Fan page picture Apple help..

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Jan 29, 2015
I'm trying to put a picture next to my name but I only own Apple products. It says I need to download a image editor but offers no advice for Apple products.
Originally posted by NugginsMcGruggins:
It(t) says

Actually, click on User Options (you will see it close to the top on the left hand side under the title of the board 'The Locker Room', enter pw if asked to authenticate, click on Message Board Options, enter URL for the image you want to use in the Avatar field, click Submit. HTH (hope this helps).

This post was edited on 3/4 2:15 AM by HulaNole

This post was edited on 3/4 2:21 AM by HulaNole
You know, when I click on my user name or anyone else's, it takes me to a "Fanpage Landing Page" - even though I know I had one set up in the past. Is it now a "premium" thing that us freeloaders can't access?
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