I remember rolling through there with my old man a couple of hundred years ago. Along with Tavares, there was Eustis, Apopka, Zellwood, Howie-In-The-Hills, and on into Longwood where we would pickup trailer loads of Mohawk canoes and paddles.
In earlier years while he traveled the state for the Department of Commerce, my brothers and I rode along in the summer when he was in that area. Pops would buy bait at a joint on the shores of Lake Dora (?) that we would use later fishing off of a railroad trestle along Orange Avenue in Orlando while staying in the Thunderbird across the street from a Bonanza Steak House. Old school.
Great little old Florida spots... Even as the big Disney deal was beginning to make it’s presence known, this area was shall I say, “Quaint” in comparison to the developments to follow, possibly personified at the extreme by places like the Villages.
Tavares talk really brings back some great memories.