The West Wing


Gold Member
Jun 17, 2010
I watched the first couple seasons a few years ago, and I have recently started the series over from the beginning. Dont get me wrong..I think its a really good show, but some of the dialogue is completely annoying. Like when each character enters the room and says the exact same thing that was previously mentioned before they entered. Sorkin's dialogue on The Newsroom became increasingly annoying as that series progressed also. Does this annoy anyone else or is it just me?
Originally posted by NolaNole9:
I watched the first couple seasons a few years ago, and I have recently started the series over from the beginning. Dont get me wrong..I think its a really good show, but some of the dialogue is completely annoying. Like when each character enters the room and says the exact same thing that was previously mentioned before they entered. Sorkin's dialogue on The Newsroom became increasingly annoying as that series progressed also. Does this annoy anyone else or is it just me?
Sorkin's dialogue is always both good and bad. Good in that it's witty and quick. Bad in that it's entirely unbelievable. No one talks like that let alone EVERYONE from janitor on up.
Originally posted by FSUTribe76:
Originally posted by NolaNole9:
I watched the first couple seasons a few years ago, and I have recently started the series over from the beginning. Dont get me wrong..I think its a really good show, but some of the dialogue is completely annoying. Like when each character enters the room and says the exact same thing that was previously mentioned before they entered. Sorkin's dialogue on The Newsroom became increasingly annoying as that series progressed also. Does this annoy anyone else or is it just me?
Sorkin's dialogue is always both good and bad. Good in that it's witty and quick. Bad in that it's entirely unbelievable. No one talks like that let alone EVERYONE from janitor on up.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. I never said it was a bad show. In fact, it's one of my favorites.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by kooterridesagain:
Yup best show ever, dialogue picks up after first several episodes, until rob Lowe leaves then it spirals into retirement
Posted from Rivals Mobile

My thoughts exactly. Molina ruined the show lol. Rob's exited also was around time Sorkin left and John Wells was on his own

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by LesClaypool:
I tried the Wire and found it TERRIBLY slow-moving and average,at best. I didn't get the hype.
Did you even make it past Snot Boogie?
Ran INTO the fire!


So we'll do what's hard.

Best show ever and I am a far right republican.
Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail
The Stackhouse Filibuster
And It's Surely To Their Credit
In Excelsis Deo
Isaac And Ishmael
To continue on The West Wing discussion...who is your favorite character?? I'll go with Josh as my favorite character, and Leo's secretary as my least favorite. How bout you?