This message is in hopes that student-athletes realize just how big this deal has become!
SEX ABUSE law suits and settlements in colleges have become astronomical. Athletes beware, especially football players.
Penn State settled for over
$100 million. Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse incident.
Michigan State, 2018, settled for over
$500 million. Sports Doctor sexual abuse incidents.
USC, 2018, settled for over
$1.067 Billion. (2 settlements, $852 million and $215 million sexual abuse incidents)
FSU, 2016, settlement of
Title IX claims of sexual assult for $950,000 even though QB Jameis Winston was never indited or convicted of any crime. And Winston settled an additional cival lawsuit out of court for an undisclosed amount out of his own pocket.
Sex abuse law suits in colleges have become a multi-million and billion dollar+ business for attornies. Student-athletes beware.