Best response to a tweet ever?

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I was at Haight/Ashbury looking for Janis Joplin's and the Greatful Dead's cribs.... 69 was a good year and is a great number and concept as well.
Buzz. lives in my town, I've seen him at Publix. Also Winston Scott lives here (went to FSU) his plane is in the T hangers at KMLB, I have spoken with him a few times about FSU sports.
I was in a little restaurant in Whiteville, N.C. Lived in Wilmington and was traveling my district working for Chevrolet Motor Division.

Seemed unreal.
Holy crap, I thought I'd go the rest of my life and never meet another person who even knew where Whiteville was. I lived in Chadbourn right next door for 6 years or so. I still have a ton of family there. I don't know how anyone willingly lives there though. lol
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Floyd Ramsey was the dealer then. Small place but good people.
I'm talking Chadburn now.

I also called on Mr. Sam Scott in Fair bluff.
Lou Wheeler in Whiteville.
Billy Hinson in Clarkton.
Lyn Ricks in Elizabethtown.

Probably most or all are dead by now.

Also had Chevy dealers in Tabor City and Loris. :p
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