Winter Olympics

The Olympics are being held at P.F. Changs?
And the jacked up Olympic Rings logo. Way to go channel 7, "News never on the right side".
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Shaun White's last run won him the gold. Not taking anything away from the women, but the men's runs were insane.
Yea, the men blow the women away.
Great last run and win for Shaun.
Wish he hadn't drug the flag on the ground.
All of our Golds so far have come from snowboarding.
He claims it's a friendship that soured. 20-somethings in bands - not surprised to hear they act like juveniles. Most of the stuff he's accused of is stupid shit you do to friends. Sounds like an episode of "Jackass". But this friend was a chick who got pissed and he's famous. He should have known what would happen and paid her off right away.
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He claims it's a friendship that soured. 20-somethings in bands - not surprised to hear they act like juveniles. Most of the stuff he's accused of is stupid shit you do to friends. Sounds like an episode of "Jackass". But this friend was a chick who got pissed and he's famous. He should have known what would happen and paid her off right away.

With some of the other reported behavior, it souring makes sense. Perhaps they were as friendly as he thought. I would be insanely guarded if I were a celeb knowing how people can turn. How do you know your real friends? The facebook phenomenon has really modified the definition of friend IMO.

I am old, I don't send dic pics, not to my best male friends and certainly not to my good women friends. Not saying there is a 100% correlation, but no one can claim I forced them to look at things they didn't want to...

I said it a month ago on a similar subject matter. Know your audience.
With some of the other reported behavior, it souring makes sense. Perhaps they were as friendly as he thought. I would be insanely guarded if I were a celeb knowing how people can turn. How do you know your real friends? The facebook phenomenon has really modified the definition of friend IMO.

I am old, I don't send dic pics, not to my best male friends and certainly not to my good women friends. Not saying there is a 100% correlation, but no one can claim I forced them to look at things they didn't want to...

I said it a month ago on a similar subject matter. Know your audience.
Yeah it's not behavior that most of us participate in, but if you are in a rock band with buddies from snowboarding/skateboarding in their 20s...if it was a movie we'd laugh at the stupid.
Look. If the girl really felt she was harmed/assaulted then she should have filed a police report. Instead she goes right for the money grab, and as far as I'm concered. Chances are he probably did this tasteless stuff, but it's was a bunch of people in their 20s messing around. Not an excuse, but the girl did not suffer any long term damage as a result. It was settled out of court and she got her payday.
Something occurred to me last night. I've watched some amount of figure skating every four years for probably about four decades. So not often, but it adds up over a lifetime. And I have to say...I have NO ability to discern a good figure skating performance from a bad one or a great one, other than if they fall down. If you put me in front of a performance, with the commentary turned off, I would literally not be able to tell you who was the best, and who was the worst, among those that didn't dump their ass on the ice. It all looks great to me. If I was a judge, it would literally be a binary decision for me...0 if they fell down, 100 if they didn't.

That's especially weird with how critical the commentary is on figure skating. I'm always amazed by what looks like an amazing skate, and the commentary is basically savaging them.
Yeah it's not behavior that most of us participate in, but if you are in a rock band with buddies from snowboarding/skateboarding in their 20s...if it was a movie we'd laugh at the stupid.

Haha, lots of stuff I laugh at in the fantasy / fiction of movies. But wouldn't in real life.

And this convo has made me try and consider if I was in my 20s now, would I do it. Likely not, as back in my day, we did have the option to take Polaroid and didn't. :) You gotta shake it, shake it like a polaroid picture. Wait, don't, thats what got LCK in trouble.

Momma always said, act like everything you do might end up on the front page of the news paper and how would she feel reading about me. I have tried (and occasionally failed) to keep that as a gauge for my behavior.
Something occurred to me last night. I've watched some amount of figure skating every four years for probably about four decades. So not often, but it adds up over a lifetime. And I have to say...I have NO ability to discern a good figure skating performance from a bad one or a great one, other than if they fall down. If you put me in front of a performance, with the commentary turned off, I would literally not be able to tell you who was the best, and who was the worst, among those that didn't dump their ass on the ice. It all looks great to me. If I was a judge, it would literally be a binary decision for me...0 if they fell down, 100 if they didn't.

That's especially weird with how critical the commentary is on figure skating. I'm always amazed by what looks like an amazing skate, and the commentary is basically savaging them.

It's the modern scoring system. It is all about jumps and adding up points. There is no artistic merit in it any more. Boring as all get out.
Look. If the girl really felt she was harmed/assaulted then she should have filed a police report. Instead she goes right for the money grab, and as far as I'm concered. Chances are he probably did this tasteless stuff, but it's was a bunch of people in their 20s messing around. Not an excuse, but the girl did not suffer any long term damage as a result. It was settled out of court and she got her payday.

And 15 min of fame.
Snowboard cross might be my favorite event yet.

Oh and that Mikaela Shiffrin is not bad to look at.
It is fun, but the alpine skiing events are still tops for me.
Shiffrin is mighty nice, but she has to be the most figgity skier I've ever seen before a run.
Snowboard cross might be my favorite event yet.

Oh and that Mikaela Shiffrin is not bad to look at.

I’ve never heard of Snowboard cross until I watched it tonight. And I agree, it’s a pretty awesome sport to watch in small doses.
He claims it's a friendship that soured. 20-somethings in bands - not surprised to hear they act like juveniles. Most of the stuff he's accused of is stupid shit you do to friends. Sounds like an episode of "Jackass". But this friend was a chick who got pissed and he's famous. He should have known what would happen and paid her off right away.
He pulled a jackass-esque stunt in Nashville a few years ago >
Mikaela Shiffrin


Lindsey Vonn


Old lady Vonn still has it but I watched the Giant Slalom and Mikaela's run was awesome. These women are such bads$$ athletes. My daughter was VERY interested in watching the girls. And then the snowboard cross kicked off tonight, I love that event, little of everything.

From the article, "with White required either to complete 24 hours of community service or to serve 42 days in jail". well of course he went community service, he could knock out the service in 3 days. Its too obvious, the community service should be a number high enough to make that a hard decision. I want to like the flying tomato (historically do), but the more I hear, the more he sounds like just another jackhole celeb athlete. Not taking away from him as an athlete, but....
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I wish they had shown more .......... of both.

Watching ski jumping from the large hill. These guys are going over 120 meters in some cases.
Yeah we talked about ski jumping on the last page. Ive been to the top of the one at lake placid and it puts it all into perspective. I think id rather do the luge or skeleton before trying that crazy assed crap.


I would love to try something like that but this is how I would end up.

NBC = Nothing But Curling, ugh!!!!!

I have enjoyed watching some of that sport. I have not been impressed with NBC's coverage of these games however. For example just about every night they have spent a solid hour talking about ice skating instead of showing some sort of competition. Any sport would have been preferable than listening to that three person group just talk about the sport.

There have been a couple times in prime time where the two channels carrying the games have had the same exact thing on.
I'll take curling over ice skating. And last night was ridiculous with Shiffon. I get that she's the champ and an American, but I'd like to see some of the other runs without you talking about her non-stop.
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