We're not a dog family. Judging by our town, we will soon be forcibly evicted out into the hinterlands and forced to live apart from proper dog worshipping society.
Dogs are now in stores, restaurants, offices, everywhere. It's a love dogs or else world.
We went to a restaurant a few weeks ago, and the waitress seats us at a table with a dog under it. The people next to us brought their big dog, and the dog was resting under the table next to it, where she seated us. I asked the waitress nicely if we could be seated at another table without a dog, and she looked at me as if I owned slaves.
She seated us at another table where no server ever came, and we eventually left. Maybe coincidence, maybe a statement, I don't know. But while we were waiting, another couple was seated at the dog table, and they were thrilled! Petting the dog, getting licked by the dog, licking the dog back, feeding it their chips and salsa, they could not have been happier.
So we're the freaks I guess. Every time I go someplace and see a dog and say to myself "Hmm, that doesn't really seem like an appropriate place to take your dog" there are inevitably a string of people stopping by to hump the dog's legs with joy, so that ship has sailed. You don't have a choice to be a dog person or not, it is inappropriate for anyone to expect not be around them.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least that the OP's guest would bring their dogs, from everything I have seen you are expected to welcome dogs everywhere in all situations.