Andrew luck

My first thought was about Cowherd too.

Is that guy still on the radio? I've gone to podcasts over the past couple of years and Spotify and haven't listed to regular radio in ... well ... I can't remember.
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My first thought was about Cowherd too.

Is that guy still on the radio? I've gone to podcasts over the past couple of years and Spotify and haven't listed to regular radio in ... well ... I can't remember.
He has his own 3 hour show on tv
My first thought was about Cowherd too.

Is that guy still on the radio? I've gone to podcasts over the past couple of years and Spotify and haven't listed to regular radio in ... well ... I can't remember.
I'm convinced Cowherd was getting paid per Luck mention. Nothing against Luck who is (was) a fine player, but Cowherd would drop his name even in topics that had nothing to do with football. It was absurd.
Man, a couple of years ago he was being penciled into the HOF.
I’ve had 4 shoulder surgeries.

It’s not very well discussed or publicized how long it takes to recover and just how serious player shoulder injuries are. Their affect on your pain mgmt, sleeping, and overall strength and stability is huge. You never realize how flexible your arms are/were until it is taken from you. Additionally, that lack of flexibility and stability is absolute havoc on your rotator cuffs.

For example, who knows what the hell Cam Newton is going through and if he’ll even have a shell of that arm back. Also sleep - that’s the most important part of recovery. They haven’t quite publicized what exactly was up with his shoulder and what procedures they did.

Sucks. Also it’s pretty painful and depending on the injury you can lift decently for like 7-9 mos.
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Colts fans actually booed him after the game. o_Oo_Oo_O

As much as he has been beat up, not totally surprising.