Eery loud triumphet/metallic resonating sound from sky?


Jan 29, 2003
Heard it, apparently it's fairly common over the past 4 years. Anyone know what it may be?
You actually heard it? Up to now I figured it was a hoax.

Give us the details
You actually heard it? Up to now I figured it was a hoax.

Give us the details
I left my friend's home at about 3 AM, he lives in the hills at the edge of where a forest begins, as I was walking to my car I begin hearing this sound. It sounded like a triumphet at first, then it turned into a high bass blaring sound. It's really creepy. One of my co workers first asked me if I had heard a trumpet sound about 3 weeks ago
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What state were you in? I read an article about a month ago and saw a video but it still seemed sketchy.
I couldn't get past the repeated use of the word "triumphet". I even googled it to make sure it wasn't me just not knowing what a word was, but google agreed that it wasn't me.

Perhaps the aliens' anal probing screwed with your vocabulary a little?
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Yep, these are nothing but trial runs. At the coming of the End, the Trumpets shall be heard in all corners of the earth.

Got to make sure all you people out the boonies can hear them first.
Like testing the tornado siren the first Wednesday of each month before there's an actual tornado? Smart.
End of days...


That's funny, it's the first thing we thought of and joked about as well.

But i've looked for some articles and read where some scientific people stated it could be just frequency noise from the planet or something of the sort.
Another article said it could be electromagnetic noise from the aurora - there was a large solar storm this weekend.
Ok, so we should be repententing at the sound of the triumphant?

When the Triumphants begin to sound, the Son of Man will commencetant to be a coming outta of the Cloudlets. Those that have not been repententing will not be noteth in the Book of Life. On to fallin in the Lake of Freon.
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When the Triumphants begin to sound, the Son of Man will commencetant to be a coming outta of the Cloudlets. Those that have not been repententing will not be noteth in the Book of Life. On to fallin in the Lake of Freon.
I imagine this as if Emmitt Smith was a preacher, and this was his sermon.
Edginess of de fowwest, trumphetness, repententninn, pail totin horsey poohs, lots of bassedge, alienistas, three horsemens...
Errr, maybe Smoky the Dope-like?