Better Smelling Cow Manure ???


Seminole Insider
Mar 29, 2002

When I saw this story I had to check the date to make sure it wasn't April 1. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the smell of cow manure. However, is it really that much of a priority that a bunch of money has been spent finding a drug to make manure smell better? I can think of a bunch of better things to spend all that $$$ on.
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Manure is spread on the fields across from us several times a year. The smell drives wifey crazy and it does get stout during high humidity or rainy times. If we didn’t wanna smell this a few times a year, we coulda bought our little cabin somewhere else besides in a farming community.
Mostly I approve of how the guys work around us. They plant no till (drill the corn in rather than plow and seed) which results in dramatically less erosion, plant a rye grass cover crop after harvest, which again lessens erosion as well as “fixing” nitrogen (legumes help other plants access nitrogen so less fertilizer is needed), keep fences, drainage pipes, and roads up, etc...
My only real issue is that after harvesting the rye cover crop for feed, they then kill it off via an herbicide prior to planting corn used as livestock feed. You gotta believe this herbicide then continues on thru the crop cycle and into the dairy “system”.
That is modern farming in a nutshell. Highly productive and using good practices in many ways, but still married to poisons in some practices that tend to offset so much of the good...
I don't even mind the word manure. It's newer, which is good, and a ma in front of it. Ma-Newer. When you consider the other choices, manure is actually pretty refreshing.
I thought this was going to be a thread on tweaks to FSU's depth chart or playcalling.
Maybe they can cut down the methane that is causing global warming ;)
This. This would be my bigger issue.

I've been thinking about giving up beef of late after learning about the impact on the environment.