N Nolomite All-American Jun 19, 2003 8,742 876 853 Jan 4, 2018 #1 A minor earthquake in Oakland - no big deal. BUT, my "home office" does not know I am in New England for the holidays, as I never told them I was leaving town. Dammit.
A minor earthquake in Oakland - no big deal. BUT, my "home office" does not know I am in New England for the holidays, as I never told them I was leaving town. Dammit.
T TennNole17 Star Player Sep 18, 2003 30,082 457 733 Jan 4, 2018 #2 stupid earthquake ratting bastard!
N Nolomite All-American Jun 19, 2003 8,742 876 853 Jan 4, 2018 #3 Co-workers will be disappointed that it wasn't a massive quake where the earth opened up and dragged me down for a slow, painful death. Reactions: funksouljon
Co-workers will be disappointed that it wasn't a massive quake where the earth opened up and dragged me down for a slow, painful death.
GoNolesTX Seminole Insider Sep 5, 2006 3,001 2,373 853 Far North Dallas Jan 4, 2018 #4 Nolomite said: Co-workers will be disappointed that it wasn't a massive quake where the earth opened up and dragged me down for a slow, painful death. Click to expand... Meh, this guy would save you.
Nolomite said: Co-workers will be disappointed that it wasn't a massive quake where the earth opened up and dragged me down for a slow, painful death. Click to expand... Meh, this guy would save you.