Anti-Contagion to Covid


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2009
Castle Pines, Coloradical
This conversation was started in the locker room but I thought it should be seen by everyone.

FEND is a simple, non-drug anticontagion that has been sitting on the shelf waiting for this very moment. It lasts up to 6 hours and has been shown in trials to reduce the spread of airborne viruses by 99%.
Pulmatrix (PULM) was originally founded as a Biodefense company. Funded by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Agency) and cofounded by Robert Langer (Langer Lab MIT) and David Edwards (Harvard). This product was one of their first anti-contagions (PUR003 and PUR006) Is also known as Nasocalm or iCalm.
It has been through all the phase 1 and 2 trials and is currently in human studies in Boston and India.
It’s a salt based calcium that changes the dynamic of airway lining fluid of the upper airway and prevents viruses and bacteria from proliferating.
At this point they can’t say that it prevents this in humans until these final trials are complete, but their animal studies have proven this already.
It does NOT require a prescription and I believe FDA approval will follow shortly.
If we want to reopen safely and have college football I think this will be a big step in that direction.
It’s coming to market in October and can be preordered at
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Two questions:

Can you gargle it if you have a sore throat?

Will it double as a male enhancement drug?

They need to hire James Schrader to pitch it. I would buy anything that guy is selling. Now off to figure out what to do with the 6 pairs of bottle opener sunglasses I purchased.
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