Originally posted by FreeFlyNole:
Originally posted by KevNole:
I got crushed 18 days ago as I got hit from behind while doing 45 on my Yamaha Road Star 1700. Guy pushed me and my bike 50 ', then tossed me around and off the bike for another 200'.
A few broke bones, tons of serious road rash and lots of pain meds later, I'm getting there....slowly
Pain meds every 4 hours for about 10-14 days helped, but clogged me up until we counter acted that.
Posted from
Rivals Mobile
Jeez Kev. Get well soon man, hope you had one of these on.
Thanks all, I didn't mean to hi=jack the thread.......I am 54 years old. Been riding since I was 7 or 8. I am always super careful, as we all know, it is usually the other drivers in most cases.
The smart, lucky move of that day for me was, that I chose my full face helmet that day. My forever own stupidity was not throwing my jacket and oversize jeans i carry to pull on over my work shorts. As I had a couple stop and go stops to make on my way home that day.
According to the witnesses close behind me, (and the Ga. State Trooper later) said that 1- I am lucky to be alive, and 2- not worse with many more broken bones , nor internal injuries.
I will be wearing my safety clothes once I get a new bike (They totaled mine),
. I briefly blacked out, but remember the ride, tossing turning and scraping for about 200 more feet. I couldn't tell what happened at first or where I was going to end up. I recall hoping and praying no one else would run me over. Luckily I finally stopped on the right side at the curb. A lot of people stopped and helped hold my head upright and kept me awake and alert, as I was wanting to fall asleep/pass out.
I have pics, maybe next week I will load the ones of my bike and some of the injuries if want.
I was pissed and my first words were...who the F knocked me for a ride...,never saw him coming (17 year old kid w/ a 2014 F150 graduation present). I was going during busy ass 5:30 traffic on a 4 lane...... usually I avoid and ride country roads home, but stopped in town first at my folks and Walgreens.
Ruined my ga. tag that read .....01 FSU....I think I can get another the same again.....
I live to tell and to ride again. Lucky and blessed!