Carlson and Hannity trustworthy?


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Nov 21, 2013
Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and company were knowingly lying to their audiences about the 2020 election results? They knew President Trump had lost but continued to question the results on air?

Another reason why I steer clear of the three letter channels like CNN and Fox. They cater to a base and make profits off division.
Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and company were knowingly lying to their audiences about the 2020 election results? They knew President Trump had lost but continued to question the results on air?

Another reason why I steer clear of the three letter channels like CNN and Fox. They cater to a base and make profits off division.
Its pandering to a specific audience. The two you mentioned and MSNBC are the worse IMO. They have or had large bases that actually believed what they were reporting. Its all click bait at this point and you really have to read into a story and do some fact checking before passing judgement.
Its pandering to a specific audience. The two you mentioned and MSNBC are the worse IMO. They have or had large bases that actually believed what they were reporting. Its all click bait at this point and you really have to read into a story and do some fact checking before passing judgement.
Exactly this. They are telling people that are watching what they want to hear because they have found that to be more profitable. They are all huge echo chambers.

Where do y’all get your news? I read them all to get all sides but it’s clearly targeted to appease one side like you both mentioned.

Just the facts, ma’am.
One of the worst things in the country is 24 hour new. Any network the. Best thing would be go back to 30 minutes of all true news. stat true factual evidence if done the news would no longer be fake and know where your day and country are headed!!
No. They are just as bad if not worse than the politicians on both sides of the aisle. Sell your soul for a vote or for ratings. Zero integrity. Just an insatiable greed for power, control and meaningless $$$.
Was news before it made it to the 24/7 cable television always bias to a base? Or is this a more recent phenomenon?
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guess joe and hunter are squeaky clean

When President Biden said “No one f*@$ with a Biden” that was some Don Corleone energy.

Do you remember when he almost beat up that guy in the manufacturing plant?

Toughness we haven’t seen since Teddy Roosevelt (my favorite president).
I dropped cable over twenty years ago and have largely missed the cable news phenomenon, personally. I do think that people, individually, and society, generally, would be much happier and healthier if we all generally disengaged the televised news.

What’s your source for news?
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I dropped cable over twenty years ago and have largely missed the cable news phenomenon, personally. I do think that people, individually, and society, generally, would be much happier and healthier if we all generally disengaged the televised news.

I watch 4 hours of cable news each night while praying for the world.

I understand cable news is slanted and take it as entertainment mostly.
This does not match what I experienced growing up in the 80s and 90s and hearing and reading primarily *very* conservative perspectives in the news. I distinctly recall a great deal of sturm und drang with the emergence of Ted and Jane's CNN. I think that the most liberal leaning "news" that I can recall from childhood was CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Kuralt. I miss that guy...

The nightly news networks and major newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post were always liberal, IMO.
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Wasn’t it common knowledge that Tucker Carlson’s bleatings aren’t to be believed even before Fox’s own attorneys formalized in 2020 that reality by admitting what he says is not to be relied upon as factual?
None of this is going to change, most of society likes living in an echo chamber. It’s so much easier than conducting research and thinking.
Bias has always been around. Growing up in Japan, our primary news sources were Armed Forces radio, the Stars and Stripes, and the Asahi Shinbun, and also news that came from Taiwain, Hong Kong, etc.

It was virtually impossible not to see the differences.

As it happens, had it not been for the Japanese media to have been in Hanoi, we would not have known the status of 53 POW's. They filmed the event, it was shown on TV, and that is how we found 53 of our MIA's.
As an old Marine, I quit trusting the media when: 1). Cronkite said the US was losing the war after the Tet offensive; 2). CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC rushed to confirm WMD was being manufactured in Iraq (by folks that couldn't put a three piece preschool Fisher Price toy together); 3). the network/print reporters on the ground in Kabul glorifying the triumph of "the greatest airlift ever" when the Marines were left exposed in the open to die at the airport; and 4). the media gushing at our efforts to maintain/restore/establish "true" democracy in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan---did I miss any?
Fox News came on the air in 1996.

I'm not sure I understand your point. I started watching the news when I was 8.

I used to watch 20/20 with my Mom (no pics) on Friday evenings starring Barbara Walters and Hugh Downs.

I remember CNN and the Washington Post going all in for Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

The news media leaned liberal going way back.

Remember how much Nixon hated them? 😆
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I remember watching Crossfire with my grandmother. She was as militantly Democratic as you can imagine. As a little kid, I tended to find the rightwing hosts more entertaining, so I would often applaud or cheer when Buchanan or Sununu would land a particularly bellicose shot. That earned me more than a few smacks upside the head. She especially disliked when I would support Bob Dornan. Thankfully, I grew up and saw the error of my ways. :)
Wait just a damn minute! You grew up in Alabama, right?
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So, at 12-13 years old you were aware of a liberal bias in the news? Or, are you just parroting what you a popular narrative?

Well, I'm 72, so I think I can verify the fact. Cronkite on CBS was only good for the weeky The 20th Century show. Huntley/Brinkley weren't too bad for NBC, but when John Chancellor got the chair, out TV set starting tilting left. I don't recall ever watching ABC back in those days, but I'd be willing to place a decent wager that they were just as bad.
It's all for views. Trump has ruined conservative television. The world is the same place it has been forever, but now you can read about it EVERY second.
I no longer watch cable news outlets unless I’m at the gym and it’s on a tv in front of a piece of equipment I’m using. Liberal or conservative.
I no longer watch cable news outlets unless I’m at the gym and it’s on a tv in front of a piece of equipment I’m using. Liberal or conservative.
I use it as background noise just to have somewhat of a clue what's going on.