This weekend's weather for the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast

Baltimore / DC into western VA should get the most. NYC will get brushed and Boston miss most of snow. Sleet / freezing rain mix may cut totals down some.... down to 1 1/2' to 2 1/2'. Areas that stay all snow still may see over 3'... mainly west of DC toward the mtns. I was there for the blizzard of '79. 2 feet of snow with almost 2 feet already on the ground.

I'm southwest of Baltimore and expecting 2 feet. Good thing is there is no snow on the ground now. Couple years ago we got consecutive storms in a week that was much more than 2 feet.

I think the rain on Tuesday will cause more problems.
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Baltimore / DC into western VA should get the most. NYC will get brushed and Boston miss most of snow. Sleet / freezing rain mix may cut totals down some.... down to 1 1/2' to 2 1/2'. Areas that stay all snow still may see over 3'... mainly west of DC toward the mtns. I was there for the blizzard of '79. 2 feet of snow with almost 2 feet already on the ground.
Capital Weather Gang posted a model that predicts 30"-40" of snow, beginning between noon and 2pm. I'm glad that I've got nowhere to go for the next several days.
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Capital Weather Gang posted a model that predicts 30"-40" of snow, beginning between noon and 2pm. I'm glad that I've got nowhere to go for the next several days.

Holy schnikes. I think I'm going to stay at a relatives house. The power went out last year at my house during the blizzard. My toilet is running.

I just turned on the Weather Channel and they are doing a show on the "Donner Party." It's a sign. Oy.

It's time for me to get outta here and go shelter in place. If I get snowed in with no power, no toilet, I'd really be screwed.
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Earlier in the week the forecast for Charlottesville was broken down like this: Friday: 3-5 inches, Friday night:5-8 inches, Saturday:3-5 inches, so apparently they were being conservative. Now it just says, "over two feet," lol.
Woke up to a couple of inches with ice underneath. It was sleeting when I hit the sack. Upwards of six inches now and it is going to be a while before some folks make it to Asheville...interstate 40 from the west and interstate 26 from the east both are shut down with truck wrecks.
The ski areas around are very happy. Maybe the meadow at Cataloochee will get an epic dump as several feet plus are possible at the higher elevations around us. Sweet!!
Oh, and my wife said the grocery stores are cleaned out of five things, meat, ice, water, beer and wine. Blizzard party!
It strikes me wierd to buy ice during a snow storm. We put coolers outside if the power goes out. We use a cooler to keep things like milk, eggs, produce, etc... from freezing, not to stay cold, and another to keep things frozen.
Well, at least y'all will have 7 hours of the Godfather to watch on Saturday, while you hunker down.
Yeah, it was good times. The window behind me in my office faces north (Trinity Mills is the closest street to the north)... heard the rain, things were cool. Started hearing the "tinking" on the window, looked out and hail is bouncing off the tree outside my window.

It was 3 months from now, I'd have been looking for funnel clouds.

Good old North Texas winters - it could be 80 next week!
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It strikes me wierd to buy ice during a snow storm. We put coolers outside if the power goes out. We use a cooler to keep things like milk, eggs, produce, etc... from freezing, not to stay cold, and another to keep things frozen.
Yes, my wife and I were just talking about that, thankfully our fridge has a feature to speed up the icemaking and we've been stockpiling a couple days. In all likelyhood the power will be going out, it's just how long it will be out. It will be easy to fill coolers with the snow if the need arises. The air temp will be between 25-30 for this storm so hopefully the snow should be light and fluffy. The snow has just started here, let the games begin!
Holy schnikes. I think I'm going to stay at a relatives house. The power went out last year at my house during the blizzard. My toilet is running.

I just turned on the Weather Channel and they are doing a show on the "Donner Party." It's a sign. Oy.

It's time for me to get outta here and go shelter in place. If I get snowed in with no power, no toilet, I'd really be screwed.
Why don't you just fix the flapper valve in your toilet?
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Was snowing in Greensboro early then turned to sleet for a few hours and now there is a sleet/snow mix coming down.
We probably have about 2-3 inches on the ground now but with all this sleet mixing in there is no way we get to the 8-10 inches they were predicting.
Why don't you just fix the flapper valve in your toilet?

I presumed he had done that on purpose, akin to leaving a faucet dripping to prevent a freeze.
Probably should have bought kitty litter with the milk and TP.
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We are an hour north of Boston and it looks like we will miss out on all the fun, for once. Getting 30 inches of snow over 24 hours can be a lot, and if there's wind, then 30 inches is a drop in the bucket compared to the drifts that are created. A few years ago I went to clean the car off and because of the wind, the driver's side had about 6-8 inches of snow on the ground, and the passenger side had over 6 feet of snow. I see local winds could hit 30-40 MPH, so thankfully the snow is going to be just a dusting Saturday afternoon.
So....with that much snow, do you stay up all night checking your roof to make sure it holds. I recall that during Ike, I was stressed at all the creaking and bending -- just knowing that the roof to my tract home was put own after the crew busted out a case of Tecate for lunch.
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Good old North Texas winters - it could be 80 next week!
Not even limited to North Texas, well minus the frozen precipitation. It was 75 here at lunch yesterday and 38 this morning with wind chills of 27. My allergies love these quick weather changes!
It's looking like we're going to get a pretty severe winter storm this weekend.

"The snowstorm targeting the I-95 corridor from Richmond to Boston late this week has the potential to rank among the most memorable on record, according to the National Weather Service’s Paul Kocin."

"Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston are all in line for substantial snow although the prospects for heavy snow become more iffy as you head up the coast.

Computer models unanimously forecast double digit snowfall totals from D.C. to Philadelphia, and even Richmond may see substantial snow if the storm tracks far enough offshore such that the rain-snow line hovers close to the coast (rather than surging inland)."

Snow story link

Current snow forecasts:

"Chance of at least 1 inch: 90 percent
Chance of at least 4 inches: 75 percent
Chance of at least 8 inches: 65 percent
Chance of at least 12 inches: 50 percent
Chance of at least 20 inches: 15 percent

For amounts of greater than 4 inches, add 10 percent to these probabilities north and west of the Beltway, and subtract about 10 percent east and southeast of the Beltway."

Snow forecast link

I'm in that "North and West of the Beltway" category, so it's a pretty good bet I'm getting more than a foot of snow. It sucks, too, because it was shaping up to be a really good weekend.
I've posted on here too long because the first thing I thought after reading your initial post was sounds like it has potential.

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Blizzard tip: Go outside and shovel your walk and clear off cars every 2 hours so your heart doesn't explode when you're shoveling 3 feet of snow.

Safety first.
Am I crazy to worry that the vast area of freezing rain could lead to area-wide and then regional power outages that ripple across the national grid?
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Am I crazy to worry that the vast area of freezing rain could lead to area-wide and then regional power outages that ripple across the national grid?
Seems like I read 150-200 k without power in NC. I believe that national grid stuff is usually relegated to movies. We've got maybe 9 inches on the ground so far, it started at 11 today, so not too impressive so far. However this all came from the low traveling across the country, not the low that recently formed off the coast of NC. Just saw satellite images, it's one mother sized mofo, it's already wrapping snow around itself counter-clockwise, as far south as north Georgia. They're saying another 16-22' here, time will tell. Wind has picked up, snow is getting heavier, hoping the power doesn't go out.
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We're up over 2 feet here at my place. Looks like they're given up plowing. I'm going to have to get out and shovel soon, but it's cold, the snow's coming down hard, and it's windy, so I don't want to.
We're up over 2 feet here at my place. Looks like they're given up plowing. I'm going to have to get out and shovel soon, but it's cold, the snow's coming down hard, and it's windy, so I don't want to.

I think I'll go out for a bike ride.

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