Looks like the overlords are attempting to sublease my little 835 sq foot office and putting me in an executive suite until I either move or they get a replacement in for my old position. Doesn't really matter too much to me, I'll just start up with working remote multiple days a week.
Question is - how does the exec suite work? Do I have a mini-fridge in my office, do I have to go the way of the poors and use a communal fridge with a Post-It on my lunch, how good is the ventilation, do I have to bring an industrial bottle of Febreeze?
Question is - how does the exec suite work? Do I have a mini-fridge in my office, do I have to go the way of the poors and use a communal fridge with a Post-It on my lunch, how good is the ventilation, do I have to bring an industrial bottle of Febreeze?