Been meaning to check it out. Kind of drifting in shows to binge right now, haven't found one that totally hooked me for a while.
I really liked Mr Robot at first, but it kind of lost my interest with the direction it went in. I think I've only got a couple left I just need to power through.
Started Jessica Jones, first few episodes are fine, but I don't know if I care.
I go back to Rectify from time to time, but it's pretty damn slow. I'm pretty sure it's great, but I just don't go to it much. It's weird, it's usually a last resort go to if I'm in a particular mood, but it's the show I'm mostly likely to watch three hours of in a sitting. Once I'm in it hypnotizes me, but I'm never like "I've got to see what happens next."
I'm kind of tough...a show can be good, but if I just find myself not caring about the characters much or what happens next, I'm out.