I've heard that once you have coffee, you never go back to tea.What if you don't have tea? But you have coffee?
That's only if you don't add milk, cream or anything to make it lighter than the original color.I've heard that once you have coffee, you never go back to tea.
Best time for tea is first thing in the morning. You don't even need to ask, just show them the bedsheet teapee and nod accordingly.Before you ask, you should have tea ready already, so once they say yes it is ready to go.
What if you make someone tea, they drink the tea - they LOVE the tea, and then you find out later on that your tea will probably make them really sick? Should you tell them as soon as you find out that your tea might make them sick, or should you wait and see if your tea makes them sick, and then blame their sickness - and yours - not on the tea you gave them, but on something completely different?