"The beauty of art is that it’s open to interpretation. That said, these paintings above look like a bunch of melting Georgia O’Keefes that have been put in the microwave.
The picture, posted by jimmypork, is actually the result of a local school art project titled, “Candlelight,” which partially explains what’s happening here. The Frisky contacted “Mr. Pork” for more information regarding the school, exhibit and age of the artists, but did not receive a response. For now, all we can do is guess what kind of effed up candles this teacher had in the classroom."
The picture, posted by jimmypork, is actually the result of a local school art project titled, “Candlelight,” which partially explains what’s happening here. The Frisky contacted “Mr. Pork” for more information regarding the school, exhibit and age of the artists, but did not receive a response. For now, all we can do is guess what kind of effed up candles this teacher had in the classroom."