Anyone use a marketing automation company?


Seminole Insider
Aug 1, 2005
Louisville, CO
I am looking at adding it to our arsenal here at work and welcome any feedback on how it worked out or didn't work out for you.
No its' a product that integrates with your database to automate and enhance the online marketing. Setting up trigger messages, tracking users, lead scoring, creating forms on landing pages......on and on it goes. HubSpot, Marketo, Eloqua, SilverPop are some of the bigger players in the arena.
No its' a product that integrates with your database to automate and enhance the online marketing. Setting up trigger messages, tracking users, lead scoring, creating forms on landing pages......on and on it goes. HubSpot, Marketo, Eloqua, SilverPop are some of the bigger players in the arena.

yes, that is what I was referring too when asked.

So yes, I have experence with this. What kind of business/vertical are you in and do you need fully automated with account management help, or are you looking for a platform your team can manage with IT support?

Hope that makes sense?
My company currently uses Silverpop. Our CMO is not happy with it and so moving to Marketo.
My company currently uses Silverpop. Our CMO is not happy with it and so moving to Marketo.

Marketo is good, Marin is also good if you like Marketo, worth checking it out.

CMOs and marketing directors are so hot cold with things. You're a hero and loved one month, and then act like the sky is falling the next.
I've used Marketo, Eloqua, Act-On and now use something called Real Magnet. It's by far the easiest to use of the four and works well, but they only integrate with 3 or 4 databases. 2nd favorite for me would be Marketo.