I would say any club pro would work. I know most of the club pros in and around Tallahassee. The one thing they always say about lessons, is they loathe when the person they give instructions to doesn’t do ANY practice on what they teach between lessons.
WHATEVER YOU ARE TAUGHT ONLY DO THAT. DO NOT GIVE YOUR OPINION WHEN BEING TAUGHT. YOU ARE WRONG, AND YOU ARE A 30+ AND DON’T DESERVE TO HAVE YOUR OPINION HEARD. This sounds harsh (lol), you just need to understand you have zero standing when trying to learn the game from someone you’re paying to try and get better.
Your first lesson at a 30 cap will most likely be: Grip, stance, and Back and through.
You also need to understand something. WHATEVER YOU THINK... YOU ARE WRONG. WHATEVER THEY SAY IS RIGHT, AND YOU ARE WRONG. If you start to take lessons, you need to adopt the mindset that THE PRO’S WORDS ARE THE EQUIVALENT TO THE WORD OF GOD. Practice 100 times each day after work ONLY WHAT THEY TAUGHT YOU. Do not go on YouTube or read some website between lessons. If you do that you’ll go from the 30s to like.... 29. A pro can get you down to the teens if you only do what they tell you to do, and you ignore outside influence (ie anything you see on the internet). It will take about 3-6 months with 6 out of 7 days of practice.
I’m a 5.4 index with ALL score entered (No vanity). It takes YEARS of practice and playing to develop touch. And still, I’m no where near scratch.... I routinely lose to people I play with and have blow up rounds. Golf is a funny game and has ups and downs.
And never forget... because you will. Putting / Chipping are what really get you to score a good score on a hole/round. Swing isn’t everything. I know a lot of players better than me with funky swings, but they get to square and chip/putt lights out.