen enough of both Culpeppers for now.
Good for Sarah. It seemed to me that Culpepper was shocked that final Tribal wasn't a love fest dedicated to him. By the time it was over he seemed deflated, but I do believe Tai probably trashed him at the Ponderosa just enough to knock him off his pedestal. Sarah never talked down to anyone, although she did do some fibbing on a world class scale, especially to Sierra.

Notice Culpepper's orange and blue tie at the finale? Matched up with that short sleeve Charley Pell shirt he was wearing. I think we've seen enough of both Culpeppers for now.

I agree, goldmom. It was clear right away that Sarah was the audience favorite. Once the votes started being called out, Culpepper was deflated for sure. While he played a superior physical game, Sarah did an amazing job and deserved to win.
Culpepper was stupid to let his ego vote out Tai.

And I don't like the new jury format. It just became a bitch session. 10 on 1.
And why do they have an even number jury? That's dumb.

And was the Probst coordinated vote pre-planned because Ozzie said he would have voted for Tai which seems to contradict he plea about how hard it is to win the immunity idol when everyone is gunning for him.
Brad made the dumbest move getting rid of Tai and taking Sarah to the final tribal. Haven't watched the reunion portion yet, but that's absolutely mind bottling.
And that's two survivor winners from the same town in Iowa that I live in. Crazy
The game has changed a lot. Back in the day, you won challenges and you got respect, screwed over people and no one would let it go.

You have someone like Cirie who is physically useless and would not survive if they didn't have others winning her stuff who has NEVER won 1 single challenge, yet she has been on the show longer than anyone not named OZZIE. I guess she is a good game player, but having some level of physicality

And I like how they talk like "anyone can get off their butt and come do this".... no you have to be selected from thousands of entries, and oh yeah it's only "new" people every 3rd season or so now.
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The game has changed a lot. Back in the day, you won challenges and you got respect, screwed over people and no one would let it go.

You have someone like Cirie who is physically useless and would not survive if they didn't have others winning her stuff who has NEVER won 1 single challenge, yet she has been on the show longer than anyone not named OZZIE. I guess she is a good game player, but having some level of physicality

And I like how they talk like "anyone can get off their butt and come do this".... no you have to be selected from thousands of entries, and oh yeah it's only "new" people every 3rd season or so now.
Yeah, I've heard from some people in the know that you pretty much have to have a connection somehow to the producers and/or CBS in order to get on now. Just randomly sending a video and filling out an application will keep you on the couch.
It's not much of a survival game anymore either. It's more of a social game, and I could care less about that.

Totally agree. It has turned into a much more social game. I would like to see them bring back more "physical" challenges and reduce the food and luxury rewards after every challenge.

When you see folks only lose 2-5 lbs. after being in 30+ days something isn't adding up. In my opinion that was part of the game trying to balance no sleep, no food, and the elements.
They don't even eat bugs anymore.

Yeah they are far from surviving at this point.

If you watch that Naked & Afraid show, they are given zero help and you see tons of actual survivalists who can't make it 21 days in the wild.

On Survivor half the players are getting buffets and spa days every other day and the physical part of the game has been marginalized. It really is 80% social play at this point. They vote of people who contribute to "surviving" in a heartbeat, where if there was any level of hardship, those contributors would never be voted out over people who make camp life miserable.
Brad lost the game when he kept Sarah instead of Tai, my wife and I said that as soon as he did that. If he goes to the final with troyzan and tai, he might have swept the votes.
They don't even eat bugs anymore.

I loved those challenges. And hour of dry heaves always made me laugh. The blind auctions were also funny.

I really don't know what Brad was thinking, but he clearly let emotion overcome logic. Cost him the W. Silly gater..... Sarah really did play the best game though IMO. I do respect winning the physical, it has to be a mix of social adn physical. I do like it when they change stuff up and force the game to be played differently. As mentioned above, I also noticed Ozzy be Brad's champion, but as soon as he could vote for Tai, he voted for the least physical. Overall, just glad Tai didn't win. May be a nice guy, but his "game" is weak.
Yeah they are far from surviving at this point.

If you watch that Naked & Afraid show, they are given zero help and you see tons of actual survivalists who can't make it 21 days in the wild.

I watch it. AS bad as the starving is, the bugs seem to be as much of a mental impact as the food-physical in some shows. I like survival shows, but I don't know that I would make 21 days, much less the 41 on XL.
I just watched Season 1 Episode 1. Wow has Survivor come a long way. The production was very raw. Jeff was just feeling his way through. The teams immediately were trying to get figured out what to do, find the water, and try to build fire. The immunity challenge was pretty basic compared to today. After the immunity challenge the losing tribe was not scrambling around figuring out who to vote out. In the tribal counsel 3 different people received votes.

Now the tribes immediately start trying to build alliances and looking for idols. The production is obviously much better. And in the tribal counsels there is generally two alliances trying to vote someone out of the other alliance.

The preview for episode 2 the show a bug eating challenge and it reminded me they haven't had that challenge in a while. I wonder when and why they stopped.

I think Survivor has always been much more about the social aspect of the game. It just took the players several seasons to figure that out. And the producers are editing it to show the social part of the game more than the survival part of the game because it's a more compelling story to tell on TV. But it's still hard out there. I can't remember which player from this season it was but they lost 20 pounds in 30 days and the doctor was a little concerned. But if someone wins or goes on most of the reward challenges, they aren't going to lose much weight.
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I just watched Season 1 Episode 1. Wow has Survivor come a long way. The production was very raw. Jeff was just feeling his way through. The teams immediately were trying to get figured out what to do, find the water, and try to build fire. The immunity challenge was pretty basic compared to today. After the immunity challenge the losing tribe was not scrambling around figuring out who to vote out. In the tribal counsel 3 different people received votes.

Now the tribes immediately start trying to build alliances and looking for idols. The production is obviously much better. And in the tribal counsels there is generally two alliances trying to vote someone out of the other alliance.

The preview for episode 2 the show a bug eating challenge and it reminded me they haven't had that challenge in a while. I wonder when and why they stopped.

I think Survivor has always been much more about the social aspect of the game. It just took the players several seasons to figure that out. And the producers are editing it to show the social part of the game more than the survival part of the game because it's a more compelling story to tell on TV. But it's still hard out there. I can't remember which player from this season it was but they lost 20 pounds in 30 days and the doctor was a little concerned. But if someone wins or goes on most of the reward challenges, they aren't going to lose much weight.

If I remember right, Hatch was the only one to actually think of it as a chess game, and was well ahead of everyone else, until the others finally caught on when it was too late. Up to that point, people were voting others off for totally random reasons (other than Hatch and his selected crew).

Also, the first seasons was an actual survival show. Now, there's very little in the way of "survival". Every award is such a lavish feast and/or comfort that the survivalists/physical players aren't of any use (see why Ozzy was pissed they voted him out and no one seemed to really care this season). It's 90% social now, because the conditions aren't harsh enough anymore. Watch some of the more recent Ponderosa videos...they're not losing much (if any) weight.

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