Anybody watching Homeland?


Star Player
Jan 6, 2007
If so, what did you think of this season? I thought it started out at a terrible pace, similar to other seasons. Seemed like they did a good job bringing it all together in the end.
If so, what did you think of this season? I thought it started out at a terrible pace, similar to other seasons. Seemed like they did a good job bringing it all together in the end.

I thought it was ok. I hated what they did to the Quinn character so I was glad they axed him rather than have ANOTHER season of his degradation. I could have done without the references to Dar humping him as I don't know what that added. As far as the turn of Keane into a paranoid and petty president at the end who ignores advisors, I thought it was a very realistic plot point considering our current situation with "That Guy". Obviously they were counting on it being..."The Other Woman" as president in real life but they must have seen the change midstream and will turn her into a female version of "That Guy."
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I thought the whole final episode was very well done. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out next season, and how it ultimately gets resolved.

I think Keane is more paranoid than petty. I think she now sees conspiracies at every turn, and has decided to clean house in an attempt to get her people in place. Of course the way she is going about it is plain crazy. I would think she could have just fired anyone she suspected was involved instead of arresting them all. The real perpetrators are already in jail, and what she is doing now is going overboard.

I was surprised she did not have Carrie arrested. Their logic behind arresting Saul is that he had contact with all the main conspirators are some point, so he might be involved also. By that rational, Carrie did as well. Since Carrie was at that house all alone, in Keane's paranoid mind, I could see her making a leap that Carrie set that whole thing up from the start.

I also did not understand why Carrie still had to go through the whole social worker dog and pony show. Keane knows that Dar was the one that used the social worker all along, and she could have had someone make a phone call to end the whole charade. I would much rather have had those 5-10 minutes of the final episode dealing with something else other than that.
I thought it was ok. I hated what they did to the Quinn character so I was glad they axed him rather than have ANOTHER season of his segregation. I could have done without the references to Dar humping him as I don't know what that added. As far as the turn of Keane into a paranoid and petty president at the end who ignores advisors, I thought it was a very realistic plot point considering our current situation with "That Guy". Obviously they were counting on it being..."The Other Woman" as president in real life but they must have seen the change midstream and will turn her into a female version of "That Guy."
I missed the reference of Dar humping Quinn. That or I just blocked it out. What episode was that? I'm surprised at how close parts of the plot are to current real life situations.

I wish Quinn was still a badass, but glad he is gone. Couldn't stand to watch him in that state.
I missed the reference of Dar humping Quinn. That or I just blocked it out. What episode was that? I'm surprised at how close parts of the plot are to current real life situations.

I wish Quinn was still a badass, but glad he is gone. Couldn't stand to watch him in that state.

Episode 7.

DAR: You grew up in a hard school, no time for self-pity. It’s the first thing about you that impressed.
QUINN: Not the first thing.
DAR: Yeah, well, we’re all beautiful when we’re young, aren’t we?
QUINN: F%*%ing dirty old man.
DAR: Fair enough. For the record, though, I never forced myself on anyone.
I thought it was a good season, does a great job of creating tensioning my opinion. Glad Quinn was killed off, just wish it was in a blaze of glory like he lived.

I can see how Keane became paranoid, witch-hunt at every turn reflective of our current situation.
Thought it was a good season, agree with many of the opinions above.

The boiler room, crazy fringe tv personality, etc... all very reflective of current situations w/ 'that guy' & his associates.
I was just watching Criminal Minds reruns the other night and realized that Saul played a big part in that series. He doesn't have the beard though. You can always tell his voice.
Next season will be a carry on to this season in the aftermath. I feel like after Season 2 the plots did not run together and each new season was a different terror area or disjointed from the original ideal of "Homeland"
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Awful. Had some ok moments but the first half of the season was extremely disjointed and pointless. Very little from early in season made any impact on the overall season.

Homeland was never a great show, just ok. Last 2 seasons were awful, overall. The way they degraded Quinn was very disappointing. He was the best part of the show the last couple of years. I had long wished they'd kill off Carrie and switch show to Quinn as lead.

If they do any more seasons, I doubt I'll watch. Only watched this season due to lack of other shows to watch.
Awful. Had some ok moments but the first half of the season was extremely disjointed and pointless. Very little from early in season made any impact on the overall season.

Homeland was never a great show, just ok. Last 2 seasons were awful, overall. The way they degraded Quinn was very disappointing. He was the best part of the show the last couple of years. I had long wished they'd kill off Carrie and switch show to Quinn as lead.

If they do any more seasons, I doubt I'll watch. Only watched this season due to lack of other shows to watch.
I agree. I really want to like this show, it has some fantastic elements that could kick so much ass, but for some reason they try so hard to ignore it and trend toward dramatic fluff.

If they would delve more into the paramilitary tactics and preparation of Quinn when he goes HAM, the spycraft and foreign intel officer interaction and spy/counterspy with Saul and his friends/adversaries, the political intrigue and DC deals and double crosses are what makes the show great. t

This show has so much more potential than what's given it's criminal, but instead they spend too much time on crazy mom fighting with a social worker, another suicidal daughter running around the country with no real story, Quinn turning retard, a Rush Limbaugh character that is way too overboard and that horrible fake voice, Dar turning gay and molesting Quinn, and jeezus this is getting too long to list.
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I agree. I really want to like this show, it has some fantastic elements that could kick so much ass, but for some reason they try so hard to ignore it and trend toward dramatic fluff.

If they would delve more into the paramilitary tactics and preparation of Quinn when he goes HAM, the spycraft and foreign intel officer interaction and spy/counterspy with Saul and his friends/adversaries, the political intrigue and DC deals and double crosses, and what makes the show great, this show would have much more potential, but instead they spend too much time on crazy mom fighting with a social worker, another suicidal daughter running around the country with no real story, Quinn turning retard, a Rush Limbaugh character that is way too overboard and that horrible fake voice, Dar turning gay and molesting Quinn, and jeezus this is getting too long to list.

Agreed. And it was Alex Jones, not Rush Limbaugh but yeah. It's been going on for a while, too. Always felt like Homeland missed their chance to really go big when Carrie almost drowned her daughter. They could have added a very dark angle by having her actually let her daughter drown, but they look the easy way out.

Adding kids to a show was a mistake back with Dexter too. With Dexter, they used grandparents to allow dexter to abandon them. With Carrie she had the sister darn near adopt the daughter, then suddenly no one to help anymore. The show was always worse when the kids were around.

Stupid fabricated drama after stupid drama. Saul seemed like an after thought.

One of the dumbest parts of the show was Quinn stealing the guns from the gun store by setting car on fire in front pairing lot and then walking in and out through the front door Commando style, walking just past the gun store workers.

Just dumb stuff after dumb stuff. I feel like the show has strayed so far after what it started out as.
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I just stopped watching. Much of the above comments could be my own as well.
Agreed. And it was Alex Jones, not Rush Limbaugh but yeah. It's been going on for a while, too. Always felt like Homeland missed their chance to really go big when Carrie almost drowned her daughter. They could have added a very dark angle by having her actually let her daughter drown, but they look the easy way out.

Adding kids to a show was a mistake back with Dexter too. With Dexter, they used grandparents to allow dexter to abandon them. With Carrie she had the sister darn near adopt the daughter, then suddenly no one to help anymore. The show was always worse when the kids were around.

Stupid fabricated drama after stupid drama. Saul seemed like an after thought.

One of the dumbest parts of the show was Quinn stealing the guns from the gun store by setting car on fire in front pairing lot and then walking in and out through the front door Commando style, walking just past the gun store workers.

Just dumb stuff after dumb stuff. I feel like the show has strayed so far after what it started out as.
That gun store is in Westchester and is where I took my classes for a pistol permit, they didn't even change the name.
That gun store is in Westchester and is where I took my classes for a pistol permit, they didn't even change the name.

Wonder if they approved of the way the store was depicted as leaving things unattended the way it was portrayed in the show.
Wonder if they approved of the way the store was depicted as leaving things unattended the way it was portrayed in the show.
I'm sure they didn't care, would you? They get paid to use the set and it's free advertising.
Anybody catch the season premier. It definitely seems to have more potential than last season. I'm looking forward to the next episode.
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Anybody catch the season premier. It definitely seems to have more potential than last season. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

The problem I had with the episode is the same problem I’ve had with every season...Claire Danes. If they had just killed off her unrealistic character at any point, it would make for a far stronger show. Literally every season I would rate the nonClaire Danes episode 5 stars, 10 out of 10, but then up Pops Claire Danes to ruin the episode and the entire season.
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Glad you posted this as I forgot to record it. Now I find out my Showtime good deal expired and I don't have it.
Quick call to Dish and I got my 50% off deal back and I can set up the DVR again.

76, Carrie's character kinda wears me out too.
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I still like the show despite its flaws, agree on Carrie.

If I ruled the world, I would end Homeland and do a spinoff series based on Quinn's origins. How awesome would that be?
Waiting for it to build up. Billions and GOT are the only two that I must watch each week.