Who seems like a genuinely nice person in the world today?


Aug 31, 2003
Jacksonville, FL
Obviously none of us really know sports or movie stars, or other famous people, but who to you seems like they would be a pretty nice person, if you were to meet them in a bar or something?

I used to hate this guy, now I like him, but have always thought McConaughey seemed like a nice, genuine dude.

Jason Bateman seems like he'd be nice too; maybe that has to do with the characters he plays, but in all the interviews I've seen him do, he seems pretty authentic. Paul Rudd is kind of the same too.

Chris Pratt comes across like a guy who is just enjoying his time while it lasts, and would probably be really nice too.

It may be an odd choice, but Ryan Seacrest seems like he would be nice. My wife pointed this out the other day, that when he interacts with people on AI, he's really genuine, and doesn't shy away from shaking hands or hugging people. He runs into all kinds of characters and idiots, and he is never disrespectful or condescending; every now and then he may say something a little smart alecy, but it is usually when someone really had it coming. I used to find his fame annoying, and to some degree still do, but he seems like a good dude overall.
Good choices Tommy.

Here's a couple right off hand
Russell Wilson
George Strait
Casey Afleck
Amongst famous people I've met in person at least for a couple of minutes the ones that come to mind is Penn and Teller (after every show they bolt out the back entrance to their theater to personally shake the hands, talk to and have pictures taken with any fan who wants to speak with them and they stay hours after the show. We met Tom Hanks for a few minutes after seeing the stage play Lucky Guy in NYC and he seems like a genuinely nice person as well. Neither Penn and Teller nor Tom Hanks needed to spend time after their performances with their fans but both do on a regular basis.

But for all I know they're secretly serial killers. ;)
No pattern here - Amy Poehler, Tina Fey,Jimmy Fallon.
Taylor Swift, Ellen DeGeneres, Justin Timberlake, Bill Murray, Jessica Alba
I had a client who had about $120 million who really only spent the majority of his money helping people (orphanages, hospitals, etc..). He was also the definition of a gentleman in all his dealings. I use him as my benchmark for how a human should behave in many areas.
George W. Bush. Politics aside I'd love to drink a beer and shoot the shit with that guy.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I think having a few beers with W and Clinton would be one of the best Saturday nights one could have. After going to South Beach Wine and Food this weekend, 2 guys on there that are awesome and huge partiers, Aaron Sanchez and Ming Tsai. Ming is freaking hilarious when he has knocked back 20-30 Vodka Oyster shooters.
Cameron Diaz. A friend of mine flies for Net Jets and has flown her many times. He said she is very nice and very normal. On the other end of the spectrum he said Martha Stewart is a complete Witch.
Dickie V is a genuine as they come. The guy knows he hit lottery by being in the right place at the right time with ESPN.

Russell Wilson comes across a big phony to me.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 2/25 8:39 PM by montconole
I think Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman would be nice and genuine.

My brother lives in LA and has worked on quite a few shows in production and here is what he has told me.

Great,nice people....Donny Osmond, Jerry Springer, Queen Latiffah, Jay Leno

Mean , despicable people he has worked for......Ellen Degeneres (says he thinks she is bi-polar and is the epitome of a power hungry, rude person. Dr. Phil-hr says is a total ahole that is full of himself and treats others like crap.

He also had a road rage run in with Judd Nelson years ago.....Said he was drugged out of his mind and thought my brother was someone else he had a beef with......cut my brother off, stopped in front of his car, and then banged on his window yelling and cussing like a madman.....then he realized my brother wasn't who he thought he was and went back into his car and sped away.
Many years ago, a couple of friends & I briefly met Magic Johnson & Kareem (along with a number of other players for the Lakers & Spurs). One of them was very friendly, chatted with us for a few minutes & took pictures with us; the other was rather cold, blew us off & jogged off (it was after a practice between playoff games in the early 80s, when the NBA was not at all popular; there was absolutely nobody else in the area, so it wasn't as if there was a crowd gathering).

Based on their reputations, you'd expect that Magic was the friendly one & Kareem the guy who was stand-offish - but if you thought that you'd be wrong.
All from personal experience...

Awesome - Greg Maddux, John Smoltz, Peter Krause, Ryan Stiles, Cuba Gooding Jr., Bernie Williams, John Elway, Brett Favre

Jerks - Tom Glavine, Daisy Fuentes, Sam Simon, Michael Bay, Kordell Stewart, James McDaniel
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by SeaPA:

Many years ago, a couple of friends & I briefly met Magic Johnson & Kareem (along with a number of other players for the Lakers & Spurs). One of them was very friendly, chatted with us for a few minutes & took pictures with us; the other was rather cold, blew us off & jogged off (it was after a practice between playoff games in the early 80s, when the NBA was not at all popular; there was absolutely nobody else in the area, so it wasn't as if there was a crowd gathering).

Based on their reputations, you'd expect that Magic was the friendly one & Kareem the guy who was stand-offish - but if you thought that you'd be wrong.
Very interesting!
I listen to Kareem be interviewed on ESPN radio Dan Lebitard and was amazed how soft spoken and gentleman like he represented himself. Talked about how basket ball was more important during his hay day than women, and how he wished he'd watched more
I met Bobby Bowden a few years back, very nice and genuine. I also met Eb from Green Acres. Funny and down to earth guy.

I met the members of Queensryche a few years ago back when Geoff Tate was still the singer. They've been my favorite band for years and the whole time I was waiting for them to come out, I was hoping they were not going to be arrogant,asses. All were very laid back and very nice. Those guys really appreciate their fans.
Up until a couple of weeks ago, I would have said Brian Williams. He just seemed like a great guy. Good sense of humor, proud of his actress daughter, gear head . . . He just seemed like a good guy.
Originally posted by Naught-Nole-Buc:
From experience, Charlie Ward and Warrick Dunn both came to my mind immediately.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Same here.

Also, I am surprised that no one has mentioned Buster Posey.

I met Sheryl Hines a couple of years ago when she was in Tally to be the grand marshal for the Springtime Tallahassee parade. She seemed very nice and down to earth, plus she is a Tallahassee girl.

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