My wife's 86 year old dad had a stroke Thursday night in Tally. He's in I.C.U. while they try to figure out the extent of the damage. American Airlines was nice enough to transfer my miles to her so she could go down yesterday without the big $ hit. We were told by the staff yesterday that he was pretty much unresponsive. She saw him for the first time this morning. Although he cannot speak and has a hard time opening and focusing his eyes, he responded to her and my brother's prompts with hand waves, hand squeezes and verbal noises. He was living alone in his house and still driving, spent Xmas here in VA, seems to still enjoy life. He has had several medical issues with the kidneys and heart the last couple of years, resulting in hospital stays. Because of the unpredictably of stroke recovery, this might end up being a hard call, guess we'll know more when we get more results.