Doak Campbell Retired 1957. UF Admitted First Black Student in 1958.

Same here. Plus we now have this "".
In 1956, Tally was not the bastion of liberalism and progressive justice that it is today.
Even in this article the author still makes the claim that Campbell discusses banning anti segregation talk in the student newspaper as though he was thinking about doing it despite the fact that the historical article clearly shows that he merely mentioned the newspaper itself mighty veto such editorials.

It's pretty obvious at this point that very few people are interested in the truth here.
Fred Flowers was the first black athlete at FSU 3 years before the crocs.Calvin Patterson was our first black scholarship football player in 1968 a year before JT Thomas.
Can't put a derogatory FU post on the TC when the topic of the day is "FSU may change the name of Doak Campbell Stadium?" Sheesh.