With up to 900 degrees heat generation, high number of deaths to birds, susceptibility to severe damage in storms, high cost of construction are they more of an issue than a solution?
With up to 900 degrees heat generation, high number of deaths to birds, susceptibility to severe damage in storms, high cost of construction are they more of an issue than a solution?
Yes. Until the power storage issue is resolved, and it's on the same time schedule as fusion, solar for anything other than individual power supplementation or off the grid living is a bad idea.With up to 900 degrees heat generation, high number of deaths to birds, susceptibility to severe damage in storms, high cost of construction are they more of an issue than a solution?
This doesn’t get talk about enough. I think hydroelectric power should be revisited as well.Nuclear power
I am pretty sure the powers that be have done a good job of scaring the crud out of the general public regarding Nuclear power...you know, the China Syndrome movie, Three Mile Island etc...This doesn’t get talk about enough. I think hydroelectric power should be revisited as well.