No thread today? Two people finally defeat the US course after 7 years. Was pretty insane. Pretty crappy that the first guy walks away with nothing though.
Same here. I know one of the repeat finalists.Watched football last night. Forgot it was on.
Very exciting to see those guys do it. It's got to be tough on the guys doing it 5-6 years now to see two guys do it in their second season.
Yeah, I agree. But some of those guys need to move on with their lives. You can tell it's gotten into their heads and just eating at them. They have what it takes physically but just can't get over the mental hurdle to win it all.
I was thinking the same thing about Britten and his forearms, those things don't look natural.
I knew it would be someone like Caldiero who won - the combination of athletic ability and devil may care attitude. Guy destroyed the course.