Anyone develop pain in their left knee from golf?


Star Player
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2008
Made the mistake of asking this on the MB and remembered how childish it is over there, maybe someone here can advise me.

I picked up golf recently and have been improving so I am at the range all the time. I recently started getting knee pain mostly on the inside part of my left knee (I swing righty). I am not sure if it is from the repetitive pressure I am putting on that part of the knee from my swing or it I maybe sprained something in my knee doing something else.

I got a little sore in my left elbow when I first started but that has gone away since I learned not to do a death grip on the club and swing correctly. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced the soreness in their left knee?
Made the mistake of asking this on the MB and remembered how childish it is over there, maybe someone here can advise me.

I picked up golf recently and have been improving so I am at the range all the time. I recently started getting knee pain mostly on the inside part of my left knee (I swing righty). I am not sure if it is from the repetitive pressure I am putting on that part of the knee from my swing or it I maybe sprained something in my knee doing something else.

I got a little sore in my left elbow when I first started but that has gone away since I learned not to do a death grip on the club and swing correctly. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced the soreness in their left knee?

Lots of variables at play here. How old are you? You in shape or over weight?

Typically, if your swing is balanced and you aren't over-swinging, you shouldn't be getting pain in your joints.

How often do you go to the range? How many balls are you hitting when you go? You hit all your clubs or just driver when you go?
Try to tweak your stance a little, as well as your follow-through and see if that helps.

It worked for these folks:

Lots of variables at play here. How old are you? You in shape or over weight?

Typically, if your swing is balanced and you aren't over-swinging, you shouldn't be getting pain in your joints.

How often do you go to the range? How many balls are you hitting when you go? You hit all your clubs or just driver when you go?
I'm 37 and in decent shape. I'm 5'11 and weigh 177 so I am more on the thin side than overweight.

I go to the range like 3 times a week and usually hit around 80 - 120 balls. I mostly do about 60% with my 7-iron, 20% PWedge and 20% Driver.
It happens a lot - we deal with it at my work and help out college and pro players plus the odd weekender. Without getting too technical it's often related to how your weight shifts near the end of the backswing and in transition to downswing - there are a lot of rotational forces and the knee is more suited to a simple hinge motion.

Some people have had luck flaring the left foot out (turn your left toes toe towards the target about 10 degrees). But we really take ti case by case because that adjustment make your contact and ballflight worse.
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It happens a lot - we deal with it at my work and help out college and pro players plus the odd weekender. Without getting too technical it's often related to how your weight shifts near the end of the backswing and in transition to downswing - there are a lot of rotational forces and the knee is more suited to a simple hinge motion.

Some people have had luck flaring the left foot out (turn your left toes toe towards the target about 10 degrees). But we really take ti case by case because that adjustment make your contact and ballflight worse.
Thanks, I'll try flaring my left foot out. Besides icing my knee and resting it a few days is there anything else I should be doing? I was starting to make big improvements in my swing and am dying to get back out there lol
Made the mistake of asking this on the MB and remembered how childish it is over there, maybe someone here can advise me.

I picked up golf recently and have been improving so I am at the range all the time. I recently started getting knee pain mostly on the inside part of my left knee (I swing righty). I am not sure if it is from the repetitive pressure I am putting on that part of the knee from my swing or it I maybe sprained something in my knee doing something else.

I got a little sore in my left elbow when I first started but that has gone away since I learned not to do a death grip on the club and swing correctly. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced the soreness in their left knee?
Smart move for sure. You won't get any childish responses over here.
I too had the same issue after years of playing. Tried turning my foot out some, and while that did help some it also turned a power fade into a banana slice, or I would double cross and hit it a country mile deep into the woods to my left. I am now 60 and will have both knees replaced this year. When I play golf now I swing very upright with very little weight transition thru the swing while wearing a $1500 brace on each leg. Getting old sucks.
You are torquing your whole body more than you realize. You may have pre-existing issue in that knee that you were unaware of, and all of this twisting is aggravating it. If you swing the club hard, the golf swing is a violent movement.

Poor Jack Nicklaus is now about 5’7”, max. His hip surgeries have shortened him, and I think he has some other spinal issues that are contributing to his situation.
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You are torquing your whole body more than you realize. You may have pre-existing issue in that knee that you were unaware of, and all of this twisting is aggravating it. If you swing the club hard, the golf swing is a violent movement.

Poor Jack Nicklaus is now about 5’7”, max. His hip surgeries have shortened him, and I think he has some other spinal issues that are contributing to his situation.
Tap the brakes playa. This kid's a beginner, not Tiger Woods...
I too had the same issue after years of playing. Tried turning my foot out some, and while that did help some it also turned a power fade into a banana slice, or I would double cross and hit it a country mile deep into the woods to my left. I am now 60 and will have both knees replaced this year. When I play golf now I swing very upright with very little weight transition thru the swing while wearing a $1500 brace on each leg. Getting old sucks.
That's the danger of the foot flare.
Thanks, I'll try flaring my left foot out. Besides icing my knee and resting it a few days is there anything else I should be doing? I was starting to make big improvements in my swing and am dying to get back out there lol
Yes, you should have somebody who knows what they're doing look at your swing and your body. No reason to progress towards long-term knee issues. This stuff can be fixed correctly, without surgery, we do it all the time.

We have connections all over the country. Give me a general idea of where you live and I'll try to find someone.
Yes, you should have somebody who knows what they're doing look at your swing and your body. No reason to progress towards long-term knee issues. This stuff can be fixed correctly, without surgery, we do it all the time.

We have connections all over the country. Give me a general idea of where you live and I'll try to find someone.
Thanks! I live in Miami, FL near the Coconut Grove area.
Yes, you should have somebody who knows what they're doing look at your swing and your body. No reason to progress towards long-term knee issues. This stuff can be fixed correctly, without surgery, we do it all the time.

We have connections all over the country. Give me a general idea of where you live and I'll try to find someone.

NMT, @NoleMoreTears

A tiny bit off subject, recently retired at 56, started playing golf again and traveling by car quite a bit, and now, my first bout with sciatica. It has basically settled in my right ankle/Achilles area so my golf game (torque on my right ankle at follow through) and leg workouts/cardio have been temporarily shelved. Any suggestions? I tried to schedule with a podiatrist but they said since the problem began as a sciatica issue, go see someone else, orthopedic or the like. Other than rest, ice, swimming and aleve, thoughts?

Yes, getting old sucks, but not working trumps aging x 1000.

That's the danger of the foot flare.
Do you work in golf or in the medical profession? Not asking this as a SA, just need some advice for an older golfer if you are more in the golf pro area.
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Take out all your change and put it in your left-hand pocket and tie your left shoe in a double knot. If that doesn't work you can try turning your hat around backwards and sticking a tee behind your left ear.
Don’t know if it relates, but I get a “pain in the a$$”, quite often

Although I figured it out that it came from clients.

More specifically those that say “ up north we do it this way”, or “ I used to be a contractor up north”, or “ I used to be an engineer”!

My a$$ is starting to hurt just thinking about it!

Any chance tho knee pain is from something else?

Maybe it’s a “ knee jerk reaction injury”?