Walking Dead 3/1/15 ***spoilers*** (duh)


Seminole Insider
Oct 20, 2002
So, what does everyone think about Alexandria?

I'm definitely wondering how this group of greenhorns is still alive.

Favorite scene(s).

Glenn, "You sure it's not the other way around?" ...just before knock'n the guy out. That guy thinking Glenn isn't ready for "runs" is an idiot.

Daryl, "You look ridiculous!"

I like the fact Rick is prepared to take the place if things don't work out.
Yeah, I don't get how this place is barely touched in one of the most populous areas in the US. And they have seen no action and have been able to venture 50+ miles with minimal casualties to a really weak group that obviously does not know how to handle walkers (yelling) enmasse. No mauraders have come across Alexandria, while our group down south has been encountering new enemies all the time? There has to be more to the story.

I'm curious what the little girl is up to.

I like Ricks mindset. They can't hang, We 'll just take it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by alaskanseminole:

I'm definitely wondering how this group of greenhorns is still alive.
Really? It's a show about Zombies and you're wondering how people are still alive?
Try not to spoil people Tribe haha!

Clean shaven Rick kind of creeped me out. It has been so long since we've seen his face!

"My wife cut your hair". That was a weird scene. It was edited to look like he was dreaming....

Daryl is a caged animal there. I get why he doesn't trust it, but dude take a shower.

Why is teenage girl sneaking in and out?

What Carol is doing is really great!

That place is too perfect, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Do you have a junior league?

first clue was when she talked about how much she missed her husband. I was like whaaaaa?
Re: Walking Dead 3/1/15 ***spoilers*** (duh)

The girl sneaking in and out.

The gun missing from the container

I still want to see the kids you heard playing outside of the gate.

It just seems to weird or are we making it weird seeing normal people in that environment
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Walking Dead 3/1/15 ***spoilers*** (duh)

I think the girl has the same experiences as our group and she also thinks the Alexandria crew is a bunch of weaklings. So she sneaks out because that's what she knows, and what she's become accustomed to - just like Rick and the rest of the group. Seems like there's an element of getting your zombie/danger adrenaline fix as well.

I loved Daryl gutting that possum on the nice porch.
Re: Walking Dead 3/1/15 ***spoilers*** (duh)

Originally posted by Noles229:
The girl sneaking in and out.

The gun missing from the container

I still want to see the kids you heard playing outside of the gate.

It just seems to weird or are we making it weird seeing normal people in that environment
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I think that is what the writers/directors want the audience to see. The ending, I think, revealed more of how we are suppose to view the show. The characters we know have been on the go most of the series and have seen what the world has become. The people of Alexandria have been there since the outbreak and don't truly understand what people have become and people need to be in order to survive.

Rick basically saying that the group will make it work and bring the new people up the their speed or simply take the town showed more into the psyche and explained where I think the show is heading.
Originally posted by FSUSarah:
Try not to spoil people Tribe haha!

Clean shaven Rick kind of creeped me out. It has been so long since we've seen his face!

"My wife cut your hair". That was a weird scene. It was edited to look like he was dreaming....

Daryl is a caged animal there. I get why he doesn't trust it, but dude take a shower.

Why is teenage girl sneaking in and out?

What Carol is doing is really great!

That place is too perfect, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I'm always very careful to list when I'm talking spoilers.

For example, don't read any further as I'm going to vaguely mention one comic book spoiler amidst my idle conjecture about Daryl.

So don't read any further if you don't want even the slightest comic book spoiler.


Now this isn't a spoiler but idle speculation, but I wonder if Alexandria will be where Daryl comes out as gay/bi. That's not a comic book spoiler as Daryl isn't a comic book character but one created just for the tv show. But the producer/Kirkman early on hinted that Daryl was supposed to be an early introduction of the comic book Aaron (aka a bada#& gay character) and his original backstory was going to be that he was a self-loathing "prison gay". But his character became too important to the fangirls so they never fully explored that backstory on purpose. Recently with the introduction of Aaron, Kirkman has hinted that they may switch Daryl's writer's bible backstory from a "self-loathing prison gay" to the straight heartthrob all of the fangirls want and let Aaron be the uber gay man bad*&^% after his lover Eric dies. Plus Aaron is already kind of bad*&^ now and that's before he has to undergo a lot of stuff our "Rick's gang" have been through.

So will the writers cater to the fangirls and make Daryl completely straight or now that there's gay characters will they allow his original backstory to come out? That will be interesting to learn and very telling about Hollywood, Is it more important to advocate the strong gay man agenda OR cater to the fangirls? I'm guessing the fangirls win.
Originally posted by travnole:
Yeah, I don't get how this place is barely touched in one of the most populous areas in the US. And they have seen no action and have been able to venture 50+ miles with minimal casualties to a really weak group that obviously does not know how to handle walkers (yelling) enmasse. No mauraders have come across Alexandria, while our group down south has been encountering new enemies all the time? There has to be more to the story.

I'm curious what the little girl is up to.

I like Ricks mindset. They can't hang, We 'll just take it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

I believe the head lady had told Rick that northern Virgina was evacuated well so I assume that meant that there weren't many people left to turn or to loot.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Walking Dead 3/1/15 ***spoilers*** (duh)

Why are the wall supports on the outside? Would be easy to drive a truck through them and the whole wall comes down.
I think that little girl has RIck's gun. Carl saw her just before entering into the safezone so I imagine she may have already been watching when Rick hid the gun.
Originally posted by riseboi:
I think that little girl has RIck's gun. Carl saw her just before entering into the safezone so I imagine she may have already been watching when Rick hid the gun.

Oh, good call. We had thought maybe the other safe zoners were out there spying but this girl makes more sense
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If that girl is not a spy, I'd bet she latches on to ricks team pretty quickly.

Aiden is a tool. For him to act like they are going to teach these people anything is absurd and really shows the Alexandrians are totally clueless on what goes on beyond the walls. Looking forward to Rick showing them what is up.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
A few things:

1. Daryl advocated coming to this place and now he hates it
2. Carol is playing dumb
3. I watched talking dead but did not see the easter egg, did you?
4. How could the Deana's son call their weapons, "sweet biscuits" after seeing what Rick and crew brought?
5. Aaron clearly did not fill in the Alexadria people about the capabilities of Rick and crew for that guy to try Glenn that way
6. I have a feeling the 3 exiled guys are going to be the antagonists towards season's end.
Apparently the easter egg is:
The shoulder badge on Rick's new jacket contains a Latin phrase, which when translated means "We will rise again."

The "We will rise again" phrase was the Easter Egg. Back in Season 3 Episode 3, The Governor used the "We will rise again" phrase when talking to Michonne and Andrea.
I just couldn't get away from the thought that after all these seasons, all the miles, all the deaths, they end up in...

Originally posted by Superfan97:
I just couldn't get away from the thought that after all these seasons, all the miles, all the deaths, they end up in...

The horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was telling my wife as we were watching it that there is nobody they have shown yet that would have been able to protect that town for that long. Either there are a group of people that have not shown themselves yet responsible for the security or the only people that were able to protect the town got banished or killed and that's why they recruited Ricks team. That place is a gold mine. No way it has been protected by them.
Someone on the Main Board made the observation that Carol is sandbagging. I didn't think that watching the show, but now that it was mentioned he may be right.

"I miss Ed"
"Do you have a community group? I'm a real people person"
Taking her gun off real awkwardly
Dressing in that ridiculous outfit.

Seems like she is putting on a show of acting like a helpless, harmless mother type.
I think the girl is a plant to setup Carl and\or the group. Why would she climb the fence in his backyard where he could she her? I'm speculating that her house is up the road from Rick's and Carl's house. To add, her and the other two boys Carl's age are the ONLY teenagers\young adults around, so where are the little kids we heard playing over the fence? When the scissors chick's son introduced her, he said she had gotten there only a few week earlier, so where are the rest of the people she came with, there's no way she could survive alone for any long duration of time so there has to be other people there like Rick's group that are still in "savage mode". If not, they must've been killed by the Alexandria crew. Either way something ain't right.

And when Rick said they would take over the place if the weak ones couldn't keep up, I thought to myself, this is where he turns into the Governor, or in this case, The Constable.
Originally posted by Dr.NolesKnite:
Apparently the easter egg is:
The shoulder badge on Rick's new jacket contains a Latin phrase, which when translated means "We will rise again."

The "We will rise again" phrase was the Easter Egg. Back in Season 3 Episode 3, The Governor used the "We will rise again" phrase when talking to Michonne and Andrea.
I assumed that the easter egg was the comic book that was titled Wolf something that turned out to belong to the girl who was sneaking around outside the walls. There was "Wolves Not Far" painted on the walls of the place where Noah's family lived. I assume that is in reference to the bad guys. Either a reference to the people of Alexandria or the people that will pose a threat to the gang and Alexandria in the next couple of episodes. I'm leaning towards people outside the gates and the girl maybe a spy for them. Terminus was a trap and I cant see them rehashing a similar storyline for the people of Alexandria. I think they are just nieve and are recruiting survivors to help them combat the "Wolves" outside the walls.
Originally posted by FSUTribe76:

Now this isn't a spoiler but idle speculation, but I wonder if Alexandria will be where Daryl comes out as gay/bi.
Was just telling a coworker the other day that my out on a limb speculation for the show was that Daryl would be gay.

I didn't read or see any of Kirkman's comments about that, he just seems to come across as that kind of guy who is uncomfortable in his own skin for some reason.

He was abused by his father (we don't really know whether he just beat him up or something else), and hasn't even come close to making a move on either of the two girls who he could have easily bagged at some point (three if you count Andrea, as anyone could have gotten her), and is also drawn to strong male leadership.
That would be overkill, IMO. You already have the lesbian character, and now Aaron and his partner. What would be the need or desire to unveil yet another gay or bi character? It just doesn't do anything for the story.
Originally posted by Formerly Rockymtnole:
That would be overkill, IMO. You already have the lesbian character, and now Aaron and his partner. What would be the need or desire to unveil yet another gay or bi character? It just doesn't do anything for the story.
ehhh.... that is what the co-worker said too, but it isn't about having a gay/bi character. It is about the drama of having a character who is fighting with those feelings. It's more about the drama of that inner-conflict than checking a box for character types. Even if he never truly comes out, I think it would definitely add to the drama of the show to see him grapple with it.

I'm not necessarily saying I want it to happen, I can just see there being a foundation for that storyline, if they choose to go there.
Originally posted by tommynole3476:

Originally posted by Formerly Rockymtnole:
That would be overkill, IMO. You already have the lesbian character, and now Aaron and his partner. What would be the need or desire to unveil yet another gay or bi character? It just doesn't do anything for the story.
ehhh.... that is what the co-worker said too, but it isn't about having a gay/bi character. It is about the drama of having a character who is fighting with those feelings. It's more about the drama of that inner-conflict than checking a box for character types. Even if he never truly comes out, I think it would definitely add to the drama of the show to see him grapple with it.

I'm not necessarily saying I want it to happen, I can just see there being a foundation for that storyline, if they choose to go there.
I suppose.

I like the survival and conflict aspects. Don't care much about the relationships between the players other than to the extent they determine controls the group and who follows whom. If the show devolves into a post-apocalyptic soap opera, I'm out.
Originally posted by Cloud Dancer:
I think the girl is a plant to setup Carl and\or the group. Why would she climb the fence in his backyard where he could she her? I'm speculating that her house is up the road from Rick's and Carl's house. To add, her and the other two boys Carl's age are the ONLY teenagers\young adults around, so where are the little kids we heard playing over the fence? When the scissors chick's son introduced her, he said she had gotten there only a few week earlier, so where are the rest of the people she came with, there's no way she could survive alone for any long duration of time so there has to be other people there like Rick's group that are still in "savage mode". If not, they must've been killed by the Alexandria crew. Either way something ain't right.

And when Rick said they would take over the place if the weak ones couldn't keep up, I thought to myself, this is where he turns into the Governor, or in this case, The Constable.
The one kid said that they go to school in afternoons and little kids go in the morning. Also, the woman who gave the haircut has two sons, so, I'd guess the other is younger. Also, not sure she arrived that recently, as the leader told Rick during his videotaping session that the community had not allowed anyone in for some time.
Keep in mind Deana's son likes to keep a walker chained up so he can abuse it before going on his rounds (odd behavior that is like the Gov and his fish tanks). Now that Glen has tested his manhood while mother applauded his beat down, I expect some type of retaliation.
Originally posted by fsugrad06:
The one kid said that they go to school in afternoons and little kids go in the morning. Also, the woman who gave the haircut has two sons, so, I'd guess the other is younger. Also, not sure she arrived that recently, as the leader told Rick during his videotaping session that the community had not allowed anyone in for some time.
iirc, they said she arrived 8 months ago and didn't speak for weeks.
Originally posted by alaskanseminole:
Originally posted by fsugrad06:
The one kid said that they go to school in afternoons and little kids go in the morning. Also, the woman who gave the haircut has two sons, so, I'd guess the other is younger. Also, not sure she arrived that recently, as the leader told Rick during his videotaping session that the community had not allowed anyone in for some time.
iirc, they said she arrived 8 months ago and didn't speak for weeks.
I was referring to the arrival of the woman who cut Rick's hair. I think you are right about the time frame of when the girl arrived.
Originally posted by Zeek99:
Originally posted by Dr.NolesKnite:
Apparently the easter egg is:
The shoulder badge on Rick's new jacket contains a Latin phrase, which when translated means "We will rise again."

The "We will rise again" phrase was the Easter Egg. Back in Season 3 Episode 3, The Governor used the "We will rise again" phrase when talking to Michonne and Andrea.
I assumed that the easter egg was the comic book that was titled Wolf something that turned out to belong to the girl who was sneaking around outside the walls. There was "Wolves Not Far" painted on the walls of the place where Noah's family lived. I assume that is in reference to the bad guys. Either a reference to the people of Alexandria or the people that will pose a threat to the gang and Alexandria in the next couple of episodes. I'm leaning towards people outside the gates and the girl maybe a spy for them. Terminus was a trap and I cant see them rehashing a similar storyline for the people of Alexandria. I think they are just nieve and are recruiting survivors to help them combat the "Wolves" outside the walls.
The comic book said "Wolf Fight" on it, and that was the most important 'easter egg' of the episode.

I'm not sure where they are going with her though. I think spy is a bit too complex, and that just doesn't feel like something this show would do. But I doubt they have her being the owner of this Wolf Fight comic for no reason. Maybe it has something to do with the eventual conflict with The Wolves? Like maybe she is the daughter of one of the members or the leader, who escaped them because of their brutality, etc?

It does seem a little dubious that she jumped the wall right in their backyard, but obviously this is something she's been doing a while, and up until that day, that house was empty, so she probably didn't even think about anyone seeing her.

As for how they have survived so long, like someone mentioned before, I think the premise is supposed to be that there was basically no one in No VA so they've been alone for a while. But I think the three banished men are the reason she is so eager to bring in new people, and transfer some power to Rick.

As for the walls, I'm no engineer, but I would think if the beams were properly supported and solid steel, it wouldn't really matter what side of the wall they were on. If that's a structural steel I-beam, set into a concrete slab, it ain't getting overrun by zombies, maybe a large military vehicle or tank; but would it be that credible that they could build a wall that would survive a tank attack?
Oh, and about Rick's gun, am I the only one that thought that one of the guns Aiden hands over looked exactly like the gun Rick hid? I think he handed it to the lesbian?

But I agree with whoever said that Enid probably got it.
The mini future lesbian who runs around outside the walls is clearly bad news. Definitely a spy or daughter of a bad guy who will attack.
I'm wondering if the Alexandrians have exhausted their limits on food and supply runs (53 or 56 miles out) and bumped into some possible nasty folks. Supplies will run low and the town folk aren't capable of "taking" more. If not that, maybe the saw something that scared the ish out of them and they know they're going to need a group like Rick's to protect their way of life.

Remember, there's still the group that chopped the arms off of the walkers (outside of the Noah's neighborhood with the big ass hole in the wall) and the torsos and heads w/ the "Z" carved into the foreheads (the truck where they parked before going into Noah's neighborhood).
Originally posted by tommynole3476:
Oh, and about Rick's gun, am I the only one that thought that one of the guns Aiden hands over looked exactly like the gun Rick hid? I think he handed it to the lesbian?

But I agree with whoever said that Enid probably got it.
I don't think that's the gun bc the one Rick hid had a "J" marked on it. I would think they did that so it's obvious it's Rick's gun the next time we see it. Plus, was that walker there under the rug when Rick hid the gun - or was it put there later?
Originally posted by Dr.NolesKnite:
Originally posted by tommynole3476:
Oh, and about Rick's gun, am I the only one that thought that one of the guns Aiden hands over looked exactly like the gun Rick hid? I think he handed it to the lesbian?

But I agree with whoever said that Enid probably got it.
I don't think that's the gun bc the one Rick hid had a "J" marked on it. I would think they did that so it's obvious it's Rick's gun the next time we see it. Plus, was that walker there under the rug when Rick hid the gun - or was it put there later?
I don't think it is either, but you couldn't see the handle to know whether it had the J on it or not. At least I don't remember being able to.

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