Can anyone give any helpful advice regarding allergy / reaction


Jan 2, 2004
Orlando, FL
About six weeks ago, I started having horrible spots of intense itch on my skin. It wasn't localized to one spot, but was worse around my hips / stomach / shoulders / upper arms but still bad at times on my feet / hands / legs / back. I went to my dermatologist and he prescribed me this huge tub of what's called Triamcinolone Acetonide cream. I started putting that on after showering in the morning and again before bed at night.

After a few days, I had improvement and, except for the occasional localized spot, or I'd maybe notice a little itchy / burning area at work now and then, I was mostly back to normal. About two or three weeks later though, this thing came back with a vengeance. Back to the derm, and he gave me another round of the cream but told me it looks like the spots of the worst itching (lower shoulders / hips / upper arms) are allergic reactions to something.

Holy schnikes, this thing is so bad and I've have been a madman trying to find out what's causing it. I am trying to get an appt. with an allergist at my dermatologist's advice but in the meantime, I have been doing anything I can think of: Changed to hypoallergenic soaps / shampoos / conditioners from the health food store. Same for detergents or any cleaning product, cleaned my house like a raving lunatic, changed out air filters (even though it wasn't due yet), cleaned the inside of my washing machine with bleach and ran it on the "basket clean" cycle with vinegar. I even thought maybe it was something in any detergents, even this new expensive seventh generation b.s. I just bought so I went out and got new boxers and undershirts and wore them the past few days (to no avail). I thought maybe it's something in my house but I went down to Boca the weekend of the Miami game and had similar problems (albeit less intense I think?) I have taken an "oatmeal bath" on the advice of a co-worker which maybe helped lessen the symptoms a bit that night but didn't help past that.

It's driving me mad so if anyone has had experience with this and can be of help, please do not hesitate to jump in. The only thing that has been helping relieve the symptoms is Desitin which is usually for baby rashes. I rub that on two or three times a day, and am fairly comfortable but I have to apply it quite heavily. I also take Benadryl at night which helps me sleep. My dermatologist offered to prescribe something to help me sleep which I didn't want to start on, the Benadryl seems to be helping for now but the few nights I've tried to go without it I don't usually make it through the night. Grrrrrr.
About six weeks ago, I started having horrible spots of intense itch on my skin. It wasn't localized to one spot, but was worse around my hips / stomach / shoulders / upper arms but still bad at times on my feet / hands / legs / back. I went to my dermatologist and he prescribed me this huge tub of what's called Triamcinolone Acetonide cream. I started putting that on after showering in the morning and again before bed at night.

After a few days, I had improvement and, except for the occasional localized spot, or I'd maybe notice a little itchy / burning area at work now and then, I was mostly back to normal. About two or three weeks later though, this thing came back with a vengeance. Back to the derm, and he gave me another round of the cream but told me it looks like the spots of the worst itching (lower shoulders / hips / upper arms) are allergic reactions to something.

Holy schnikes, this thing is so bad and I've have been a madman trying to find out what's causing it. I am trying to get an appt. with an allergist at my dermatologist's advice but in the meantime, I have been doing anything I can think of: Changed to hypoallergenic soaps / shampoos / conditioners from the health food store. Same for detergents or any cleaning product, cleaned my house like a raving lunatic, changed out air filters (even though it wasn't due yet), cleaned the inside of my washing machine with bleach and ran it on the "basket clean" cycle with vinegar. I even thought maybe it was something in any detergents, even this new expensive seventh generation b.s. I just bought so I went out and got new boxers and undershirts and wore them the past few days (to no avail). I thought maybe it's something in my house but I went down to Boca the weekend of the Miami game and had similar problems (albeit less intense I think?) I have taken an "oatmeal bath" on the advice of a co-worker which maybe helped lessen the symptoms a bit that night but didn't help past that.

It's driving me mad so if anyone has had experience with this and can be of help, please do not hesitate to jump in. The only thing that has been helping relieve the symptoms is Desitin which is usually for baby rashes. I rub that on two or three times a day, and am fairly comfortable but I have to apply it quite heavily. I also take Benadryl at night which helps me sleep. My dermatologist offered to prescribe something to help me sleep which I didn't want to start on, the Benadryl seems to be helping for now but the few nights I've tried to go without it I don't usually make it through the night. Grrrrrr.
It would have best if you were tested for what allergies you have 6 weeks ago. . You can do that through a blood test or by going to an allergist, so do that. There are many things that can cause this, but finding the root of the cause is best. It could be you have a sensitivity to a food/foods; detergents; or many things. I have also found that dermatologist many times just treat the symptoms, but don’t find the actual thing causing the inflammation( the symptoms). Good luck.
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Did you switch laundry detergent? That is usually the cause with the areas you described. Especially if it came out of nowhere
Yes. Are you using anything new like a detergent or something like that that you did not use in the past?
I had something similar happen- wife had changed detergent to some new eco friendly stuff. I ate Benadryl like candy for a few weeks until we figured it out.
Thanks for all the replies. I did change detergents AFTER the symptoms because I thought maybe it was something in the old detergent that was causing it. So I’ve been washing everything in this new detergent called Seventh Generation, which is supposedly free of chemicals and all natural. Not that I couldn’t be allergic to something in that also. So I suppose I’m going to try to switch it up again. But I did buy new boxers / undershirts this weekend and wore them right from the pack and still have all the same symptoms.

At this point, I’m thinking it’s maybe something in my house ? Or maybe something I’m eating but I would think that food allergies would come on usually within a few hours or eating something and wouldn’t last for days. I’ve tried going a day without eating anything and still have the issues especially at night and in the mornings when I first wake up, so not sure it’s from something I’m eating. Just to be safe I have tried to eliminate dairy, nuts, eggs, etc. (things that people commonly can develop allergies to)

Thanks again for all the help. I am trying to get in with an allergist ASAP. The reviews for almost all in the Orlando area are less than stellar online so we’ll see how it goes. They’re also all somehow still booked out for a while.
Sorry, should have answered that earlier. No, no medications or even vitamins. I do eat a handful of almonds most work mornings at my office with my coffee and sometimes put a tablespoon of half and half in bit have ceased both of those.
Someone needs to page Wendy. She's pretty knowledgeable about medical issues. I would do it, but she doesn't like me. :(
What does the rash look like? Could be eczema, possibly caused by stress or animals if you have ruled out the food and detergent possibilities.

Hand, Foot and Mouth is making a huge resurgence in adults currently also, might be that but i dont think that comes and goes like you described and the derm would've noticed that right away.
I'd check with Jameis to see if he has another copy of his book: Crabs Gone Bad
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Never wear clothes right off the bat. Of course, if you're allergic to the detergent, that won't do you any good. Changing several things at once may make it harder to find the cause...if/when you get better, slowly go back to what you were using/eating and see if something triggers the reaction.

The cream is a steroid cream...might be worth seeing if you can get prednisone pills.

Rashes/itching are often really hard to diagnose unless they present with classic symptoms. Even something like acute Hepatitis C can cause rashes. Allergies are hard to manage...a friend was suddenly allergic to her prescription NSAID after taking it for a few years so she can't have ibuprofen, etc, or else she risks anaphylaxis.

Any redness, scaly skin, spots, bumps, pustules?
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Never wear clothes right off the bat. Of course, if you're allergic to the detergent, that won't do you any good. Changing several things at once may make it harder to find the cause...if/when you get better, slowly go back to what you were using/eating and see if something triggers the reaction.

The cream is a steroid cream...might be worth seeing if you can get prednisone pills.

Rashes/itching are often really hard to diagnose unless they present with classic symptoms. Even something like acute Hepatitis C can cause rashes. Allergies are hard to manage...a friend was suddenly allergic to her prescription NSAID after taking it for a few years so she can't have ibuprofen, etc, or else she risks anaphylaxis.

Any redness, scaly skin, spots, bumps, pustules?

I told you.
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Since you've eliminated the obvious stuff, here's one out of left field.

Do you use dryer sheets? Reusing them or using a cheap brand can cause little frayed fibers to stick on your clothes creating a local irritant opportunity for your skin.
You could also call your doctor's office and see if it's okay for you to take a loratadine (Claritin) in the morning and then diphenhydramine (Benadryl) at bedtime (I suggest the loratadine because it's the one of the three main daily allergy OTD meds that is least likely to cause drowsiness). It can leave you dry-eyed and tired, but if it is an allergic reaction, it should help you get through the day until/if you can get some prednisone.
Never wear clothes right off the bat. Of course, if you're allergic to the detergent, that won't do you any good. Changing several things at once may make it harder to find the cause...if/when you get better, slowly go back to what you were using/eating and see if something triggers the reaction.

The cream is a steroid cream...might be worth seeing if you can get prednisone pills.

Rashes/itching are often really hard to diagnose unless they present with classic symptoms.

Any redness, scaly skin, spots, bumps, pustules?

Thanks for all the replies. I did change detergents AFTER the symptoms because I thought maybe it was something in the old detergent that was causing it. So I’ve been washing everything in this new detergent called Seventh Generation, which is supposedly free of chemicals and all natural. Not that I couldn’t be allergic to something in that also. So I suppose I’m going to try to switch it up again. But I did buy new boxers / undershirts this weekend and wore them right from the pack and still have all the same symptoms.

At this point, I’m thinking it’s maybe something in my house ? Or maybe something I’m eating but I would think that food allergies would come on usually within a few hours or eating something and wouldn’t last for days. I’ve tried going a day without eating anything and still have the issues especially at night and in the mornings when I first wake up, so not sure it’s from something I’m eating. Just to be safe I have tried to eliminate dairy, nuts, eggs, etc. (things that people commonly can develop allergies to)

Thanks again for all the help. I am trying to get in with an allergist ASAP. The reviews for almost all in the Orlando area are less than stellar online so we’ll see how it goes. They’re also all somehow still booked out for a while.
My guess is mites. You may have had a bad initial reaction to mites. Though the cream and cleaning helps, you are more sensitive afterwards. Permethrin cream and oral ivermectin are potential helpers, but the sensitivity persists for several months.

Do the spots follow a line or trail on your skin of any kind?
Did you have any gastrointestinal symptoms associated with it? If so, I would maybe get tested for gluten intolerance or celiac disease. My daughter has celiacs and when she gets gluttened by cross contamination (unknowingly ingesting gluten) she has her typical GI Issues and if its bad she gets a bad rash as well.
Wow, thanks so much everyone for your responses. As far as some sort of bed bugs / mites, no one else in the house has issues except me and I have inspected the mattresses with LED flashlight in the dark and can find no evidence.

My skin definitely has raised red bumps like a rash / hives / eczema. I suppose it could be stress related. Some other people have asked me if I thought it was stress-related or if I've been under a lot of stress right now. I'm always a little stressed with family issues it feels like, but not more than usual right now. And this has been ongoing for about a month now (every single day).

I sort of have it a routine down - Zyrtec in the morning and totally rub myself down with Desitin (seems to work the best). More Desitin at night and then two Benadryl at night. I feel bad saying this but the Benadryl doesn't really seem to help the itching but it makes me drowsy and it's honestly hard to sleep without it. Seems to be worst at night.

I'm going to try new sheets but do I wash the sheets before putting them on the bed? I've tried multiple detergents and nothing has helped (so far). Tried also washing clothes and sheets only in diluted vinegar. I thought maybe it was something specific to my washing maching / dryer so I did a few loads at a relative's house in their washing machine / dryer but nothing has changed yet.

Oh - someone asked about dryer sheets and my dermatologist told me at the first appointment to eliminate those and I have done so ever since.

Thanks again for all your help. Have an appointment with an allergist in Orlando next week!
(fingers crossed).
I'd lay even money is medication related. As noted by the resident non-MD makers the generic medication change all the time. I've had long users of HTN sudden develop the almost exact all over each. Change rx solves the problem
My guess is mites. You may have had a bad initial reaction to mites. Though the cream and cleaning helps, you are more sensitive afterwards. Permethrin cream and oral ivermectin are potential helpers, but the sensitivity persists for several months.

Meant to follow up on this to let you know that it seems you were correct. Dermatologist sent to me an allergist. By the time I'd gotten in there, my symptoms had gotten worse. They did give me the Permethrin cream and, after two applications (one week apart), it seems to have helped. At my follow-ups yesterday (both with dermatologist and allergist), they seemed to think I looked better. Still have spots of bad itching / burning, which I know is normal while my skin heals.

Allergist had taken a culture from inside my nose which came back as positive for staph infection. I'm on antibiotics (Doxycycline) and also topical for inside my nose. They seem to think it's also on my skin (folliculitis) which is leading to more of a burning sensation than itching, esp on my shoulders / hips. They also gave me Prednisone. This has been a complete nightmare so thanks for everyone's help and suggestions over the last few months.

Craziest part of this is trying to figure out who to listen to. I got two totally different opinions from the two doctors I saw. Dermatologist never felt that it was mites at the original appointments but, by the time I'd gotten to the allergist, I looked a lot worse so maybe that could account for some of it. I'm hoping the advice I'm following is correct. At yesterday's follow up, dermatologist checked me and told me the areas should continue to resolve. Never mentioned anything about folliculitis or felt that a nose culture was warranted, while the allergist that I saw later in the day got the results of the nose culture and gave me four scripts (a refill of the permethrin in addition to the ones I listed above).
So if it is mites I suggest you go to a veterinarian and get some Advantage. Have your wife rub it on the back of your neck. The little packages are made for something that weighs about 8 pounds so you will need a bunch of them. You will still get bites for a few days but the stuff will kill the mites and you’ll be golden after that.
So if it is mites I suggest you go to a veterinarian and get some Advantage. Have your wife rub it on the back of your neck. The little packages are made for something that weighs about 8 pounds so you will need a bunch of them. You will still get bites for a few days but the stuff will kill the mites and you’ll be golden after that.

But don't rub on your blanket for the first 2 days, the spots on your back will be oily.
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